
All you need to know

He came up beside her, "Um, you can follow me this way. It's been an incredibly long time since I've had a girl over so…" He set his hand on the small of her back and guided her through the garage toward the door of the main house. "Sorry about pulling straight in here, I'm not trying to give off a 'serial killer' vibe, I just prefer when people don't know when I'm home." He followed her gaze as she slowed down when they passed by the trio of motorcycles. "If you'd like to go for a ride later, I'd be more than happy to take you."

She blushed thinking about what it would involve riding on the back with him, "I don't know if that would be the best idea, but they are nice." She continued walking stepping away from his hand that had been guiding her. She turned the handle of the elaborate door, then shot him a questioning glance as it opened easily. "You don't lock your doors?"

He shrugged a playful tease in his tone as he answered, "Who's going to break in on a vampire?" His eyes sparkled as he smiled at her making direct contact, the glasses pushed atop his head. When she blushed and looked away, he stepped closer and asked, "What is it?" He tugged her face up to meet his gaze, "Having second thoughts about being alone with a vampire?"

She held his gaze, though his eyes weren't glowing as brightly as they were on the beach earlier, they still had an incandescence that was mesmerizing. "It's not that, It's, just that…" her face heated more as she fought to pull her face away. When he wouldn't let go she swallowed hard and whispered, "Your eyes are stunning. It's a shame you hide them so often."

He suddenly released her as surprised once again overtook his features. He gave a shy smile, his cheeks stained with a faint blush as he replied. "I'm sorry... I was intentionally trying to disarm you, but you answer with such honesty." His voice softened to a near whisper, "You are constantly surprising me."

She didn't reply but instead turned and pushed the door the rest of the way open. He nudged her through the door as he followed behind her. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the dim recess lights illuminating for down the hallway. She was standing in what must be the mudroom, with neatly organized shelves and hooks above a leather covered storage bench. There was a wetsuit casually hung on one of the hooks but nothing else. Her eyes trailed over the sleek polished marble tile running throughout the areas as far as she could see. Her eyes trailed up the walls landing on a beautiful set of ship paintings that someone had framed and lit perfectly. She walked closer to the painting and ran her fingers along the contour of the waves.

Xavier came up behind her, "Do you like art?"

She nodded, "Yes, very much." She spoke as she continued looking over the paintings. "I work as a curator of a gallery in town. I also work as a teaching assistant on campus."

"Really? I pegged you as more of a student." His breath tickled the back of her neck.

She stepped to the side and met his gaze. "I'm working on my graduate degree now, so I work with undergraduate classes."

He smiled down at her, unable to hide his happiness to have her so close. He took a step toward her. Her cheeks colored as she averted her gaze and stepped away. A surge of excitement shot through his body as he realized she wasn't backing away because he was a vampire, rather because he was a man and she was a woman. His smile widened as he stepped around her to move farther down the hallway. {Patents, patents…} He kept repeating to himself. It was all that was keeping him from slamming her against the wall and taking her right there in the mudroom. He walked into the kitchen and was rummaging through the refrigerator, "I'm sorry I don't have too much to offer." His voice was muffled by the large double doors of the refrigerator.

Joslyn let her eyes travel over his obviously unused kitchen. It was every chef's dream with a six burner gas range, a pot filling spout over the back eye, double ovens, a large double sided sink, and a large bar in the center of the room. Her phone vibrated once again; she glanced down at it to see it had completely died. She huffed out a sigh before tossing it up onto the counter. She watched as Xavier popped up from inside the giant stainless-steel fridge with a bottle of water in his hand. He closed the door and walked over to where she stood. "I can't tell you the last time a non-vamp was here…" he shrugged a grin spread across his face, "My housekeeper is even a vampire."

She took the water, "Hum… I didn't realize there were so many in the area."

He shrugged, "It's a good location for non-violent vamps who can move freely in the daylight." He watched the questions form in her mind as the words left his lips. "I guess I should elaborate. So, you know the myths about vampires not being able to go out in the sun, even bursting into flames in the sun. Well, there is some truth behind it." He took her free hand and guided her farther into the house. He kept his grip loose so she could pull away whenever she liked and wouldn't feel trapped.

