
Chapter 2 ∞ Abducted

I felt a nauseating sensation as we appeared under waking skies. I did puke on him a little. The clouds became haloed pink and gold as the sun roused in the horizon. The amber-eyed man staggered across a field of tall stalks. Round, pebbled grains and pointed leaves brushed against my face, irritating me to no end.

But more than my exasperation, there was wonder and confusion. It had just been but a few moments after I was taken from my birthplace. I remembered vividly that the moon was still high and the night was young. How could this man possibly have traveled that far—to the point of breaking into another time zone—in a matter of seconds? Unless I fell asleep along the way?

Then again, he wasn't exactly ordinary. By the looks of it, he didn't reincarnate when he fell through like I did. Which would make sense since he was different from the usual soul—if he was even a soul at all.

"I know you have a lot of questions," he began, panting. Sweat popped in beads from his forehead. "But I had no choice. You cannot stay there." He breathed deeply but continued raking through the field. "I'm running out of energy. We have to find someone…someplace until I can return."

This guy! He takes me from my family to give me to someone else? What exactly was he trying to do?

I smacked his face angrily. I needed redemption for having been taken from my birth family in this life. For once, I had a chance to start over. I barely got comfortable and now everything disappeared like a bubble.

"Stop it! You hypocritical bugger. Just a while ago, you didn't want to reincarnate!" he exclaimed.

Technically, that was true.

"If you have just done everything I said, you would be enjoying that life. But no!"

Misty shadows flared and tapered around him, nipping at his face and skin. I recoiled. Each kiss of those shadows came away with a bit of his flesh and he began crumbling like a weathered statue of some sort. Taken aback, I withdrew from torturing him. I sat in his arms, clueless beyond measure.

"Listen to me, the balance has tipped," he said, voice breaking. "You and I are probably the only ones who knew what happened…I…" he swallowed heavily and pulled himself into the shadows of his hoodie. Only then did I realize he was still in those clothes I last saw him in.

That did not explain anything, though.

We broke through the last layer of stalks and into an open village. A busy, yet thriving marketplace opened up before us. Fragile huts of straws and bamboos bathed under the rising sun with groggy faces positioning themselves behind stalls of fresh produce. People in strange clothes walked down dirt paths with weaved bags slung in their arms. Chatters and yells in a strange language flitted about, overwhelming me.

It wasn't hot out yet considering the time, but it seemed these people liked to start their day early. The sun was on the verge of popping in the horizon and the darkness was on its final struggle.

The amber-eyed man gritted his teeth and exerted himself further. He moved forward. Yet, somehow, that was not all he was doing. We plowed through the paths, past many faces. No matter how out of place he seemed, however, no one even as much as looked his way. I did not know what he was doing, but whatever it was was speeding up his corrosion and warping the space around us like before. At this point, he had lost a chunk of his shoulder. I was tempted to ask him—what's happening, why did you take me? Unfortunately, I couldn't.

The many fragile huts eventually faded into firmer abodes. It was the same as those fast-forwarding scenes with Flash running through the city in a blurred background. Now, the sun was high like an exaggerated time-skip.

I knew we have entered an entirely different place somehow—a megalopolis too, by the looks of it. There were towering buildings and crowding people. However, in doing so, Amber Eyes was speedily losing all his strength. He ended up slamming against an alley wall in a secluded street, pressing his back as he pulled me tighter to his chest.

He took a breath to say something when a stranger—a woman—ran into the alley as well, basket spilling all sorts of goods as a man grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back.

Strange language rolled from the man's tongue. He pulled on the waist of his shorts, the round belly sticking out from under a cropped vest. The words sounded crunchy on his lips and he was pointing his finger at the woman with a threat.

"What the hell," Amber Eyes muttered. "I can't be bothered—"

A loud slap resounded.

Seeing the woman blatantly being harassed, Amber sighed and stood. His mouth opened and the language fluidly rolled off his tongue. "Duman," he said. "Duman na lela ku."

The man turned, a little startled. He did not seem to have noticed us here at the start. I, on the other hand, looked up, confused and curious. What I could deduce from the situation was that Amber was saving the woman somehow—but how come he knew how to speak the strange language? The pot-bellied man stepped forward with a snarl. He had all the intention of getting into a fight with Amber.

When the pot-bellied pervert saw Amber's crumbling face, however, he screamed. He buckled up and dragged himself away from the scene in a hurry.

"Anda ma ka? Anda ma ka?" the woman breathed out, pressing herself against the wall as she stared at her savior, horrified by his appearance.

