
Neverthless wifey, you can try now

Sanvi started panicking when she could find no signs of Virat. She got up and walked towards the pool area.

Virat was sitting down near the pool with his head hung low. He was staying at the waters totally lost.

The color of Sanvi's face seemed to have drained out. She scrunched up her face. Her arms reminded at her sides while her hands were balled into fists. She drew in a long breath to muster up the courage to walk towards Virat.

"Vi-Virat?" she stuttered and struggled hard to find the right words to speak.

But, Virat didn't respond.

Sanvi walked closer to where Virat was sitting. She then saw that his shirt and pants was dripping with water. She was totally bewildered on what was going on there. 'What is Virat doing here? Where is that Maya? What's happening here?' she thought.

She shook him, "Virat? Virat?"

Virat jolted to his senses. "Sanvi, Maya was drowning in this pool when I came here. I immediately rescued her." He began sobbing all his pent-up emotions of the evening.

Sanvi took his coat which was lying next to him and covered it. She wrapped her arms around him,  "Virat, it's okay! She'll be fine."

"She is fine Sanvi. I know. But, she failed to recognise me. All she cared about was Ronnie Roy. She kept on chanting his name like a mantra. She didn't even bother to look at me." Virat explained further.

'B****! The more we try to get away from you,  you come even more closer to us. I thought I'd hear the news of your death. But then, how ironic! Virat himself came to your rescue.' She thought inwardly.

She immediately snapped back when Virat started speaking again, "Now that I've rescued her, will she marry me as well?" Virat seemed to have lost his last bit of control. He began wailing out.

"Virattt! Sshhh! Enough! Let's go home now. You'll fall ill if we continue to stay any longer. Let's leave." Sanvi just dragged Virat out of the party. She then hailed a taxi and the duo left.


The next day

The golden rays of the rising sun filled the room with a crimson hue. Ronnie fluttered open his eyes to take in the sight of his lovely wife in his arms.

Jayne was also frowning when the sun rays were kissing on her milky white skin.

Ronnie whispered in Jayne's ears. "Good morning my sunshine! I'm so jealous of the sun that it got to kiss you before I could.."

Jayne's lips curved into a loving smile. "Same here! How can the sun kiss my husband first! I should!" Then she kissed his lips, which didn't stop at that.

After fooling around for an hour, they finally got out of the bed and showered. They dressed up and went downstairs. The driver was already waiting for them at the entrance. They drove to the old mansion.

"Good morning my pretty mommies and handsome daddies!" Jayne greeted her parents and in-laws.

"Ron! Jayne! Where were you last night? Why did you leave all of a sudden?" Mrs Caroline Roy still had a worried look on her face.

"Mom! I suddenly remembered something that needed my signatures. Since I hurriedly left the office yesterday, my work was incomplete. So, we had to leave in a hurry. Don't worry mom. Aren't we standing in front of you guys totally fine?" Ronnie hugged his mother.

"Fine children! Come eat your breakfast!" Mrs Sona Bhat announced.

"Ma, is there anything special today? I smell something different." Jayne asked her mother while sniffing the air around.

"Yes! I've prepared breakfast today.. it's your favourite  paranthas*. Would you want to try some?" Mrs Sona Bhat offered.

"Ma, was that my favourite? I don't even remember." Jayne's face fell.

Ronnie interrupted, "Nevertheless wifey, you can try now." He took a piece of the parantha and dipped it in curd and fed Jayne.

Jayne indeed loved it so much that she ate 3 of it with lots of butter, curd and chole*. Even Ronnie ate to his heart's content.

At the same time, Daniel West walked in.

"Dan, come over. Try this Indian delicacy. I'm sure even you'll love mom's cooking." Ronnie called out.

Daniel West too ate in spite of having breakfast at his house. After they were done Daniel West said, "Sir, I've to tell you something important. It's about madam."

Jayne too heard Daniel West. So, she answered for him. "Daniel, please wait for us in the study. We'll be there."

"Understood madam!" Daniel West left.

At the study Daniel West began explaining. "Madam, this is regarding your Fresher's day event. We got to know the people behind the entire incident."

Ronnie asked, "But, why did this take so long?"

"No sir. We found this information while you were away to India. So, we were waiting for your return." Daniel West answered.

"No problem Daniel. Go ahead!" Jayne told.

*Paranthas, chole- Indian foods

My dearest, lovely readers❤

Firstly, thank you so much for your stones❤

Secondly, how come nobody guessed that Virat was the one who rescued Maya in the previous chapter?

How's the new cover peeps?❤

Thank you all for your immense love and support. Please continue to stay along in Maya's journey. Please comment/ rate/ review ❤

~ Much much love!

PisceanDreamcreators' thoughts
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