
Rank 4 Abyssal Prime - End

Offensive Normal (Basic): Rank 3 benefits decupled. With Aetheric Energy, Rank 4 benefits quinquagintupled. (Update!) 

Offensive Normal (Advanced): Rank 3 benefits decupled. With Aetheric Energy, Rank 4 benefits quinquagintupled. Can now cast infinitely using Worldly Energy. (Update!) 

Offensive Normal (Ultimate): Can cast 50 times a day with Worldly Energy and 1x a day with Aetheric Energy, but the Aetheric version is truly cataclysmic. (Update!) 

Offensive Rare (Basic): With Aetheric Energy, Rank 4 benefits quinquagintupled. Can now cast infinitely using Worldly Energy. (Update!) 

Offensive Rare (Advanced): With Aetheric Energy, Rank 4 benefits quinquagintupled. Can now cast infinitely using Worldly Energy. (Update!) 

Offensive Rare (Ultimate): Can now cast them ten times a day, but not with Aetheric Energy. (Update!) 

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