Crumbling even further, Amber Eyes fell on the rock-hard ground. The bundle in which I was swaddled in fell with him. He rolled over just in time to shield me from falling head first on the pavement. I gave a startled cry—but at least he had the decency of doing the crashing this time. I didn't know if this small body of mine could bear yet another round of suffocation from a grown man.

I grunted and squirmed. The best I could do at this point was literally cry for help, being in the state I was. Amber Eyes pulled my small head close to his chin. But as he pressed his lips to my ear, his fingers crumbled to dust and his face fell away.

"The curtains have fallen," he mumbled. "The veils will come." He swallowed. "I will use…the last bit of what I have to impart something to you. Think of it as me doing you a favor. But it doesn't come for free. I will begin billing you…in time." He pressed his lips to my forehead—his lips unbearably cold and icy. The kiss carried a painful yet eerie sensation; something that sunk down my skin and pierced right into my skull.

I blanched. A brief moment of nausea made the world around me turn. My ears began ringing and my brain felt as though it was squashed and turned inside out.

Amber then looked at the woman and increased the intensity of his voice, just enough for her to hear one word, "Evyionne."

I was in distress, realizing that I was pretty much all alone right then. Inside, I screamed my questions but all that ever left my mouth were infant cries. Amber Eyes evaporated, ashes taking his place. All that ever reminded that he had indeed been there was me in the bundle he had carried with him to his last moments. The woman took a few moments gathering her wits before warily approaching.

I looked up and began sobbing. Amber's ashes cushioned my back like a perpetual embrace. Some of the dust got to my face and it was awful knowing where it came from. I sneezed uncontrollably after accidentally inhaling some of it.

Horrible, horrible.

I didn't know what to feel about all of this, but I was definitely panicking. The woman's face blurred behind a layer of tears. I cried. I dreaded the fact that I had so easily burst to waterworks, but in this state, I had little to no control. This body was quite sensitive towards emotions. A little prod was more of a shove.

Besides, what did this doofus mean when he said veil and curtain? This wasn't a class on interior designing. It made no sense!

I blinked away my tears and focused on the woman before me. She had lovely curls tucked into a messy bun at the back of her head. I saw a clear, beautiful face, marred by a forming bruise on the corner of her mouth below a reddening cheek. Seeing me, she looked beyond conflicted, thin brows rising to her hairline. The woman looked out into the street and back at me, perhaps debating whether to leave me or leave with me. After seconds of deliberation, she hastily picked up everything that had fallen on the ground from her woven basket and pulled her body away to step out into the streets, seeming to have every bit of intention of doing the former.

I increased the volume of my cries a little, hoping it would appeal to the conscience of the woman at the very least. I prayed that this person would have the decency to offer me up to a foster home somewhere if she wasn't willing to take me in. If I was left here, good gods, what if I end up in the hands of organ traffickers? Or worse, never get found at all?

Why did Amber Eyes have to take me away from my birth parents in the first place? What was the point of it all if he was only going to leave me behind?

Finally, the woman turned back, face ridden with guilt. She knelt beside me and peered into my swaddle. Sea-green eyes met mine and, for a time, the woman gazed at my face with wonder and fascination. She seemed genuinely taken with me, long and thin hands reaching around my small body to bring me into her arms. Once I settled into the warmth of her embrace, I began to quiet. The woman shushed my cries and ran a hand down my back comfortingly, rocking me to and fro until the last of my tears.

Finally, I ended my fit with a hiccup. My small fingers reached for the woman's face, an additional note of charm—hopefully working. It was a little weird considering the circumstances. I was fully conscious of everything happening around me in spite of my physical age. While I didn't have much control over my instinctive responses, I was processing everything as an adult would.

I knew it had something to do with that botched reincarnation cycle I was supposed to go through. I had to start figuring out everything. To do that, I would need to adjust. I needed this woman to help me with that.

She tightened my swaddle and dusted it off of Amber's ashes. She then lifted the shawl around her shoulders with one hand and wrapped it deftly around her head in one, smooth motion. The cloth spread around the lower part of her face, leaving only her eyes.

She then carried me through the streets, shielding me from the noise of the busy city with only a small space enough to see and breath. This gave me a chance to inspect my surroundings. Contrary to my expectations and initial judgments, it wasn't at all primitive. In fact, it was a perfect blend of culture, nature, and modernity. The buildings towered and the roads were well-paved. Depending on the design and utility, the infrastructures varied in shapes and makeup. By the tall gates, there were twin fortresses with thick, granite walls and somewhere towards the center were skyscraping glass towers.

