
Abomination vs everyone

Jewel distracted by the loud boom looked towards the source of the sound, noticing this Abomination attack her with the large spike on his elbow with the intention of killing her. I quickly web line Jewel and pull her back to safety while at the same time I shoot some webbing towards Abomination's eyes.

"Focus Jewel. Combo attack now!" I say as I pointed towards the web line and Abomination

"Right. Fast ball special coming right up!" Jewel say as she grab the web line and twirl me around her like a lasso. Throwing me towards Abomination, I speed up my attack using my jet boot and aim my punch powered by venom blast directly towards Abomination's head. The punch send him smashing into the ground creating a bigger crater due to the impact.

Jumping back to safety, both of us look back towards the other end of the road as a large green hand came out of the crater creating huge commotions as the civilians started screaming and running away.

"Damn it Nightwing, I think you are jinx! This is the fourth green monster, what they have against you?" Jewel say in annoyance.

"Hey, I am totally innocent! It is not my fault that most of the monsters is green in color" I argued back as I notice Abomination struggle to stand back up. Looking back at Hulk, I was impressed that Bruce aka Hulk is able to persuade General Ross to allow him to stop Abomination.

As Abomination came out from his crater, he notice the green monster at the other end of the road. He smile in excitement saying "Finally Hulk!" totally ignoring both of us as Abomination run towards Hulk shouting "Hulk!".

Jewel replied "At least they are fighting each other! but I am slightly annoyed that they ignore us. It makes me feel like used tissue" as Hulk roared "ROAARR!!!" and run towards Abomination.

"Yup! Lets see who we should help but I got a feeling we should help the new monster" I answered back as I quickly make sure all the flying vehicles didn't harm any civilians as Jewel look back at me feeling confused.

Abomination and Hulk run towards each other with each step they make causing cracks on the road and a loud thump until they they meet in the middle creating a shock wave that shattered all the surrounding glass. Abomination tackled Hulk and throw Hulk smashing into the vehicles in the street.

The shock wave push both of us back as we protected some of the civilians that didn't manage to escape in time.

As Abomination approach Hulk, he notice the military soldiers nearby directing the civilians to safety while their machine guns still pointed towards him. Feeling angry Abomination say "You ungrateful bastards" as he grab a car and was planning to throw the car towards them.

Before I could react, Hulk stood in between Abomination and the soldiers, punching through the car and sending Abomination flying backwards down the road. Hulk look back at the military soldiers and gestured with his hand for them to escape before pursuing Abomination.

Seeing this Jewel determinedly say "Okay lets help this 'Hulk'!" as she fly towards the fighting titans with me nodding my head.

Both Abomination and Hulk is fighting like it is a title match as they are giving everything they got with Abomination having the advantage in the fight. Abomination is overpowering Hulk with pure strength and fighting skills.

I delivered a kick toward Abomination knee from behind causing him to fall on knees. Hulk took the opportunity and punch Abomination's face twice before smashing Abomination's chest with both of his fists causing Abomination to fall on his back.

"Move" Jewel shouted as she come flying straight down from the sky leg first as she smash into Abomination's face causing a huge shock wave. Before Jewel could fly back to safety, Abomination try to grab her but Hulk smash Abomination back into the ground and keep punching Abomination's face.

Suddenly there is a loud song 'AC/DC - Shoot to Thrill' approach us from the sky as Ironman shoot his repulsor beams from both of his hands towards Hulk causing Hulk to stagger in pain.

"Looks like I made it to the party!" Ironman said excitedly before threatening the monsters" Don't move monsters or I will blast you".

As Hulk was distracted, Abomination kicked Hulk's chest sending him flying through several building before Abomination smash the ground sending all of us flying backward due to the impact. Abomination growled in anger "Stop disturbing my fight" as he jump upward towards the roof as Abomination went after Hulk.

Ironman groan as he stood back up saying "Did you see where the truck that hit us go?"

I shout at Ironman "You idiot! You shoot the wrong guy, he is on our side. We nearly ended the fight".

"How the hell will I know that? They are both green monster. Wait a minute he did look familiar. Is that Hulk?" Ironman asked cautiously.

"Yes, you idiot" Jewel shouted as she fly up into the sky.

"Ops! Don't worry I will fix that" Ironman say innocently before flying away after Jewel.

In the distance, I can see a military helicopter chasing Abomination and start shooting bullets continuously towards him as he jump from roof after roof avoiding the attack while at the same time searching for Hulk. "Damn it, they are endangering everyone" I say as I quickly chase after Abomination.

"Ross" Abomination said feeling deeply infuriated before he jump towards the military helicopter with intention to kill them.

As Abomination nearly collide with the General Ross's military helicopter, Hulk grab Abomination midair and pull him down crashing into a building construction area.

Abomination grab Hulk's face and throw him into construction building sending the building collapsing on top of Hulk.

Ironman came blasting his repulsor against Abomination as he threaten "Stay down and reach for the skies!"

Ignoring Ironman's threat, Abomination grab Ironman from the air and smash him into the ground. Seeing the military helicopter flying nearby Abomination smirked and throw Ironman crashing into it, destroying the military helicopter's tail.

"Jewel, save the helicopter!" I called out as I see the military helicopter descending downward dangerously as it is in danger of crashing into the ground. I went towards Abomination to distract him.

