
New understanding

Current time

Silent tears streamed down Jos's cheeks as she swirled the wine in the glass gripped tightly in her hands. The picture Arei's story had painted was far more painful than she would have ever imagined. The gruff, withdrawn hermit of a man began to make sense. All of his actions and judgments were now easily understood.

"Once his sentence was up, he moved to Maine and took over the lighthouse. He's had very little to do with man or gods. There is still work that only he can do for father…"

Jos sniffled, still staring down into the wine glass. "I… I had no idea… I've heard the tells before… I just assumed they were works of fiction. Humans tend to find traces of our world and formulate their own opinions… create their own twists… anything to make it more entertaining, it seems."

Arei nodded. "Yes, I suppose that can be said about anything they write from poems to texts." He reached over and took the glass from her hands and placed it on the nightstand beside him. Turning back to her, he hooked his finger under her chin and brought her gaze up to meet his. "I guess the point I'm trying to make by telling you all the traumatizing details is so that you can see you're not alone… in any of it. We've all done monstrous things, lost control, hurt people that we've loved… Triton's decision wasn't a direct blow to you and what you'd done… but more of a reflection of some of his own previous actions." His hand slid down her narrow neck and clutched the base as he pressed his forehead against hers. "And as much as I hate saying this, in a way, I agree with him. This isn't the work for you. You care too much… You are a protector. What father asked of you was unfair." He kissed the tip of her nose before pushing himself away. "I'm positive there is a place for you that you would accel at within father's court. We could work together… as a team…"

Jos nodded as she leaned against his hold on her. She rested her head against his chest and wrapped her arms around his thick torso. "I suppose that will be up to the council…"

Arei nodded. "Unfortunately so…" He gently held her away from him. "But I'll do what I can to help, as will everyone else in our family. As I said, I don't believe Tri's judgment was necessarily meant as a bad thing. Am I happy about it, no… but… I can see the reasoning as I'm sure the court will as well." He sent her a kind smile. "So… Is there anything else you'd like to know? Any questions?"

Jos forced a smile. "I'll have to think about it."

He chuckled as he pulled her back into his arms. "Very well." He placed a kiss on the top of her head as he slid them both down into the bed. "Why don't we get some rest then?"

Jos nodded against his chest. "Yeah… that sounds good."


Jos wrung her hands as she paced back and forth outside the main courtroom. It would be her turn once the large doors were opened and the current occupants were released.

Arei caught her shoulder and tugged her against his side. "Calm down, kitten. There's no reason to be so worried right now. Father assures me, you'll not be facing more charges, simply going under review for the current work-study and possibly selecting another one."

Jos's troubled eyes met his. "Then why hold it inside the courtroom? Why not one of the conference rooms instead?"

Arei blew out a frustrated breath. "I have no idea…" Movement from down the hall caught his attention. He gave Jos's shoulders a light squeeze. "Why don't you go out into the courtyard and get some fresh air? The cafeteria tea isn't the worst… I'll come to get you when they're ready for you, ok." He nodded towards Peg who'd glanced up from the papers he'd been reading through. "I need to have a word with Peg…" He placed a kiss on her head before releasing his hold on her.

Jos searched his eyes, but the man was great at hiding his emotions. She finally gave a curt nod and turned away. "I…I'll see you in a bit then…"

His lips pursed together as he reached out and caught her hand. He tugged her back to him and captured her lips fully. He waited patiently as the tension melted away from her rigid body. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her snuggly against him. "I love you." He whispered against her lips.

Jos swallowed hard. "I love you, too."

He smiled down at her. "Fresh air and tea… If you finish before I find you… come to the conference room over there." He pointed to a small room off to the side of the main courtroom.

Jos nodded as she tried her best to hide her disappointment as his warm embrace loosened around her again. She slowly turned, sending him a longing glance over her shoulder as she forced her feet to move.

With a chuckle, he gave her behind a light smack before letting his hand snake around her hip. "Get going before I lose my patients with you, toss you over my shoulder, and carry you right back to our room… And get us both in trouble…"

Her breath caught, and her eyes widened. "Ah… I…" He caught her chin and gave her a quick kiss, silencing her ramblings. When his hand slid away from her face, she stared up at him in surprise for a few seconds before quickly turning and scampering away.

Arei shook his head as he watched her leave. "God's, I love that crazy ass woman…"

Peg arched a brow as he followed his brother's gaze down the long hallway of the bottom floor of the embassy. "What did you say to her? I don't think I've ever seen her run from you quite so fast."

Arei chuckled as he slapped Peg lightly on the shoulder. "Don't worry about that. What did you find out?"

Peg blew out a heavy sigh. "Not a great deal. With everything going on right now, we may be able to delay things for a month or two… four at best… We're only a few days out from Russ and Jaden's wedding, so that's really not going to help much."

"What about Ry?"

Peg shook his head. "Still nothing." He followed Arei into the smallest conference room. As Arei was shutting the door, he spread the paperwork he'd been reviewing across the table. "Here are the candidates."

Arei paused as one file stood out from the rest. He pulled the file closer, reading through the information. "This has to be a joke, right?"

Peg shook his head. "No…It's obviously a last-ditch effort on Uncle's part… but so far he's refused…"


Jos blew the steaming cup of tea as she made her way to a bench inside the beautiful, relaxing gardens of the courtyard. She was so lost in thought that she didn't hear the tap of well-made dress shoes as they approached her.

"You seem to have a lot on your mind… Want to talk?"

Jos jerked at the familiar voice, spilling some of the hot tea on her bare thigh. "Ah, shit!" She called out as she tried in vain to brush away the hot water droplets.

