
Demise- Part 2

Sabbi stepped away from the house with Judith trailing closely behind her, walking towards the forest while she waited for Mila to arrive back as she was still digging Avalon's body. She hadn't spoken a word since they had left the house but she could sense the little girl's gaze on her. 

Judith smiled, the smile going back to ear to ear, she asked Sabbi, "Did you love him, mistress?" The girl didn't mind the death, the more the merrier and she preferred it this way where her mistress wouldn't have distractions. Though both Sabbi and Judith appeared to look young, they were far from that age. 

The blue-eyed girl didn't respond to Judith's question and instead stood quietly looking at the trees that shook around them, "Who is the next witch in line?"

"There's Gratten. He had some issues with humans. I think he will join us without a problem," Judith gave out the information with her hand that was placed next to her face. 

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