What happened that day?
Xing reminisced the happenings of that day in the Heavenly Council and her heart ached.
The gods weren't that pleased when she suggested that she won't be dealing her powers.
She explained, "I don't trust you people as much as you don't trust me with my powers. I have angered the god of death and I am not willing to give up my powers", and she was adament. they seemed to understand but still didn't budge.
"Didn't you say Chenglei has three more lives left? I trade those lives for my powers, in this life ", she asked with guts.
"How could you do this trade for someone else?", the god of fate interfered. Its not enough she has changed his fate this life, she is willing to deprive him of his next lives?
His next life is the life of a monarch and it is where he will meet his one true love. But this one changed his fate and...
May be it is fine if he doesn't have future lives?