People pulled through the streets either on foot, on a vehicle, or on a beast.

I looked around in awe and shied back when a large object flew by above. At first, I thought it was a plane, but seeing it beat its wings like a bird made me gasp.

"Are you amazed?" the woman whispered, chuckling as she brushed my cheek.

Indeed, it was impressive.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you behind," she told me. "We will figure this out together."

It took me a few moments to realize that I could perfectly understand what the woman was saying! It was just a few moments ago that I heard nothing but gibberish.

After the realization dawned, I was beyond confused and shock. I didn't hear the words as though they were being said in a language I was familiar with—an 'automatic translation' in the brain, per se. However, it seemed that I was suddenly equipped with the necessary faculties to understand everything the way they truly were. It was hard to explain, but it was very similar to hearing someone speak a language that one had mastered to nativity—it was impossible to pretend not knowing or understanding it at all.

"The man said Evyionne. Is that your name?"

I responded with a coo.

"I see." She smiled brightly. "Evyionne," she repeated once more. "Until we know what to do, you'll be staying with me. I'm Hellenia."

It was nice to finally put a name to the face. It would be great if I could do the same to Amber Eyes. For now, I would keep referring to him as Amber, seeing as he hadn't bothered introducing himself to me so far—after all he'd put me through.

We weaved through alley after alley, avoiding the much too crowded streets and taking shortcuts. This demonstrated Hellenia's mastery over the city's paths, giving me some peace of mind as we walked.

Eventually, she walked through a tall, gated wall and we came upon a beautiful courtyard adorned with a fountain. There was a woman with bare breasts posing at the very center, holding a pot of water from where the water trickled out. It was very erotic, with the curled fingers positioned aptly on the swell of her hips and the long lashes lowered to the sharp curve of her shoulders.

I nibbled nervously on my baby fists and looked around warily. What exactly was this place?

"Hellenia!" a chorus of voices echoed.

A bevy of beautiful girls rushed forward. They were clothed in a seductive flurry of intricate layers. They were all equally radiant, with glowing skin and charming faces. Except for one…dude. That's a dude if I'm not mistaken—but he was wearing a dress that bore a definite resemblance to the girls around him. What is he, a cross-dresser or a drag queen?

"Oh goodness, what are you carrying?" inquired a girl with ruddy hair, a constellation of freckles dotting her fair cheeks.

"Her name's Evyionne," Hellenia replied.

The girls gasped. "A baby!" they said unanimously.

"Wait, what?" A lady with midnight blue eyes broke through the wall of faces that peered down to look at me. She seemed the oldest of the lot with the most mature demeanor.

Realization dawned on their faces. They looked at Hellenia who was holding me in her arms, jaws dropping and brows flying to their hairline.

"She's adorable!" The ruddy-haired girl giggled.

"Liane!" scolded the lady with midnight blue eyes, glaring at the ruddy-haired girl. "It's a baby!"

"Oh yeah!" Liane dumbly said. She then gasped. "A baby!"

"Honestly, this idiot."

"Veronika. Quit it you two." A hazel-eyed…man elbowed midnight blues chidingly and spread a fan to cover his face. His demeanor was weirdly feminine and were it not for the broad shoulders, the unabashedly flat chest, and the deep voice he was forcibly cinching, I would've thought otherwise. He turned to Hellenia and asked worriedly, "What do you plan on doing?"

"I don't know, Kora," Hellenia whispered as she rocked me in her arms. "But the man carrying her saved me. He was dying—I owe him somehow. Besides, I couldn't…"

"What is this commotion?" said a low voice.

They all froze. Their eyes nearly popped. The three girls and Hellenia turned to meet the owner of the voice.



They lowered their head as she approached.

"I think I have got to practice," Liane declared loudly.

"Me too!" said the other two.

They all rushed to leave.

Seeing Hellenia, Lamia coldly asked, "Where have you been?" She approached Hellenia and tipped the redhead's chin to look at the forming bruise on the corner of her lip. "What happened to you?"

"It's nothing, I just—"

"Where have you been and what are you carrying?" she asked.

Hellenia, speechless, turned me over to meet Lamia's eyes. She had the most piercing arctic blues with hair as white as snow. Colorful beads crowned her hair and dipped delicately on her brows. I would think she was the Snow Queen if it were any other day. From the demeanor to the voice, to the pale color of her skin—nothing was a more befitting title.

"What is this nonsense?" the white-haired lady inquired softly. "From what I remember, Hellenia, you miscarried."

"She isn't mine," Hellenia said, swallowing heavily.

