
Coup of the Gods

Triton's eyes widened. "You are betraying him? You mustn't. He will punish you both." He'd already pulled her against him before he'd realized what he was doing. He shook his head as tears burned his eyes. "You most, if you do this."

"We have a stone clad plan. It will work." Arei protested. His brows wrinkled as he watched Athena cling to his brother. "Tell him, Athena."

Triton tugged her away and held her out at arm's length. "Well?"

She swallowed past the nervousness his steely gaze caused. "Arei is right. Our plan will not fail… cannot fail."

His frown deepened. "There is no way the two of you could bring down Zeus by yourselves." His eyes moved between them. "You are both the strongest I've ever trained, and you are both wise beyond your years… but this is too ambitious, even for the two of you." He cupped her cheek. "Forget your grudge." His eyes moved to Arei. "You as well. Honor Pellas by living your lives. Not risking them."

Arei stepped forward. "We will not risk a thing, for we shall not lose!"

Triton shook his head. "Foolish words from a foolish child. Heed my warning and back down."

Athena pressed her hand against his chest. "It is not foolish, and we shall not be alone. We have the backing of several others… others who are closest to Zeus…" Nausea grew in the pit of her stomach. "And he has joyously accepted my return to his side without question. We have no way of fail in this plan." She and Arei spent the better part of an hour explaining every detail of their plan.

Triton was left overwhelmed by conflicting emotions. "It is a brilliant plan… and success seems very likely… but where there is the chance of success there will always be a chance of failure. You mustn't risk your safety… either of you."

Arei straightened, bulking out his chest proudly. "We shall not fail, and if it seems we may, I will protect us all."

"I advise heavily against this plan. That is why you asked me here, yes? To offer advice?" Triton asked.

Both shook their heads at the same time. "We asked you here so that you know Pel will finally be avenged and be able to rest in peace." Arei replied.

Athena bit her lip as she fumbled with the fabrics of Triton's robes. "And I'd hoped to speak with you privately before we attack tonight."

His eyes widened. "You can't mean to carry out this plan tonight?!"

"We do and we will. You may stay and watch if you would like." Arei said proudly.

"No!" He clutched Athena's shoulder as he stepped forward and grabbed hold of Arei. "You can't! This is too dangerous."

Arei shook his head. "We can."

Triton's eyes widened more. "No, at least give me some time to-"

"The plan has already been put into motion… The others have already begun their parts in the plan." Athena replied.

Triton released his hold on them both and quickly ran from the cave. His eyes moved around the thick, heavy mask of the night's sky. It had grown darker, not a star in the sky… nor the moon herself. His worried eyes moved to Athena and Arei who had followed him out. "Wha…"

Athena smiled with satisfaction as she looked around. "It has started. Hera has convinced Hypnos to help us, and his mother has extended her protective arms to shield him." Her smile widened. "Apollo has done his part as well, I see. Selene shall not cast her glow on this night. He has eclipsed her with the help of Gaia."

Triton shook his head in complete disbelieve. "I must go to father!" He lifted his hands, calling to sea to him. The rapid speed of the water's carrying arms was not fast enough for him. He darted into a full sprint the millisecond land was within reach, making his way through the eerie darkness as fast has his legs would carry him. He stormed through the palace doors and called out loudly. "Father! It's urgent! Where are you!"

Poseidon appeared at once before him. "What is it? Was Athena's news that shocking?" He shrugged. "I'll admit I wouldn't have expected it but-"

"She and Arei have plotted a coup! It is happening as we speak! They're in danger!" Triton cried out in panic.

Tension flooded Poseidon's usually relaxed body. His expression grew stricken and serious as he clutched Triton's arm. In a blink they were in the privacy of his office. "Tell me, what have they planned!"

Triton recited the exact word Athena had told him and gave a detailed description of what he'd seen. "You must go at once! You must help them."

Poseidon gritted his teeth in worry. "Get your girls and get far away. This could go poorly for us all. I will find a way to contact you once it is finished."

Triton nodded as he rapidly turned and ran from the office. He quickly found the girls and Yuri huddled up by a warm fire in one of the studies reading as always. "We must leave! Now!"

Yuri's eyes widened. "What are you talking about? What's going on?"

"I have no time to explain now. We are all in danger! We must flee! The palace isn't safe!"

Her mouth dropped and her eyes widened more. "But! But! My sister! I cannot leave her behind, especially if she could be in danger as well!"

"Find her and tell her to gather her things! We must leave immediately!" He ordered her as he scooped both girls into his arms.


Hera looked around the small group gathered inside her quarters. A pleased smile curved her lips. "I think you all for being her tonight. I know seeing each of your faces tonight, seeing our plan begin to take form; We shall not fail tonight!" Her eyes moved over the faces stopping on Athena. She had hated the girl from the second she'd discovered another illegitimate child would be born to her husband, but the girl had proven most useful of late. She'd been hesitant and skeptical when the girl had first approached her, but soon she'd been bedazzled by the girl's intellect. The girl had lain out the most strategic of plans, one that was devoid of fault. Every detail had been carefully thought out and accounted for. She walked over and caressed the girl's cheek warmly. "You have done an amazing job my dear."

