
The Project "Eternity".

While Marcus's eyes were looking at the woman standing in the center of the hall, another pair of eyes was staring at him at the same time. Inexplicable feelings were boiling inside Armand, he first saw his brother after so many decades.

It's not that he didn't want to see him or find him all this time, Armand was sure that if he had made efforts, their paths would have crossed for sure. But did Marcus want this? Even then, back in 1945, it was obvious that the connection, which was between the brothers in childhood and seemed inextricable, was subsequently lost forever.

The man standing on the stage was his only family, they had common blood, common genes and memories, but their souls became strange to each other. And if in the past Armand could not stop his brother when the latter perpetrated his outrages, in the hope that Marcus would be aware of his mistakes and change, now he was ready to stop him at all costs if Marcus was about to push things too far.

And knowing the character of his brother, Armand strongly doubted the good intentions of his twin.

The radiant smile of the man standing on the stage won the hearts of the guests present, but they were even more captivated by the information they found out about.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure you are looking forward to knowing why we all gathered here today? Well, I won't waste your time and get down to business immediately."

Behind Marcus, a huge display lit up, and a presentation slide appeared on the screen.

"When I said that I was inviting you to a new world, I wasn't at all economical with the truth. What I am offering you will change not only the way of life of people, but also the understanding of life in general. This will outperform even the creation of electricity and the Internet. I present to you the project "Eternity"!"

The slide was replaced by a video, and the audience gasped, not believing in the reality that such a thing was possible. Armand clenched his fists so tightly that his fingers turned white with tension, an unpleasant coldness ran across the man's back.

"No, it cannot be," he whispered, hoping that the pictures and information in front of his eyes was a common illusion, but the longer the video went on, the more clearly Armand realized that his worst fears were not even close to the essence of his blood brother's insidious plan, "He's crazy..."

The phantoms of that terrible night, which deprived his family, life, beloved girl, still tormented Armand when he fell into a deep sleep, but looking at the smiling Marcus, he had the impression that his brother saw this situation differently.

What Armand considered his eternal curse was presented from the scene as a way to the salvation of mankind.

"People no longer need to spend time and energy on the invention of the eternal engine, the search for the Holy Grail for eternal life or the creation of medicine for eternal beauty and health. All this already exists in Marc Technologies and is at arm's length on this stage," Marcus continued his presentation. He took a small box from his pocket, opened it and took out a tiny object that shimmered in the light with iridescent shades.

"What I am holding in my hands will change your life forever. If among your loved ones there are people suffering from incurable diseases, this small chip will restore their former health. There will be no more cancer or AIDS, there will be no sick children and feeble old people. Your body will use the maximum possibilities inherent in it by nature.

You will become healthier, stronger, more resilient, smarter and happier. You can achieve incredible results without making incredible efforts. Your body will regulate the necessary amount of food itself, and you won't even notice how the problem of excess weight will become irrelevant for you.

You will be able to stay awake for several days and at the same time feel wonderful, the average life expectancy will increase to a minimum of one hundred and fifty years."

"Is that possible?! But even if it is possible, such developments would cost a fabulous amount of money!" Someone from the crowd exclaimed, and people turned in the direction of the man.

It turned out to be an old man in a wheelchair, who for a long time could not stand on his own feet, and who underwent more than one operation to delay the day when he would leave this world.

Marcus's eyes sparkled, he planned to conduct a demonstration test, although this was not particularly required since he already had the powers of this world at his hands, many of whom did not even know about it. And this old man was very helpful for such a debut show. Well, let's make the show even more spectacular!

"Sir, I understand your doubts, given your impressive life experience," Marcus answered politely, however, his experience was much greater, but outsiders did not need to know about it, "Go up to the stage and I will show you how it works."

The old man in a chair frowned, but decided to check for himself what kind of thing it was in the speaker's hand. He gave a signal to his assistants, and they easily lifted his chair on the stage.

"The procedure will take no more than half a minute and will be completely painless. If you don't like something, we will fix it," Marcus waved his hand, and from behind the curtains his assistants brought out a separate box with a pre-prepared chip.

"Is it safe? I have a weak heart," the old man looked at an unknown object in disbelief, but human curiosity was stronger.

"You can not doubt it is more than safe," Marcus smiled back, but the smile did not touch his eyes, they were cold and indifferent.

The body of the old man was numb from unpleasant energy, he felt not like a man, but an experimental rabbit, silently looking at his tormentor. Even during the Vietnam War, there was no such inner fear in him as at was at that moment.

"Um, I think I-" the old man wanted to abandon this suspicious idea, but it was too late.

"That's it, we're done, you can go," answered Marcus in a calm voice. His assistant nodded and went backstage with an empty box in his hand.

"Wh-what? Is that all already? I didn't even notice anything," the old military man turned in his chair, this was the first time that he was so lost in his thoughts and did not feel that they had done anything to him.

All the guests in the hall were looking in his direction with interest as if expecting something unusual.

"I said you can go," Marcus repeated his words, his voice was firm and resolute, and his words sounded like an order.

The old military man flinched, and he did not notice how he reflexively got up from his chair and saluted, "Yes, sir," the man turned about, like a young officer, and took a step to the side.

The hall gasped. The old man froze when he realized that he was standing on his own feet. He took several steps, there was no pain, no discomfort, he did not feel anything that betrayed his age. Even his shoulders straightened by themselves, and according to his inner sensations he was again thirty years old.

"Oh my God, this is a miracle! Miracle!" A wave of enthusiastic and amazed screams rolled down the hall, people began to shout and ask questions, eager to test the possibilities of the new invention.

Marcus raised his hand up, giving a sign to the audience to keep silence, "Ladies and gentlemen, what you saw now is only a small part of the capabilities of our product. I came here today not to sell, but just to get to know you and talk about it.

I dare to assure you, no one will leave the room empty-handed, you can use the code from the invitation and leave a request indicating the number of chips you want to receive and the delivery address. When you return home, they will be waiting for you. And in order to immediately avoid the following questions, it's all absolutely free of charge," Marcus lit up the hall with a dazzling smile, as the Messiah descended from heaven, he gave people what they longed for without asking anything in return.

"And now, let's enjoy this evening and wonderful music, I suggest you invite your beloved ladies to dance and treat yourselves to exquisite delicacies and meals prepared for today's celebration. In turn, I will also pay attention to my dear family and friends who have come to support me at this important and crucial moment."

The man grinned sarcastically, the guests turned around and looked in the direction where Marcus was gazing.

In the corner of the hall, surrounded by several people, stood a man who was an exact copy of the brilliant hero of this evening. Armand's face did not express the same joy as that of Marcus, but the latter did not care at all.

He raised a microphone to his lips and said, "Long time no see, my dear little brother. I missed you."

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