

After I got really busy with my council work and my study so I didn't have much time doing my preverted thing which made me frustrated as I could not relief myself, as I became so addicted to exhibition stuff..

at beginning of rainy season that day was quite cloudy and weather was quite cold so I woke up quite late so I had to hurry as I sometimes didn't wear any bra, because of that I forgot to wear any bra that day and I also forgot bring a umbrela and when I realised both things it was already too late so I went to school as I was quite used without wearing bra, but I soon realised my mistake as that quite wind was blowing and because of that my nipples were getting hard...I somehow managed to reach school using my bag as my cover so no one knew though I looked quite ridiculous as someone guarding her school bag like something very precious.. after reaching school I went quickly to student council room and used tape on my nipples so it won't visible and went to my classroom, soon after the class stated I realised that I made a mistake the sticker I used were quite sticky so when i come down enough it would hurt quite bit and even if my nipples are irected little bit it would hurt so after homehow managing finishing first period I went to nurse office and told her everything and she used bandage as rapping to cover my breasts and with her help I homehow finished the classes after that I removed the bandage as it was quite as I stated wore bra very little after I started to go for home, on my way the rain started to fall quite hard as there was no cover I started to run but after some time it started even harder so I took shelter under a bridge..

as I was waiting I started feel very cold because of the cold wind and also my wet clothes were sticking on my body...

as I stated to think what should I do my brain started having wierd idea as I was only person and it was completely deserted so I thought I should remove my wet clothes but I was scared I never did this kind of thing out side but my mind told me I did more risky stuff than this which convinced my other part of my mind which was resisting

Before I strip started look around to see if there was anyone here after I confirmed that I was alone I started striping

I striped my shirt and my skirt and now I only was in panty as it wasn't that wet, after stripping I felt quite nervous so I cover my breasts with my hand, but the more the time passes more I became confident so stopped covering them but soon after that I started wierd idea what would happen if someone see what would and what should I say to, what if they attack me as I was thinking this my breath got heavier and heavier and not able to resist I started touching my self..

after cumming one time I come down enough to realise that now my panty was wet too but this didn't got me nervous but instead I was excited

after I removed my panty, I realised my socks were little wet from juice so took them out too, now I was completely naked out in open

becaming naked only made me more honrier as I wanted do more naughty stuff

so I started come out in the open little by little while looking around to see there was anyone after that started jumping in open laughing until rain started come down a little so I knew people would come out very soon so I quickly wore my dress and ran towards my home

later that night I caught a very nasty cold... which made me never do that again

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