
Tattle tale- Part 2

Penny offered Damien's elder sister a warm smile, "Good morning, Lady Maggie," she still found it hard to greet her just by her name as they had started to know each other through their status when Penny had first come here. I am glad to be back. Did you meet my friend Caitlin?" Maggie raised her eyebrows as no one had introduced them. 

"Oh- Hello, I am Maggie. Damien's sister," Maggie introduced herself by leaning forward and Penny leaned back to make way as she sat between them. 

Caitlin didn't hold herself from greeting the woman, "It is good to meet you, Lady Maggie. I am Caitlin," Penny found it hard to not introduce her not as her aunt as the words had come until the tip of her tongue.

"It is good to see Penelope make friends out there in Valeria. How is cousin Alexander doing? All well from his side?" Maggie enquired with Penny. 

"He's been doing well," Penny answered the vampiress who smiled before going back to her meal. 


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