

I had never thought I would also be in receiving end when I fed Ashlyn the corrupted Solidified Soul.

A second ago, when I was cooking, I had noticed there is change happening in my Soul, my Soul power is slowly increasing. First, I did not sense it as the pure soul power merging with my Soul at the languid speed, but as time passed, I finally able to detect it as it actively affected my Soul.

Ashlyn had eaten the that Solidified Soul, which was very corrupted, and now she is transferring a tiny bit of soul power to me, and it is extremly pure; not a single bit of impurity or corruptness could be felt from it.

I might even say that the level of purity of soul energy that Ashlyn is transferring in me higher than the purity of my Soul. It felt like this pure energy that Ashlyn releasing me clear stream water that merging into a river that contains barely drinkable quality water, that is the difference between the two.

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