

"Haha! Brother Lin, I would be more than delighted to answer your questions. Ask away!" Qiang Tian Kuang smiled happily hearing Zhu Long accepting his offer.

Qiang Tian Kuang was a keen observer, even though he couldn't sense any qi from Zhu Long's body, he knew the man was someone not to be underestimated.Deep in his heart, Qiang Tian Kuang sensed that the young man in front of him can be considered on par with his power or greater.

"Could you elaborate on the Demon situation? Since when did the barbarous demons have roles like Captains?" Zhu Long said in a confused manner. Since he was young, the only things he heard about demons were their barbarous nature and the mayhem they caused when they attacked small villages. They would eat humans as they were nothing, torture children for fun and even violate the women.

"Hmm, it seems like you might not even be from The Southern or Eastern continent. Brother Lin, it seems like you have traveled a long way. Well, it doesn't really matter. In order for you to understand about the demons, I think I should tell you the history of those demons."

Qiang Tian Kuang gathered his thoughts together as he explains the history of the demons.

"It all started with Sathanas, the demon who single handedly united all the demons. He created armies within the demon and with his unique power, he could raise the power of the strongest demons and evolve them into a new sub-species called High-Demons. Among those High-Demons, there were 6 that stood out. But it doesn't matter anymore. Half of those have already died by now. Only 3 remain, Lucifer, Leviathan and Lilith."

"Currently, The Southern and Eastern Continents have to face Lilith's army. It is said; that all the High-demons run their army separately and Lilith's army is more managed having ranks even among the troops. It is also a lot more organized than other demon armies. Most ranks are done according to the strength of the demon but that is the only thing we know of Lilith's army." Qiang Tian Kuang explained in a serious manner trying not to miss any important details.

'To think such information exist, but I'm sure the higher ups of Dragon Empire knew about it already and didn't bother disclosing it to us' Zhu Long thought. After listening to Qiang Tian Kuang explanation, he realized he seemed to understand more about the demons.

Suddenly, a thought came into Zhu Long's mind."Brother Qiang, You spoke of 3 High-Demons that are not living amongst us, but didn't explain who killed them nor told me the Demon King's current situation."

"Brother Lin, you seem to know nothing about the demons but I guess being a sectless cultivator has many disadvantages, one being lack of information."Qiang Tian Kuang responded to Zhu Long's questions. He was astonished by Zhu Long's lack of knowledge. Even powerless mortals knew about the demons but this mysterious young man that he had found unconscious in the woods knew nothing about the demons.

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore. I'll tell you everything that I know about the demons. Firstly, answering your question, the three High-Demons that I talked about were killed off by strong cultivators from the Fire Sanctum, The strongest Supreme First Sect. I heard that they went to the base of those High-Demons and assassinated them, but who knows, it could be all false tails."

Qiang Tian Kuang showed such incredulity on his face as he sighed heavily.

"How could they possibly sneaked into the most powerful High-Demons based and even kill 3 of them but... it doesn't matter. In the end, 3 of those High-Demons are dead. I did hear a rumor that those 3 were the weakest and the current 3 remaining and on another level in terms of strength. "

"About the Demon King, I don't really know of his current situation. But I think it isn't only me but even the most powerful Human cultivators have no idea on his whereabouts. There's a popular speculation around that the Demon King may have been the Demon Dragon. The reason for the speculation is that around the time Demon Dragon started to act wildly and do all those vile activities. Conclusively, Demon King had stopped appearing since then. Even if Demon Dragon and Demon King may not be the same, there might be a connection between them. That is all I know about the Demon King."

Qiang Tian Kuang paused for a few seconds to gather his breathe then continued on.

"Lastly, I'll tell you my opinion about Lilith. Lilith is a bit different from the other demons. Her motivations seem weird... Sometimes, she sends troops to sects and completely massacre all the strong cultivators but leaves the weak ones alone. She never sends troops to villages. Even though the other High-Demons always send demon troops to villages to be eradicate them and be consumed by their powers. But that was until recently when everything seemed to change. Demons started to attack villages and brutally killed off everyone ignoring the fact that they were weak. Her troops are still in proper formation and still have the ranking but something felt off about her leadership."

Zhu Long was intrigued to know about Lilith character. Somehow, he sensed something odd must have happened to why there was a sudden change in her attacks. He stayed muted and continued to listen to Qiang Tian Kuang explanation.

"I've speculation that the other High-Demons disliked that fact that she spared the weak and somehow might have done something to her. But again that is my speculation and it wouldn't be a surprise if Lilith was just doing that to keep our guard down and kill a whole bunch of people at one."

"Anyways Brother Lin, I've told you everything I know about the demons. I hope that the information I gave you can be of any help for you," Qiang Tian Kuang spoke as he have explained everything he knew about demons to Zhu Long. He looked into Zhu Long's eyes as he thought of something.

'That's a lot of information to handle. It seems like there are a lot of things that I didn't know until now. No matter what, I must train more and get stronger! Only then, will I be able to fight in the war against the Demons. That reminds me, why hasn't Old Yang said anything yet. It's as if he isn't in my spiritual world anymore. It does seem odd.' Zhu Long's mind was muddled. He then thought about all the types of training Old Yang had taught him.

"Brother Lin!"

A voice suddenly crashed Zhu Long's concentration.

"Yes brother Qiang." Zhu Long said in a serious tone. Zhu Long had already guessed what Qiang Tian Kuang would say but let him talk anyways.

"How about we spar a bit?Even though I can't sense any qi from your body, I have a feeling that you are powerful. So I just can't resist the urge to exchange blows with you!" Qiang Tian Kuang looked eagerly at the man itching to test his skill.

Hope you guys liked it!

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