
I want dessert

While looking around of house I said "time to clean a little" and I go with what I said. At first, I start to vacuum all around the house. Most of the time I spend close to doors was been a lot of dirt from our coming in and out. While I finish with it all I go to the living room. It takes me some time but when I finish with all rooms I could see that its finally clean and nowhere is some dirt.

"Good now time to make it dirty one more time," I said and while coming to the kitchen. When I did this I could see that its only 30 minutes to food be ready. While seeing it I start cleaning what I make dirty. After cleaning by hand most of things I open trash bin to throw away the rest of the paprika. When I did this bad smell comes to me "fuck" I said while throwing what I wanted and I go out. While I start walking down by steers while the elevator doesn't want to work.

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