
Meeting the New Dog

The workers did not allow the girl to walk, and specified she must use all fours or expect brutal punishment. They also told her to wiggle her butt and stick out her tongue to appear like a real dog.

In addition, they told her to immediately run to the Young Master the minute she saw him appear and to bark excitedly at him. They told her that she must also lie obediently on her back, with her limbs curled, to beg him to pet her. She must, under no circumstance, speak like a human and she must also obey all the Young Master's whims without fault.

Soon, after reaching their destination, they left her. She waited out in the sun for almost an hour before finally spotting the Young Master. The Young Master was walking astride with his wife and daughter; his son was in his arms. His wife was wearing an elegant dress, astounding make-up and shining jewelry, directly contrasting the bare and naked appearance of the service girl scurrying around in the dirt. His daughter was wearing casual clothing, which was worth 100 times more than the service girl's entire savings, and strolling around with a carefree expression on her face, interacting pleasantly with nature and singing melodiously. His son was playing with his dad's beard, while begging him to let him on his back for a ride.

The three of them were all showered by the Young Master's love, unlike the service girl and her children.

Remembering the workers' instructions, she madly dashed towards the Young Master, not caring about how exposed she was to the bystanders. Barking, he attracted the family's attention.

The wife looked at the Young Master with a quizzical look which soon turned to a look of love. The wife remembered this dog and thought this was the surprise the Young Master had for her and her children.

The daughter was alerted by the bark, and she soon hid behind her mother's skirt at the sight of the weird, naked woman making her way towards her.

The son was also surprised, but when he saw the leash, he knew that it must be a dog.

The service girl, with her tongue sticking out, panted and got on her back, asking to be pet. After assuring his wife that the dog was just cleaned, he let his son off his back to play with it.

Unlike his daughter who was scared of the dog, the son took large strides towards it. He messed with her hair, played with her nipples, spread her lower regions with his fingers and mounted her. The Young Master instructed her to take him for a quick run in her current state, and she couldn't argue, even though she could hardly crawl with the son on her back.

After going for a short 5 minute run, the girl returned to the Young Master. She was panting and out of breath.

She wanted to fall flat on the floor, but the wife stopped her from doing so with a command.

The wife beckoned the girl over and used the tip of her shoe to lift the girl's chin. The wife took a good look at the girl's face before inspecting the other parts of her body, while commenting on the grade of the dog. The wife wasn't modest in her evaluation.

On looking at the girl's rather small chest, she gave out a cold laugh before claiming that the dog needed to be fed properly.

Seeing this, the daughter was rather confused. She knew for a fact that the thing in front of her was not a dog, but a girl. Even though her brother was tricked by the fact that it was wearing a leash, she knew better. After all, she was a girl herself. Hence, how could this thing in front of her, with body parts similar to hers, be a dog? The girl asked this question to her mother, only to hear her mother's enlightening reply.

The mother claimed that this was no girl, but a genuine dog. She referenced her daughter's etiquette lessons to prove this: no girl would behave in such a shameless manner. The thing in front of them thus could not be considered human.

The daughter seemed to understand and also felt less reserved in face of the dog. She was prompted by her father to pet it, and she did so reluctantly. At first she was very scared that she might be bit, but after hearing her father's constant encouragement and seeing the dog girl's "begging-to-be-pet" expression, she lost her fears. She tickled the dog and also mounted it, intending to go for a ride like her brother.

The service girl was already exhausted from the previous ride, but she could only hide her fatigue as she ran all around the park. The daughter was laughing all the while.

Upon returning back to the Young Master, the son made her play fetch with a frisbee. She was to run and catch the frisbee with her mouth. Whenever she missed, he would beat her ass with the cane his father gave him.

With a sore butt, bleeding knees and dirt-caked skin, the service girl was finally dragged to the main residence by the wife. The son and daughter both mounted her simultaneously and her limbs couldn't handle the strain well. She almost slipped numerous times due to the burden, but she made it through by sheer willpower. The Young Master kept giving her warning glares, so she had to persist.

As they arrived at the doorstep of the children's villa, the service girl was finally given some rest. Or so she thought.

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