She came to a dead stop as her mouth dropped in awe. "Wow, Xavier, this is amazing!" The entire end of the living room was glass doors that had been left open. A lavash lazy river ran along both sides of his spacious outdoor living space, dumping into a large infinity pool overlooking the ocean.

He smiled down at her, "Would you like to talk out there instead of in here?"

"Yes, please." She said as she began walking to the large open doors, still holding his hand.

He led her to the large sectional directly in front of the pool. He reluctantly released her hand but decided against his better judgment and sat down beside her. He leaned back against the plush cushions of the sectional as the light fragrant breeze from the ocean tossled his hair. "Anyways, as I was saying. There is some truth behind the myths of vampires and the sun. You see, everything you've heard about us all revolves around blood consumption."

She pulled her attention away from the waves crashing in the distance and met his eyes before asking, "Blood consumption?"

He nodded, "Yes, the more blood we drink the stronger we become, our abilities become more effective…"

She interrupted him again, "Abilities?"

He smiled, he would have never imagined he would be having this conversation with someone he only barely knew. "It differs per vampire, but we can all manipulate minds to an extent, have abnormal strength, heightened senses… You know the stereotypical vampire things." When she nodded and looked back out over the beach, he continued, "Anyways, I can freely move around in the sun because I consume supplemental blood for the most part. I'm able to optimize my abilities this way, as the supplement was formulated by vampires for vampires. Unfortunately, many vampires prefer to drink from living hosts and even that is ok to an extent... but when the host is unwilling or killed the body of the victim releases a toxin into the bloodstream causing the vampire to have somewhat of an allergic and sometimes deadly reaction to sunlight. The more victims the more toxins that build until eventually, the vampire can't go into the sun... My brother is one of those vampires who can no longer go out into direct sunlight." He realized he had said too much when her head jerked around to him, he ran his hand through his hair before continuing. "I could tell when your friend shook my hand that she sensed that I was different. I had hoped to take care of this issue with my brother quietly without getting you more involved than you already were." He leaned toward her and clamped his hands down over hers, "I'm truly sorry for all this but believe me when I say I will do my best to fix this situation as quickly as possible."

Her gaze dropped to their hands, various questions ran through her mind, "Why, what do you mean situation with your brother?"

Xavier furrowed his brow. {Does she suspect nothing out of the ordinary?} He thought carefully before replying. "He has harassed you, hasn't he?" He let go of her hands and grabbed her face on either side forcing her gaze up to his, his eyes taking on a slight glow, "Listen to me, I will make him stop whatever it is he's doing not only because it's my responsibility as his brother but because I care for you and what happens to you." He bent down to capture her lips but when she began to fight against his grip he chose to kiss her forehead instead. "Sorry, I don't even know why I care so much…" he looked away from her a faint blush coloring his cheeks.

Joslyn giggled, causing him to look back at her in surprise. She let out another giggle, "Sorry, I'm not laughing at you. It's just…" she giggled again, "I didn't know vampires could blush! And you're just so serious." She covered her mouth as she fell back against the cushions with more giggles.

Her laughter was contagious. He lifted up sliding his long legs up under him. "Oh, yea? You think that's funny?" he pushed up over her on his knees and quickly moved down over her, grabbing onto her sides as he moved over her. Just as shock and worry began to touch the corners of her expression he began to tickle her. She began laughing hysterically as she tried to wiggle out of his grip. {I could spend the rest of eternity listening to this beautiful creature's melodious laughter and it still wouldn't be long enough... Is... Is this what love feels like?} His own thought surprised him. Suddenly he set back onto his heels. He grabbed hold of her hands and pulled her up, "I should probably get you home before it gets too late... unless you'd like to stay here…" He quickly added when her eyes nearly popped out of her head. "I mean, I have a large guest room." He quickly stood up and pulled her up with him as he headed toward one of the lazy rivers. He stopped in front of another large glass slider. He pushed it open and led her inside. He glanced around the room before finally finding the lamp and turning it on. "Sorry, I don't come in here very often." He waited until he was sure she had taken in the full room before he continued, "this is the guest room, rooms… guest house, I guess… you're free to use it if you want to." He turned around to face her and added, "I have quite a bit of business to take care of this week so I won't be a bother to you." He looked down at her hopefully.

