
Chapter 27

Ben spent the night in his Immortals Cave cultivating. When the sunlight began to creep in from the short tunnel into his wood paneled cave he opened his eyes to review his notifications.

[Notice] You have advanced in cultivation! Cultivation Stage Six: Level Nine!

[Notice] You have advanced in cultivation! Cultivation Stage Seven: Level One!

Ben couldn't help but laugh, "Finally I am making gains again just like when I had first began cultivating! This place is incredible! I think I am going to have to conquer these lands and make a Sect in this valley!"

Ben stood up and removed the Origin Crystal from the formation and used Zoom to teleport to his castle in Dragonshome. He wanted to be home when his new outfit was delivered so that he could head over to the Varene Dynasty and check in with Silvana.

He didn't have to wait long before to tired but excited professionals came knocking on the castle door. The two of them had worked all night to make him an outfit and boots he could be proud to wear.

The two of them went into a side room with Ben and began stripping him and putting on the new outfit and boots so they could check on how they fit. The two of them stood back and took in their work with proud smiles.

As Ben's Charisma continued to climb it would also increase his appearance. Now with a Charisma of 178 his looks had greatly changed from when he first was sent to this world with a Chiasma of 4.

Standing there in the fashionable outfit with his new hairstyle Ben could easily appear on the cover of GQ magazine. His handsome looks and combination of modern and old world fashionable clothes were an impressive combination.

Ben excitedly brought out his standing three way mirror when he saw the way the two men were looking proudly at their creations.

He slowly raised his hand and asked while pointing at the mirror, "That's...me?"

'I know it has been awhile since I used a mirror to look at myself, but I don't even look like the same person who arrived in this world just over a year ago!'

Athena began to explain the changes from the attributes and cultivation on his body as he numbly looked at his appearance.

The tailor and shoemaker satisfied with their work dismissed themselves to return home and to get some sleep. Ben listening to Athena still had a hard time sorting out this situation and didn't even notice the two had left him alone staring at the mirror.

Before they made it outside he shook off his haze. He placed the mirror into his inventory and ran out to catch up to the two men. He gave them both two large leather pouches with five hundred gold coins.

The two of them would not accept them until Ben ordered them to take them. He told them that the work they had put into his outfit was enough for him and he did not want to see them take a loss on the materials they used.

He was quite happy with the outfit. He knew he could have used the system Tailor to make and outfit for himself but the eye these two had for fashion and color made this new outfit something he could not create on his own even with the systems help.

Once he sent them off with their rewards Ben cast Zoom where he stood and one minute later he was standing behind Silvana's small house along the desolate roadside in the Varene Dynasty.

It was still early in the morning but he hoped she had not already went off to work in the fields with the other women.

He straightened his clothes, took a deep breath, and slapped his cheeks before walking around to the front door.



Ben wrapped on the door with the rings on his hand and heard movement inside. The door opened to reveal a women who looked very much like Silvana. She seemed to be in her upper thirties and had a mature seductive charm.

Ben was taken aback by her beauty and was surprised by her sudden appearance. He had knocked on Silvana's door but her mother had opened the door instead.

"So is this him Silvana? I see why your so adamant about dragging me off to some foreign land to live with him." Silvana's mother said.

Before Ben could say anything she stepped up and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I think he is too good looking just to be only yours! What do you think handsome how about a two for one deal?"

As Ben eyes opened wide and he began to blush from Silvana's mother's statement, she leaned in and gave him a deep kiss!

With his eyes still wide open and his mouth open the seductive mother pulled away from him as Silvana ran over to her.

Silvana's mother laughed loudly with delight at Ben's reaction and said, "What did you expect me to cause friction between you two because you aren't a Varene male?"

Ben his eyes like saucers, mutely nodded along wondering what the hell was happening here.

"At first of course I was mad that foreign came along and took advantage of my daughter. How dare some foreign come in here and trick my Silvana into thinking he is a Varene male. Then she told me all about you and how it would be possible for you to have any women from any of the surrounding kingdoms, but you came back for my precious daughter."

Silvana's mother let out a long sigh and said, "Sure there was a time I was tied into our religion and wanted to birth a son and make a better life for us. Unfortunately the years slowly slipped by leaving me alone with my daughter in this tiny village. Did the Varene Dynasty ever do anything to improve our live or the other women around here who work tirelessly day in and day out? Never once! If you love my daughter and provide her with a better life...then, I as a mother can not take that from her."

The sadness from her face melted away to be replaced by a small wicked grin as she slyly wrapped her arms around Ben's neck and kissed him again.

Silvana standing off to the side yelled out, "Now look what you did he stunned silly mother! Did you forget the other kingdoms are not like ours? They are not as open as we are with...these things! We are all raised to expect to share our mates, but the other kingdoms mainly tie themselves to one mate for their entire lives!" Silvana explained while lightly tapping Ben's cheek.

Silvan's mother rolled her eyes and exclaimed, "Boorrriinnng! Wait didn't you say Ben is a king? Kings are not like other people, even I heard they can have multiple wives from romance or political arrangements!"

"Well, that...is true." Silvana said.

Ben finally got his wits about him and caught up to their conversation.

"I'm sorry...I was just surprised is all. Where I come from to have a mother kiss her daughters boyfriend right in front of one another would lead to...a heated disagreement. Women are generally very possessive of their partners and would never share them with anyone especially their mother." Ben explained.

"Hmmmm, to each their own I guess. I tend prefer our ways. It is difficult to find men in this dynasty and when you do find one they are more interested in their professions than giving their attention to a women. That's why I find you so interesting Ben King. Even though you have been with my daughter you have still come back seeking her out."

"Haha, well I like your daughter very much and want her to come live with me and if things work out I would like to marry her. I would also love for you to come live with us as well. I would hate to split the two of you up and my castle has plenty enough room for everyone." Ben said.

Silvana mother put her mouth close to Ben's ear and whispered again, "Why can't we all just stay in the same bedroom."

When she saw Ben shiver with goosebumps she burst out laughing, "Alright I made my decision I like him Silvana lets move to his Avalon Kingdom together. This should be quite interesting."

"Let me introduce myself Ben my name is Natalia. Please take care of my daughter and me." Silvana's mother introduced herself with a beautiful smile.

Ben shook his head with a wry smile as he looked between the mother and daughter duo wondering what the hell he just got himself into.

ho ho! Everyone though a tragedy was looming for the two young lovers, but alas! The mother was capable of moving forward and setting aside the Varenian ways for her daughter's happiness and possibly for her own as well!?

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