Athena blushed. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Hera sent her a pleased smile before stepping away and addressing the others. "Keep yourselves hidden until I give you the signal." She sauntered over to the beautiful silver-haired man standing quietly by the windows. Her eyes wandered up along his delicate yet masculine body. He was the complete opposite of her husband. A smirk twisted the corners of her lips. {If I must fulfill my promise to this one… it shall not be the worst… No, on the contrary… it should be quite pleasurable.} His shimmering violet eyes found and held hers as she neared him. She reached out to idly adjust his robes, enjoying his hard, cold flesh beneath her fingers. She gazed up at him as she whispered in a seductively low voice. "Are you ready? Shall we go to the bedroom?"

He nodded as he clasped his hand over hers, pressed it firmly against his chest. He stepped away from the wall, not taking his hypnotizing gaze from hers. "Lead the way, my Queen." His voice came out as a silken purr, sweeter than any lullaby.

She smiled back at him and lead him from the room. Outside the massive doors, she turned and placed lingering kiss to his full, cold lips. Before he could deepen the kiss, she slid her index finger between their lips. "Sh… You must stay quiet until the opportune time."

He clasped her hand and sucked her finger into his mouth. "As you wish, My Queen."

Her smile widened. "Then let us do this." She pushed the door open to her husband's bed chamber. "Dear? Are you still awake?"

Zeus's eyes lifted from the book he'd been reading by the fire. He arched a brow as he set it to the side. "What shall I thank for this unexpected visit?"

Hera swayed her hips seductively as she glided to his side. She lowered herself to her knees at his feet, resting herself over his lap. "Should I have a reason for wanting to see my husband?"

His eyes roamed hungrily over her. Her pert breast rested against his knees, nearly busting from the emerald robes she wore. He reached out and tugged the elaborately decorated pins from her hair, watching as the golden locks fell down around her porcelain face. "Shall I take this to mean you are no longer angry with me?"

She moved her gaze to her hands as she traced patterns against his bare thigh peeking out from his toga. "I could never stay mad at you, husband."

He clasped her cheek, digging his fingertips almost painfully behind the sharp curve of her jaw. He forced her gaze up to meet his. "Is that so?" His brows furrowed as he lifted one of the many layers of delicate, golden chains around her neck. "Those are nice. Where did you get them?"

"Hephaestus… you know how he is…" She caught his hand and brought it to her mouth. She held his gaze as she seductively kissed and nipped his hand, spending extra time sucking and licking his fingertips.

His eyes narrowed "I see…"

She forced her emotions down as she pushed on hoping to distract him from his suspicions. "I came to beg your forgiveness. Shall you forgive me for my jealousy and foolishness?"

He ran the pad of his thumb across her lips. "And what form of begging do you plan this night, My Love?"

She tilted her head, forging sweet innocence. "What is it my husband would like from me?" She teasingly slid her hands under his robes. She massaged her fingers into the corded muscles of his thighs as she worked her way toward his groin. "Perhaps I should please my husband with my hands?"

He grunted in agreement as he shifted his hips and worked free his toga to give her better access. His cock sprang free eagerly. He held her gaze, raw hunger burning in the blue depths, daring her to fulfill her offer. He watched as she gripped his shaft with one hand and took his sack in the other. He groaned as she needed his heavy scrotum in rhythm with the long, slow strokes against the length of his shaft. He pressed her bottom lip down with his thumb revealing her perfect teeth and pink gums. He forced his thumb past her teeth and into her mouth. He plunged it in and out, spreading her saliva over her lips with each withdraw of his thumb from her mouth. With a growled moan, he retracted his thumb and tangled his hand into her thick hair. He pulled her head toward his shaft and waited until she opened her mouth obediently. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back as she took him into her mouth. "Ha yes, Love… just like that." He arched his hips upwards and roughly guided her mouth along his shaft with the tight hold of her hair.

Tears burned her eyes from the choking sensation of his long shaft pressed deep inside her throat. She prayed he would soon be ready to move this to the bed so that Hypnos could carry out his end of the plan, but to her surprise, he appeared behind Zeus. His hands were already clasping each side of the heavenly God's temples before she had a chance to react. Zeus's hands fell away and his body relaxed beneath her.

Hypnos released his hold. His brilliant eyes held hers. "I could not watch as he disrespected you so, My Queen."

His soft voice and pensive gaze held her in place for several long moments. She forced the fog from her mind and quickly pushed up from the floor. She tugged the chain from her neck and tossed an end to Hypnos. "Here, we must work quickly."

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