Drake chuckled. It was easy to forget the beautiful woman awkwardly wiping tea from her leg was actually one of the most deadly creatures he'd ever come across. He cleared his throat as he handed her some of the napkins he'd gotten with his own cup of coffee. "Here." He lowered onto the bench beside her and studied her as she continued wiping at the raised red flesh. "Looks a bit angry. Do you need some ice?"

Jos shook her head, a frown curving her lips. "No… it will be fine." Her gaze moved sheepishly upward to meet his. "What brings you here?" She tugged anxiously at the hem of her skirt trying to cover up as much of her legs as she could.

His eyes caught her hand's movements, but he pretended to ignore them. He lifted his cup. "Worse coffee in the city, so of course I had to have a cup." He sent her a playful wink as he leaned back against the bench and let his gaze travel over the bright courtyard. He closed his eyes and breathed in the sweet floral scent as the sun's rays warmed his skin. "You know, not too long ago I'd been convinced I'd never feel the warmth of the sun again." He took in another slow, refreshing breath then blew it out even slower. "I have you and your friends to thank for that."

Jos looked away. "You have nothing to thank me for… perhaps plenty to hate me for, however…"

He peaked out from one eye, watching her. "You're wrong about that. I don't hate you… I never have." When her timid gaze turned back to his face, he opened both eyes and sat forward. He studied her quietly for a minute before finally speaking again. "You do amaze and baffle me, however…"

Jos frowned and scooted farther away from him. "That would probably be the curse… not me…"

"Hum… I don't think it is…"

Her head snapped back around. "What do you mean?"

He shrugged. "I mean, I believe your curse only works on men who are already attracted to or in love with you. For a man who is gay or completely devoted to someone else… I don't think it affects them." He loosened his tie and unbuttoned several buttons of his shirt. A smile widened his lips as he saw her blush and look away. "Jos… Look at me." He pulled the collar of his shirt away to reveal a perfect crescent scar on his shoulder. "I'm sure you recognize this mark and know what it means."

Jos's cheeks reddened more. She nodded as she averted her gaze.

With a chuckle, he righted his clothes. "Though I don't think it holds quite the same wealth of meaning and emotion for those like you and me as it does among the wolves themselves, it is still, in its own right, a declaration of love…" His eyes scanned her rigid form. "It makes it much easier to be in your presence. You're safe here with me. I'll not try anything, so relax… Ok?"

Jos turned back toward him as she gave a nod. "So… if not for the curse… what brought you over here then?"

"Can't a man just want to say hi?" He chuckled at the doubtful frown she sent him. "Alright, you caught me… I was curious… I wanted to test myself, I guess. I wanted to know if I'd still feel the same, or if what April and I have is enough to beat the pull you had on me." He watched as her frown melted away to curiosity.


"And it seems to be enough… Which only brings forth more realizations… more questions." His expression became serious as his attention focused on his coffee. "I know I've asked you this before, but how did you truly feel about my father?"

Jos shrugged. "Though I've thought about it a lot in the past months, my answer really hasn't changed. He was an incredibly charismatic man. It felt like we could have something real… something I didn't feel with Russ or anyone else since Arei… but…" She shrugged. "I guess he was just really good at hiding his true feelings… his true self… I can't hold that against him, though. I have done the same for so long that I'm not even sure who I truly am anymore myself."

Drake nodded. "Understandable… Did you hate him in the end?"

Jos shook her head. "No…"

"Then why kill him? Is it that easy for you to kill?"

Jos sucked in a shaky breath and blew it out slowly. "Once I shift or the curse activates, I have little control."

He tilted his head. "I find that hard to believe. Mattie is still alive."

"Yes, but look at the hell I put him through without knowing it." She scoffed.

Drake was silent for a long while. "But he's alive… You didn't hurt him at all physically…"

Jos thought back to what she remembered and had been told about the event. "True… but I think in a way the Kraken form has a way of passing judgment. Those I've killed have done horrible deeds… those left alive are innocent beings…"

"I see…" He leaned back again. "Makes sense." His head rested lazily against the back of the bench. "And what of those you love? Does the Kraken recognize them? Does it see the bad they have done?"

Jos blew out a frustrated breath. "I… hum… that one's a bit more complicated. I have only ever… with Russ and Arei… I know I've attacked Arei a few times, but he's always been able to hold his own against the Kraken form… As for Russ, I've only ever used that form to protect him."

"Because of love or because of his innocence?"

Jos's brow furrowed. "I don't know… Both maybe… My love for Russ and Arei are two very different types of love regardless, as to what has happened between us… however, you're right to assume Arei has a tainted past. He's had quite a bit of blood on his hands… But it's been in the name of war and duty…"

"But the judgment of the Kraken doesn't see the grey areas… only the simple black and white of innocence."

Jos nodded. "I guess."

He leaned forward and took a sip of his coffee. "Nice to know…" He glanced down at his watch before pushing up from the bench. "I should get going. Have a good rest of your day. I hope everything works out for you."

Jos sent him a weak smile. "Thanks, you too."

He sent her a wink. "I'm sure it will now. Thanks for the talk."

Jos watched him disappear back inside the Embassy. "That was odd… hum…" She blew out a frustrated breath. "I should probably head back as well…"

Arei and Peg were both waiting for her in front of the main doors of the court. She slid her hand into Arei's as the massive doors opened, allowing them entrance. As they neared the council box and the faces came into view, her mouth dropped in stunned disbelief. "Drake?" She whispered more to herself than anyone.

Arei bent. "Yes, it looks like he's accepted the position. He'll be Marcus's replacement from here on out."

So... Drake, good or bad?

Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts
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