"Then throw her back where she came from. I run a brothel, not a foster home." The white-haired lady dismissively waved her willowy hands and began walking off.

My eyes popped. A brothel?

"Lamia, I can't," Hellenia hurriedly told her.

"And why not?" The snow queen turned, her arctic pools freezing sharp. "You know the rules, Hellenia. We do not tolerate children in our premises."

Hellenia remained quiet. She nervously tucked a loose strand of red hair behind her ear and simply held me tighter to her chest. She swallowed heavily, caressing the sparse hair on top of my small head.

"Please, Lamia."

"Hellenia, this isn't the place to raise a child. You, of everyone, know that. You better bring that child to the orphanage because that cannot stay here."

"They will treat her worse in the orphanage, mistress," said Hellenia pleadingly. "I cannot simply leave this child to a place where I know she won't get the care she needs. She does not need to take part in anything we do. I will care for her."

"Impetuous," the mistress coldly stated. "You do not know what you are doing."

"We won't be like the madam," she told the snow-haired woman. "I know how much you condemn that sort of practice, but Evyionne won't have to suffer the same fate. With us, she will be in good hands."

"Hellenia," Lamia began, her face as icy as before.

"I know, Lamia," the redhead said. "We haven't had the best of lives and this sort of place isn't the most ideal. But I know you're pining, as am I." Clear pearls fell from her eyes. "It must be selfish of me to want this child. I wanted to leave her behind. I really did. I passed by an orphanage on my way home, but I couldn't bear to give her away."

I nibbled on my fist and looked on innocently. I never saw Hellenia walking past an orphanage—but that must just be because I was busy looking at the skies.

"Even so…" Hellenia walked up to the mistress and boldly shoved me into the folded arms, taking the white-haired woman aback as she hastened to catch me.

I squeaked and cooed when I was given away. The action was not so harsh. Hellenia had supported me properly when she passed me over to the snow queen.

"What are you—"

"I'm sorry. If you want to get rid of her, you must do it yourself. I will not do it." Hellenia forced a smile. "I will go and fix a place for the little one. If she isn't here when I come back, then we can forget it."

Lamia's arms were far warmer from what I expected. I was held in such a familiar fashion—while a little clumsy. Lamia peered into my swaddle and gazed straight into my eyes. I looked back with as much curiosity, a little taken with the perfect symmetry of the woman's face. This woman was definitely not in the wrong profession—not that she was in the right one either. I don't know. I'll leave it to her to decide.

Being in a brothel wasn't the most enticing of options, but I knew I had no choice anyway. Amber didn't bother to get me to a suitable place or leave me in a doorstep of a lovely, childless couple as he should've—he just stumbled into an alley and shoved me into the nearest, available hands. Hellenia didn't seem all too bad. And while this woman was cold and aloof, she wasn't so ruthless.

For a while, Lamia stared into my eyes, searching for something. In an attempt to charm, I gave her a toothless smile.

"What a strange, unfortunate thing," the snow queen whispered. Hands weaved down the cot that swaddled me as footsteps echoed across the paved yard. "You are not simple. This blanket is a fine piece. I have not seen the likes of it in all my years. Where are you from?"

This woman was sharp. I was pleased, but at the same time, I feared for myself, being in her hands. What if she decided to give—throw—me away?

As I wallowed in my fear, Lamia began humming a tune under her breath, unwitting too by the looks of it. The notes were haunting, carrying a certain edge to them that made them seem foreboding.

I stared at the woman's face curiously as we took a seat at the mouth of the fountain. There was a distant look in her eyes, a lonely tinge to them even. Her song carried a nostalgic and forlorn sentimentality.

Suddenly, I felt something warm fall on my lids. I blinked it away, my fists rubbing my eyes to dry it off. I looked up, curious, and saw that Lamia had begun crying. Perhaps the reason why I did not notice it too soon was that there was no tremble or stutter from her. Her song remained smooth—not once did it break. Her posture remained straight and her chin high.

If someone watched her back, they probably wouldn't have known she was crying. My heart broke as I saw the woman's cold demeanor shatter. Even with the tears, she carried such delicate beauty.

In front of me, I saw nothing but a lady with a fragile heart. I didn't know where this sadness was stemming from.

Clumsily, I reached out to cup Lamia's wet cheeks with my small hands. My tiny fingers caught the pearly drops, but I could not wipe them away for fear that I would slap the woman instead and end up being thrown out of the doors in no time at all. I let it stay there, offering the meager comfort I could.

She looked at me with her arctic blues. That was when I knew I get to stay.

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