"I am on it." Jewel replied as she went to rescue the military helicopter as she complain to her self "That tin man is causing more problem than helping".

"Did you forget about me!" I say as I jump onto Abomination's back and use my escrima stick (Note to self upgrade escrima stick to increase damage) powered by venom blast and the electricity in the stick directly toward Abomination's neck before jumping back.

Abomination growled in disgust and pain "You are not strong enough to fight me" and he swing his fists towards me.

I quipped "Back at you buddy! You are not fast enough to hit me and I still can hurt you. You are all brawn and no brain!" as I avoided each of his fists and countering it with my own attack by hitting him with the stick and kicking his face. Jumping back to safety, I asked "Hey! By the way where is your groin? Is it missing or is it too tiny?".

Glancing back, I can see that the General Ross's military helicopter is in one piece as Jewel and Ironman has set it down safely. The people in the military helicopter is safely evacuated by Jewel as they stared at the fight. Hulk at the other hand is coming out from the collapse building ready to get back into the fight.

Abomination is deeply angered by my comment roared in anger "I will crush you into mince meat!" as he rush towards me.

"You have to catch me first!" I taunted as I avoided his charge and keep hitting him at Abomination's temple causing him to stagger back.

Abomination grunted in anger "Stay still and ..." but before he finish his sentence Ironman interrupted "My turn!" blasting a long stream of his repulsor beam sending Abomination flying towards Hulk .

Hulk double fist punch Abomination into the ground shouting "Hulk Smash!" as he keep punching Abomination into the ground causing crack on the ground to grow larger and larger.

Looking at the onlooking crowd of soldiers and Betty, I shouted "Move back! This is not a boxing match! We can't fight properly if we have to worry about your safety" as turn back and waited for my opportunity to attack Abomination.

General Ross, his soldier, the civilians and Betty went slightly further with Betty looking at Hulk with concern as she is held back by the soldiers.

As Abomination and Hulk struggle to get the upper hand in the fight, I decided this fight can't keep going on. "Ironman! Jewel! I have an idea but I need both of you help to hold Abomination down. Don't attack his face and webbing. I will deal with it".

Ironman complain "Why should I listen....", Jewel slap the back of Ironman's head and ordered "Just listen!".

"Hulk hold him down!" I shouted out towards Hulk as he nodded his head.

Hulk grab Abomination from behind, I quickly shoot as much of my webbing and restrain each of Abomination's arms and legs. "Okay. Stop him!" I said as Jewel grab Abomination's right hand and Ironman grab Abomination's left hand while complaining "I am only doing this one time".

I quickly approach Abomination and punch his throat causing to choke in pain. As Abomination open his mouth and struggle to breath, I quickly shoot my webbing into his mouth and nose blocking all his breathing pathway. Quickly I grab his legs.

Realizing what I was planning to do to him, Abomination struggle even harder to escape but is not successful with all our combine effort. After struggling for some time Abomination fainted due to the lack of oxygen as all of us fall back feeling exhausted.

Jewel complain "We should have done that much earlier! My fists and legs hurt a lot when I hit his head.

As I was going to reply her, Ironman interrupted "So what about him?" he pointed to Hulk with his thumb.

Standing back up and look at Hulk as he stared back at all of us. I said "He is Okay. He is a friendly".

After a while Hulk snorted before walking towards the unconscious Abomination.

He put a leg on top of Abomination and let an Earth shattering roar showing his victory as it scare some of the bystanders, soldiers and the approaching police officers.

Betty being not afraid approach Hulk and softly said "Bruce" with full of emotion. Hulk looking back at her and wanting to hold her face but stop and grunted "Betty" before he is rudely interrupted by a News helicopter that shine a spotlight on him and flying overhead all of us.

Growling in annoyance, Hulk looked back at us before jumping away with the news helicopter chasing after him.

As General Ross, the soldiers and the police officers approach us, I say "Jewel, Lets go and help the other!' but before we leave Ironman stopped us "Wait! I need to tell you something".

"What is it?" I asked

Ironman replied cheekily "If a black man with an eye patch approach you saying that he is from SHIELD please be wary of him! He is from an evil organization. If you see him make sure you punch him for me and capture him".

Smiling at myself because of what Ironman have stated, I acted stupid and replied "Thank you". Both Jewel and I fly into the night sky to help the others to deal with the civilians.


As all the people look into the distance as Hulk, Jewel and Nightwing disappear into the night sky, General Ross approach Ironman.

'Friends of your Stark?' General Ross asked as he approached Ironman.

"Nope just a man, that is going to get into a huge trouble and will be totally ignored" Ironman replied before looking at General Ross criticizing "I hate to tell you that I told you so General but that super soldier serum is put on ice for a reason. I always felt that hardware is more reliable"

General Ross commented "Since you have so many nice suits you could have contributed to the army"

Ironman replied "You know that I am out of the weapon dealing business so it is a no!"

"So what do you want to do now!" General Ross asked.

"What if I tell you we are putting up a team" Ironman whispered.

General Ross look at Ironman with curiosity and interested ask "Who is we?"

Please review, write, review or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and story. thanks

my longest chapter to date. all the best everyone... still not in the mood. sorry everyone. will get back as soon as possible... once everything settle down emotionally wise. thx. hope you enjoy

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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