
Attacking Weapon Plus Base (2)

Weapon Plus Base

While Wolverine is busy acting as decoy and attracting the attention of all the soldiers in the base, I entered the base stealthy and search for the nearest computer terminal. With the blaring base's security alarm, gun fires and soldiers' shouting in the base helping to help mask my presence, I hide myself in one of the room and plugged Oracle into their system.

As Oracle started downloading all important information such as their mutant research and adamantium processing method, I headed towards the mutant detention area.

Arriving there, I am greeted by the intimidating sight of several large holding cells covered with electrified wall. I exclaimed to myself in shock "Wow, it looks like something from a sci fi horror movie!".

Unlocking one of the holding cells occupied by a large number of mutants wearing power dampening collar on their neck, I slowly walked in saying "Hi, my name is Nightwing. I am a friend. I am here to rescue and break all of you out of here".

A short moment later, a large muscular albino mutant with white skin and large yellow eyes stepped forward towards me with the other mutants following closely behind him.

The mutants inside the cell stared at me cautiously and started talking with each other in hushed voices. Suddenly the albino mutant motioned with his hand for the mutants to keep quiet before saying "Caliban and friends can't go" as he pointed towards the collar on his neck.

One of the mutants behind him snarled "Don't trust him, it could be a trap". Hearing this, several of the mutants took a step towards me in an intimidating manner.

I raised both of my hands showing that I mean them no harm said "Listen I can bring you out of here and I can take off the collars on your neck".

Caliban grunted "Removing collars is impossible. Caliban has tried. We all have" as Caliban looked at me with suspicion.

Before I would reply, a female mutant with an eye patch (Callisto) interrupted saying "The collars suppress our powers and has explosives that will kill us if we step out of our cell".

I hurriedly said "Don't worry about the collar, I have hacked into their system. Removing your collar is an easy matter. But first.... I need to know. Where did they capture all of you?"

They stood in silence for awhile before, Callisto spoke up "My name is Callisto and we call ourselves 'The Morlocks'. We lived in the sewers under New York before these guys showed up and capture us. Few of us manage to avoid being captured".

"Sewers? I can't imagine doing that" I replied shock and amazement.

"We have no choice. Most of us are mutants with physical mutations that scare anyone that see us or have powers that we couldn't safely control" Callisto replied in anger

"Oh my god. I am sorry to hear that" I answered apologetically.

"Leave god out of this…he wants no part of this" Caliban said before sighing to himself sadly

"Okay.....I should stop wasting time. We need to get out of here! Oracle deactivate their collars" I said hurriedly.

When the mutants' collars deactivate, they hurriedly released themselves from their restraints and throw it to the ground.

I took out a wingwave out of my utility belt and passing it towards Callisto, I said "This communication device will guide all of you to all of the mutants' cells and help bring you all to safety. Once I am done here, I will catch up with all of you".

Caliban in the other hand is distracted as he placed a hand on the side of his head before saying "The soldiers in the base are afraid, all of them are gathered in one location and surrounded a room with several mutant". Caliban is a mutant with the ability to sense the location of other mutants and the ability to control his opponents fear emotion against themselves.

"One of the mutant is here with me to help rescue all of you. You guys better hurry and get out out of here, I am not sure how long he can deal with all of them alone" I replied quickly.

Callisto nodded her head in understanding said "Thank you" before quickly gathering up all the mutants and lead them away. Callisto is a mutant with enhanced senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and minor increase in strength and agility.

As I watch all of them leave, I muttered to myself "Hopefully Wolverine is still alright!"


Wolverine's POV

Wolverine remained lost in thought as his eyes fixated on the young girl that had been revealed to be his daughter. He has a daughter. While she is technically a clone but she is genetically his own offspring, especially considering that way they had produced her. Wolverine is horrified to know that they have turn the little girl into a living weapon.

As Wolverine try to grasp everything that has just happen, he is rudely interrupted by a bunch of soldiers that barged into the room and started firing their weapons at him.

"Get down!" Wolverine said as he lunged towards X-23 and roughly shoved the young teen to the ground as hail of bullets slam towards him.

"Are you okay?" Wolverine shouted in concern towards the young girl but X-23 just snarled angrily back at him before lunging at him claws first.

One of the soldiers shouted "On the ground mutant freak!" as they continue firing their weapons into the room without caring that their bullets might hit Silver Fox or X-23.

