

Jenny don't want to open about her and varu friendship so she said, let go but varu came and open about, and Hitesh shocked about they already know each other, kilo were shocked, master elder brother and jenny know each other

Ren reply, when both are kids, prince run away from home, for seeing our world, prince met jenny and both pay together and jenny brought him home, so we knows that, he is prince we send him home, in that prince Hitesh, you were not born, you don't know this thing happen, jenny really take care of that photo, that we click photo between varu and jenny.

So you can say that, both are really good friend, I think jenny forget about him, if they really know each other, they never fight like that, I think, prince recognize her and kiss her

Jenny he kiss me, when and where, how dare he kiss me. Mother, why don't you tell? Hey varu, why you kiss me? We are just friend. If you know that, why you do that? I forgot that about you, you already know about me, jenny look around and everyone laughing and control there smile, everyone know that, varu kissing jenny, jenny ask her elder brother, you already know this. Why don't you tell me about this? I am waiting outside, you taking your time.

Varu follow her and want to talk to something, varu feel happy to see her, he want to talk more and more to her. Jenny was sitting outside of bench, varu saw jenny, sitting and blame herself, jenny also angry about this, varu came and ask to her. Why you angry? We are good friend, I just can't control my happiness to see you, and I just kiss you

Jenny slip away herself in side, varu sitting very close to her, jenny move slip away from vary, he also slip toward and jenny, but ignoring her and she move head to other direction, that she can't she his face. Jenny don't want to talk to him, varu hold her face and kiss her chick, jenny shocked and move our head to varu

Varu said, if you are not talking to me, I will do this as much you ignore me, I saw you growing up a beautiful girl, when I see you, I just want to play with you like kids, in that time we play together, but my parents never let me play with other person, outside of palace, so I just end up her, I was curse and went to sleep for more than 5 year, so you can say that, I don't know. What to say?

Jenny reply, fine okay, you don't have to explain to me, I understand your situation, you can go inside, we will stop by, when I come back, we will talking like friend and you can come to home as you want, everyone hiding and saw them talking and they were enjoying to see them, jenny kiss his chick and said good bye, jenny gave him a huge hug that he never forget. Jenny said, mother please come out we need to go.

Varu saw her and smile and good bye they, angel and Saakshi also come with him, so they can get back, angel said, she send her daughter to academy. Varu was amaze and want to meet her

Jenny and her parent final use portal to back to their home, form outside of palace. Saakshi ask to jenny, you were enjoying in that world, you didn't tell, you are just a cheater, who share her journey to that world, you know that prince very well.

Jenny reply that world I more dangerous than here, they will kill you eat you, my life was on line, they almost kill me, you think that, that place is very good, some bad magical came to kill me here, you take this as joke, right now I am the most unlucky person now, more that bad magician is after my life, you thought as better place.

Saakshi, sorry jenny

Ren said, I think Saakshi and her family is tired of journey, I think let them go now, you can meet her tomorrow, so let them rest.

Jenny said find and said good-bye to each other and girls shake hand they do and Saakshi open the door and back to her house, jenny feel tired and she also back to her room, but Ren order jenny go some grocery, our monthly need ends her, please go jenny

Jenny walking out and open the door and she end up in front door of grocery store, she habit of doing this now, jenny don't know that some trying to pursue her, jenny buy some fruit and snack as well and eat it for her enjoyment in house, jenny was not aware of the person who follow her and trying to pursue her, jenny open the grocery door and door open in her house and she gave grocery to her mother and said, please cook something in lunch, please don't cook something that I hate so much.

Jenny was watch T.V and lunch ready , jenny eat with rice, pulse and some cabbage, but she don't like bottle gourd, she argue with mother, mother, why you cook something that I never like, you really shame as cook of our family.

Ren reply, shut-up and eat, I don't like this attitude, your brother and sister always eat this, if you don't like, just live it, we can eat them, you already eat so much snacks, which you brought from grocery, so you need more food, go and cook yourself, you eating habit is very higher than us,

Jenny father reply, just like her mother, both are stubborn child, never earn from each other

Ren also said to jenny, dinner, I also cooking bottle gourd. If you want to eat, go and eat outside

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