
Staring At Her...

The next morning there was chaos in the Lu Mansion as few guests arrived suddenly. Instead of chaos, it could be addressed as a flood of happiness. 

Lu Zhilan, the only daughter of elder Lu, arrived at the Mansion with her family. 

"We didn't know you were coming?" elder Lu spoke, happily looking at his daughter.

"Then, how can it be a surprise, father?" Lu Zhilan countered, smiling ear to ear, and went to her mother. "How are you, mother?" 

"Seeing you all here seems like my heart is at peace," Grandma replied as she passed her gaze at Lu Zhilan's son Wang Peng and his wife, He Kun. 

When elders and the women in the family talked, the young generation of men in the Lu family, Lu Feng, Lu Han, came downstairs wearing workout clothes, T-shirts, and shorts.

"Lu Feng, You are becoming handsome every passing day," Lu Zhilan commented, and Lu Feng greeted her with a smile. 

"When can we see your other better half?" Lu Zhilan asked.

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