
A Great Story

At House of Zeus

Because of the tiring treadmill challenge, Zeus decided to postpone the night party for the CEOs last night which everyone had agreed.

"What are you doing? Why are you sharing our food with him?" Bernard exclaimed when he saw Shawn put some vegetable dish in a bowl and then gave it to Denver.

Dean grinned and said, "Don't be a killjoy flower boy. Can't you see our Bro is consistent? That's the persistent spirit of a man who is trying to get the approval of his in-laws."

"Have you ever been in love flower boy?" Ryu interrupted as he got more meat and vegetables Dean cooked for them.

Bernard almost choked on Ryu's question that made Shawn laugh.

He gave vegetables to Denver since his group was only eating meat the whole time, literally fried or boiled meats only. Gaby did not picked any vegetables for the stocking.

Zeus: "It's your second warning Shawn. I will only give you 3 warnings and if you still break any of my rules… Punishment will come your way…"

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