
Chapter Eight

After several months at Celestial Wood College, I began to grow on the place. The architecture and wonderful plant-life was so beautiful and it amazed me each day I woke up. No matter what, I always smiled once I opened my eyes. I immediately would sit in front of the window next to my bed and stare for an hour before preparing for class. The sun rise was always so extravagant and always prepped me for an amazing day.

"Morning, Flame," Mark said, sitting up. Ever since our bonfire incident over two weeks ago, Mark has been making comments towards me as the "Human Torch." During the Party we attended, I had been dared to jump in the big bonfire. Me, being the spontaneous person I am, did so, setting my clothes aflame while I ran around and jumped into the lake, doing a flip mid-air as well to get some kicks before diving into the water to cool off.

"Morning," I replied, dragging my gaze from the breath-taking scenery outside to the man with bed-head and a grey tee on with only a pair of boxer shorts. Since I've grown use to the boys with no pants on, this apparel doesn't faze me.

As I sat up in bed, a smile grazed my face. Today was Halloween.

We had no classes today.

I stretched before flopping back in bed. Halloween was always my favorite holiday and our college was hosting a Halloween party tonight! All of the guys and I were going. Thing was, we were going as the Scooby-Doo gang! And even better, Jack was dressing as Daphne. God, the look on his face when he heard about that.

He wanted to be Velma instead, which I would've given it to him, except I had an orange dress and glasses that were perfect for the occasion, and they only fit me.

So Jack sucked it up, still very upset. He continued playing video games all day with the guys while I read in my bed.

By the time rolled around for the party, I quickly changed in the bathroom. I didn't own a lot of makeup, so I mostly just had mascara with my mid-thigh cotton orange dress. I messed with my hair a bit to try and get the length of Velma's hair, not wanting to wear a wig. Once my heels were on and I was ready, I popped on my glasses before heading out.

Waiting for me was Dark dressed as Shaggy, Anti dressed as Scooby, Jack as Daphne, and Mark as Fred. All of them looked completely ridiculous and I knew I did too. But their lingering eyes said otherwise. Feeling self-conscious, I straightened my dress out and played with the hem.

"Are you guys ready?"

They snapped out of their daze, nodding their heads and beginning to exit. I followed in suit after grabbing my purse and dorm key.

We headed down to the main building, a large area cleared out specifically for our party. Black and strobe lights showed us the way while fake spider webs and bats remained above us. The whole campus was practically there, singing and dancing to some of the dumb newest releases.

Looking around for the snack table, I bee-line my way over there. It carried tons of Halloween treats like pumpkin cupcakes, ghost cookies, spider chocolate, et cetera.

I grabbed a plate and stacked it with treats, nibbling on them every once in a while and returned back to my friends.

They seemed in awe of the party. The two boys from Neverwood immediately ran off, searching for the booze. Jack went off to go speak to one of the friends he made, Tanner, I believe. Mark was the only one who stuck with me.

We decided to roam around. That is, until I realized I left my phone back in the room. I thought it was in my purse, but it clearly wasn't.

Asking Mark to go with me, he does. We follow the stairs back up, since the elevators were busy. Approaching the room, I take out my keys and unlock the door. Mark proceeds to shut the door behind me while I look for my phone.

After two minutes of searching, I feel a large pair of hands place themselves on my waist. Before I'm able to turn around, a face full of scruff tickles my neck. I stifle a giggle.

Turning me around, Mark gazes into my eyes, his own eyes clouded with mischievous intent. He pins me directly to the wall behind me. His mouth claiming mine in a slow, deep kiss. I kiss back, my lips following in his lead. He lets out a groan as I begin to rub my hips against his crotch.

Mark's hand caresses my thigh, slowly trailing upward and underneath the dress. He moves my panties aside, his fingers playing with my clit. Now it's my turn to release a moan. He smiles against my lips, his hand adding another finger as he begins to pump.

His other hand releases me from the wall as it squeezes my ass, forcing me to jump and wrap my legs around his waist. His fingers remove themselves from inside me, leaving me upset. But he's clearly not done yet. He strategically slips off my panties, leaving my legs still wrapped around him as he drops his pants and underwear.

Feeling his bulge beneath me, he strips off my dress and bra after taking off his own shirt. His hands roam my breasts, along with his mouth. He takes one hand and places it on my hip, lining me up. Just as he's about to enter me, he freezes. His eyes open and he stares at me, both of us breathing heavy.

He shuts his eyes, gently setting me down as he pulls his pants and underwear back up, leaving him shirtless. I put on my own clothes, sitting in silence.

After what seems like ages, he speaks.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

I was about to reply, but he left the room, grabbing his shirt.

Sighing, I head into the bathroom, stripping myself again and hopping in the shower. The warm water pounds on my back. I moan in content to the water. But is short-lived as I get out and changing, throwing on a loose T-shirt and tiny shorts.

Heading back into the room, I see the guys in there, talking. Everybody looks at me as I enter, except Mark. Then they go back to talking.

I shrug my shoulders and lay down on my bed, grabbing one of my books beneath my bed and opening it, continuing on from where I left off.

Not even five minutes later, the guys state they're leaving to go pick up some snacks for another movie tomorrow. At first, I thought I'd be alone, that is, until Anti plopped on my bed and said he was staying.

I rolled my eyes, focusing on my story. Anti kept trying to get my attention. Poking me, whistling, grabbing at my shirt, it's like he was a puppy wanting attention.

Once I looked at him, he smiled, his hands reaching for my book and ripping it out of my clutches. I glared at him.

"Don't be that way. I want fun." He drags out the last word like it's a party.

He leaped on top of me, pinning my arms and legs to my bed.

"I'm going to pleasure you for the time being. Then, you'll see what I want in return."

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