
Call Me 'Teacher'.

"Professor Richards, did you call me?"

"Yes, Elena, I need your help. Tell me please, have you received the package with the documents about which I told you earlier?"

"Yes, it is in my house."

"Oh, great. Last week, one of my colleagues came to America. He is conducting a research in the related field and he will need these documents. Give them to him, please, personally in hand."

"Will I need to meet him somewhere, specifically?"

"Oh, it's not necessary. In fact, he is already waiting in my office. By the way, he will read the second lecture. Although this man is still quite young he is very competent in his field. So, I think his experience will be useful for you."

"And you, professor, are you going to leave somewhere?"

"Yes, I have an urgent and important meeting, so I will not be in the lecture today. Please go to my office and give my best wishes to Mr. Anderson. He has no experience in teaching as such, so please go easy on him, okay?"

"Excuse me, what did you say his name is? Mr. Anderson?"

Seeing the girl's confused face, Professor Richards repeated "Yes, that's right. Mr. Anderson. David Anderson. Don't you worry so much, he is a very responsible young man."

The man looked at the watch on his hand, "Oh is time flying that fast indeed? Elena, I have to run, otherwise I'll be late. All good luck. I'm counting on you! "

Elena stood in the corridor and looked at the professor's silhouette moving off.

"Hah. I'm counting on you. And who should I count on then?"

The girl tried to put her thoughts together. The name of David Anderson has been constantly in her head for three days, whether she wanted to or not. As soon as she closed her eyes, his image and captivating gaze immediately appeared in front of her. And even in her fantasies, she was powerless to look away from his bottomless eyes.

If this was happening in her head, then what will happen to her when she meets him in reality? Not only that, Corey again came up with some strange thing, without telling to anybody. Last but not least the professor asked to "look after" this "very responsible young man".

"No, there is clearly something wrong here. I have the impression that this is some kind of secret conspiracy. It's just impossible that there were so many coincidences."

The girl was walking along the corridor in the direction of the professor's office, carefully trying to convince herself that all this was for some reason. Because if it was not so, and if it really was a coincidence, then the situation became completely different.

After all, they say nothing comes from nothing...

"No, no, no, Elena. You are being out in the left field again", the girl shook her head and stopped in front of the office door. She took a few deep breaths and knocked.

"Please come in."

"Hello. My name is Elena Lee. Professor Richards asked me to help you with the preparation of the lecture."

A man sitting opposite her in an armchair was reading a book. But the moment she turned to him, he lifted his head and smiled.

"Damn, I am in trouble. Very bad trouble". Elena felt that her heart was beginning to be pounding at a breakneck pace and that blood was rushing to her cheeks.

"Oh, Miss Lee! Glad to see you so soon!"

"Hello, Mr. Anderson. When you mentioned an early meeting before, I didn't assume that it would be that soon" Elena said as indifferently as possible.

Noticing that the girl was trying to act cool, David wanted to tease her even more. "Yes, Brian told me that he would send some reliable student to help me. But I am pleasantly surprised that you turned out to be this student."

David got up from his chair and walked closer to Elena, who was standing next to the desk.

"Don't think I am being rude here, Mr. Anderson, but it seems to me that it is somewhat way too informal to call a person who is older than you and higher in status in this educational institution by his first name."

"Hmm and how should I call him?"


The man took another step towards her, and instinctively, Elena also took a step back and rested against the table behind her.

"Then, since I'll be your teacher today, will you have to address to me as Professor Anderson?"

"You have not defended your scientific dissertation yet, have you?"

Elena tried her best not to succumb to his provocations, but began to panic when the man continued his movement and stopped one step from her.

"Then maybe 'a teacher' ?" David leaned toward Elena, completely reducing the distance, and rested his right hand on the table behind her. "May I?"


"Materials for the lecture. Behind you. I need to take them."

The girl immediately removed her hand from the papers lying on the table and took a step to the side. David smiled and said "Score!"

When Elena recovered herself from what happened, David was already standing in the doorway, ready to go.

"Miss Lee, before the lecture I need to go to another place. You are free to go, but be an exemplary student and do not be late. Do not make your TEACHER wait", said David with a cunning smile and left the office.

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