Wolverine turned his body towards the soldiers direction when X-23's attack send both of them rolling on the ground.

"Grrrr... Stop that.... I am on your side..." Wolverine growled feeling annoyed as bullets continue flying their direction while he continue blocking and dodging X-23's attacks.

X-23 let loose a scream of anger as an adamantium blade suddenly unsheathe from both of her legs before her kick slice into Wolverine.

Wolverine surprised by X-23's attack grunted "Ouch!.... Stop it!" before kicking X-23's stomach. X-23's body is send slamming against the wall.

"Wait.... I didn't meant to do that...." Wolverine quickly tried to explain as X-23 glared angrily back at him before rain of bullets fire distracted Wolverine.

Wolverine roared "You are pissing me off!" before charging towards the soldiers with arms crossed in front of him. The soldiers begin to panic as they continue firing their weapons at Wolverine.

Wolverine continue slicing through all the soldiers when X-23 leap onto Wolverine's back and unleashed a wave of claw attacks.

"Arghhh!!!! Stop it!" Wolverine shouted in pain before throwing X-23 towards the soldiers with electric stun batons.

"Calm the fuck down!" Wolverine shouted at X-23 when Silver Fox fired a stun gun at Wolverine.


A surge of electricity run through Wolverine's body, Silver Fox smirked as she said "How do you like knowing that you have a daughter? She is one of General Wraith favorite test subjects..... So close to you in genetic terms, yet so different all together. Unlike you she is the perfect weapon and she listen to orders".

Wolverine grunted in pain and cut the wiring that connect the stun gun to his body, Wolverine growled "How could you do this, Silver Fox? She is not a weapon, she is a kid!".

Silver Fox slowly walked further away from Wolverine said "Wraith has big plans for you to test out Robert Winsdor's new experiments. Windsor claims that it can easily best someone like you in combat".

Wolverine grunted angrily at her statement.

Suddenly a voice came out from the base's speaker "Weapon X, thank you for delivering yourself on a silver plate for me". More soldiers in full body armor and electric stun baton barged into the room and surrounded Wolverine.

"Come met me face to face, asshole. Lets see whether you like your gift" Wolverine said as he furrowed his brow in annoyance.

"So impatient! Don't worry! Once Windsor is done with you, you won't remember any of this" General Wraith said excitedly which further infuriate Wolverine.

Wolverine glanced at X-23 hesitatingly said "Hey.... you..... You are not a weapon.... Follow me, I will bring you out of here and maybe we can work something out".

General Wraith snapped "ENOUGH!!! She will be what we want her to be. And now that we have you in our hand…we can continue our research. Take him down!"

All the soldiers and X-23 charged towards Wolverine.

"Fuck your research!" Wolverine shouted as he slashed at the soldiers and causing more blood to spew out on the ground.

X-23 glared furiously at him snarled as she rushed forward and stab Wolverine's stomach.

As X-23 slice Wolverine's stomach open, Wolverine hissed in pain as his wound slowly begin to heal.

"Listen to me kid! I am on your side" Wolverine said as he avoided X-23's claw swipe as he continue to over power her with his strength while he continue killing all soldiers in the room. While all this is happening, Silver Fox quickly exited the room.

"Silver Fox, I am not done with you!" Wolverine shouted as he get ready to chase after her but X-23 lunged towards him and started slashing furiously at Wolverine's chest.

Wolverine backed off in pain but quickly recovered as the two mutants' claws clashed with each other as he try to block and parry X-23's attacks.

X-23 who is much faster than Wolverine continuously gutted Wolverine's stomach with both of her hands and legs.

"Argghhh! Sorry about this!" Wolverine shouted before grabbing X-23 by the neck and hurling her across the room. As X-23 slam into the wall, Wolverine quickly rose back onto his feet and rushed towards the door that Silver Fox took.

Wolverine quickly press the door control panel forcing the door to close before slamming his claws inside the control panel as the door closes.

Wolverine could hear rapid scraping and banging noises emanating from the other side of the door as X-23 attempt to chase after him.

"Stay in the room for awhile, the adults need to talk" Wolverine grunted before dashing down the corridor in hot pursuit after Silver Fox.

End of Wolverine's POV

Please review, write or provide feedback.... so that i can improve myself and the story..

Have been really busy... huge workload since I have just return from sick leave.... work is pile up like a mountain......

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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