
General OHH is back!!!

"Ohh my look who it is" said BS grinning.

"Shut up" said General OH

"Calm down its just a joke" said BS.

"I don't like your bad jokes get them outta here before i make you" said General OH

"Trying to look tough huh" said BS.

"I am tough hahaha" said General OH.

"You wanna test that" said BS.

"Not in front of the highness no" said OH. Then BS stoped his introduction to the purps and talked to his mom.

"Mom I may be a bad guy to you but if you want , I can be a hero" said BS. His mom started to cry.

"You are already my hero, after all you also saved our home" said His Mom.

"Mom" said BS.

"Lieon" said his Mom then they Hugged again.

"Clear out before you cry" said OH.

"Ahhh so cute BS" said OH.

"Shut up and give me some privacy" said BS.

Then he got up and walked towards the purps camp and said "Mom i am going to be a hero and make you and dad happy" said BS.

"Like you are fit for that" said General Oh.

Suddenly BS was inside the purps camp without them even knowing he had his sword below OH's Fat Mouth.

"Say it again" said BS and the turrets surrounding the camp were all in pieces.

"Oops Sorry hehe" said OH scared.

"Is she Unconscious again" Asked BS.

The purp people Nodded. Then BS grabbed the whole tent and picked it up and went down the street.

"You guys can leave, she is only drunk" BS said and they left.

"Why are you taking the tent" said Kurt because i need as least 5 swords" said BS..

"What for" said Kurt.

"Three for battle two for souvenir" said BS.

He still had the sword that he cut the bandits and the turrets with. The sword was super cool and shiny. It sometimes gave away electricity.

"Where did you get that sword" said Kurt.

"From my dad" said BS.

After a while of walking he stoped near a blacksmith's house.

"Son what happened to the bandits" asked His Dad.

"They are dead" said BS.

"What is that?" Asked his dad

"My girlfriend who is a princess" said BS. His dad knelled and said "Your highness please take whatever you like" said his Dad.

"She is unconscious and drunk" said BS as he dropped the tent gently...

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