
How's The Leg?

This novel has been published to Amazon. The entirety of volume 1, namely chapters 1-75--in addition to all the side chapters--have therefore been taken down. However, you can read chapters 75 and onwards for free.

You can also read a free sample before deciding to purchase the full version. 


If you love memes, cute tree spirits and general random chaos fueled by weed and soda then you, my friend, have come to the right place

DIdn't go as planned, but with Day that kinda happens alot. He keeps ruining my plans dammit! All the time! Gah!

next chapter wont take as long to come out.

anyway, damn Claude went through some fucked up shit in the game.

Heh. Vee was a double agent all along. I like that

AnonCommandercreators' thoughts
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