She chuckled, "Shouldn't it be me begging you to stay here? This looks like a 5-star villa."

He shrugged, "Well if you insist." She pushed him playfully against the chest, but he clamped his hand over hers and held her tight for a minute gazing into her eyes as he said seriously, "I hope you will consider it, I would feel better knowing you were safe."

Her smile faded as she looked up into his glimmering eyes. Her expression softened as she replied, "I'll think about it, but I really need to go home tonight."

He released her hand and stepped away averting his gaze. {Not only safe from his brother and the chaos he was currently causing but from her wolf pup lover...}

She could see him squinting his eyes tightly in the reflection of the mirror over the dresser they stood by. She extended her hand out to him without thinking, "Are you ok?" She asked concern heavy in her voice.

When he turned his head toward her and finally opened his eyes, they were emanating a spectacular glow unlike she had never seen. "I'm really struggling to keep from manipulating you to stay."

"Oh…" Her complexion paled as she lowered her hand and backed away from him, "I see. I'll just take a cab or something." She began walking toward the doors opposite the one they had come in through.

He moved at superhuman speed to block her way, his eyes still glowing brightly. "No, there's no need. I'll drive you, it's fine."

She froze where she was unable to look away from the large mesmerizing orbs focusing so intensely down onto her. She nodded her head not breaking eye contact with him.

His gaze got more intense as he grasped her cheek in one hand and began lowering his lips down to hers. Her quick intake of breath snapped him out of the haze he was in. He lowered his hand and quickly turned away from her. He moved quickly toward the door, "Follow me, I need to grab a few things then I'll be ready to leave." He glanced back at her, she simply stood there staring at his back. He let out a sigh, "If you need it, the bathroom is just through that door." He pointed to the opposite wall of the room he had just walked into. "This is all part of the guest room. I'll meet you in the kitchen when you're finished." He quickly walked through the door directly in front of him.

She stood in the center of the room still trying to work out in her head what had just happened. {He confessed to being a vampire, told all there was to know about his kind, admitted to his powers, let it be well know he was still interested in her, yet still willingly held himself back.} She walked through the door into a small living room kitchen combo. It was decorated in a cute beachy cottage décor. She made her way across the room into the small full bathroom that had matching décor as the other rooms. Her eyes trailed to the mirror over the small vanity. numerous bandages covered her face and neck. {No wonder it was so easy for him to hold back... I look like a victim from one of those crime TV shows.} She trailed a finger along the bandage on her shoulder. {Had the doctor known what this bite meant? Does that mean he thought Russ left the scratches on my face too?} She let out a heavy sigh. She quickly finished her business and made her way back out to the main living area. Xavier was standing in the expansive living room staring out at the night sky. Her light footsteps brought his attention back to her. He had put on a pair of sunglasses with a light tenting that you could still see the coloring of his eyes through.

"Ready?" He asked as he finished his drink in his left hand.

There was a faint red stain to the glass as he carried it into the kitchen and placed it into the deep sink. She didn't have to guess what it was as her eyes followed him around the room. There was a distant atmosphere surrounding him that hadn't been there earlier. She followed behind him grabbing her cell phone from the bar as they walked toward the mudroom and out the garage door. Her eyes drifted over to the motorcycles as they passed by them once again.

He chuckled finally breaking the silence, "Sure you don't want to ride one instead?"

She let out a nervous laugh as she continued passed them envisioning the closeness that would be involved in riding it with him, "That's ok, I'll pass for now."

If you want to see art and other fun bits involving Strange Love find me on Instagram, twitter, facebook, deviant art, and/or patreon. Simply search for the #strangelove or Jacquia/Jacquiacomics. Also the comic is on webtoons. I wish there was a way to post some of the art that goes along with the chapters on here!

edited 8/7/20

Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts
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