
I Do

Silence ensued for a few seconds before everyone went back to bickering. They were disinterested in everything but the argument at hand.

"Are you out of your mind?!" a man dressed in green called out whilst pointing an accusing finger at someone dressed in red.

"That is a horrible idea!" someone else chimed in agreement.

"Are you crazy, Duke Han?!"

"At least I passed the Imperial Exams with a full score, you dimwit! Don't call me crazy when you're stupid!" Duke Han retorted, ignoring all of the irritable men in front of him.

"Bah! We all saw the writing you wrote on your wrist during the examination!" the man in green stated. "You damn cheater!"

"That is a sorry excuse of a law, you must be out of your mind!" he added.

"How dare you! Don't you dare question my decision when you didn't get a perfect score!" Duke Han seethed. 

Arguments and roars of displeasure continued onwards. 

Li Xueyue could do nothing but gawk. 

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