
The Second Son of the Forger Family (1)

At lunch the countess Elena had asked as to eat with them again. Regaleon and I agreed thinking that talking to Count Forger and Raymond will give us some inputs in what is their business and why they are being secretive with the details.

We headed to the dining room from where we had our dinner last night. Like last night, a maid was leading the way. When we arrived Count Forger's family was already there except for the eldest son, Raymond.

"Good afternoon, your majesties." Count Forger greeted. "Me and my wife are happy that you could join our family for lunch." He displays a friendly smile.

When the count was talking my eyes fall upon the second son, Arnold. He was looking down all the time with a grunt face. It looked like he was a feeling of disgust that made me curious. I took note of his odd behavior.

"It is our honor to join you and your family, Count Forger." Regaleon replied courtly. "It is the least we can do to you our hosts."

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