
[Bonus chapter] Five Berths 

Six days had passed since I came back, and I am healing at speed I never have throught possible when I began six days ago.

After just two days of healing, Ive discarded the healing formations which I have designed with Grandmaster Charline. Those were designed from the data I had gotten from the Rai and were quite inefficient compared to the new ones I had designed after getting the new data.

Each day, I would perfect the formation, which would bring greater and greater enhancements in the healing formation. 

"Finished finally." Grandmaster Rekha said as she fell down on the surface of the coffin with tiredness, not caring for her dignity of being a Grandmaster. Though she does not have to worry about it since all of us here are Grandmaster.

"I had not believed it when I heard, I will be healing four Grandmasters in a day." Said Grandmaster Johanson as he vaporized respiration that had covered his whole body.

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