
That Someone Is My Wife...

The things were taken care of by announcing to the media that the bride and groom didn't want to continue with the engagement. The two were young and decided in haste. It was a mutual decision from both sides. 

Though there were so many questions regarding how it happened at the last moment just before the engagement ceremony, no one dared to say a word due to the influence of Lus and Wens. 

The media people were directed to say only what these two families asked them to, and no further discussion was there. 

Till morning, everything was buried for the outside world as if nothing had happened. 


Wen's residence. 

All the guests left, leaving only Mr. Wen's family. Liwei didn't come out of her room for breakfast, and no one forced her to do so, to let her take time. 

"How is she?" Mr. Wen asked his wife. 

"Must be embarrassed to face her father," Mrs. Wen replied. 

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