
I'm Sorry

"So, who gave it? Did the guard told you?" Wyn asks.

Blue just puts the bags on Sheen's table.

"I don't know, but... seems like he's a nice guy."

Wyn tilted his dead, "How?"

"The dress doesn't seem to be revealing. I mean, if it's someone arrogant and perverted, he'll probably give Sheen some inappropriate clothes because he wants to see her in that clothing, right?" Blue raised his shoulders.

"Oh, yeah. I'd do that if I give a girl a gift. I'll send her..." Wyn smirks pervertedly, "Something I would like her to wear," he laughs maniacally.

"Oh, what is that laugh? It's so ugly," Elgeen laughs as they get out of the comfort room, "Let's go, Sheen has a lot to do and we had already wasted her time."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry about this unannounced visit, Sheen, and you received another gift. The guard gave it," Blue said as he and Wyn stand up.

Sheen looks at the shopping bags on her table and nods, "I see. No worries guys, thank you for stopping by and thank you again, Elgeen," Sheen smiles as she walks them to the door.

"No problem, see you on Saturday!" Elgeen winks with that teasing smile.

Sheen doesn't know what it means but it totally made her feel embarrased.

"Bye," she said while the others wave farewell.

"What was that?" She whispered and went back to her table and takes a look at what is inside.

She sighs and went back to her seat, "Maybe it's just a hunch. Or I am expecting. Whatever... he might be sending this to a wrong person. Why would he give such gifts? This is keeping my hopes up," she laughs.

"But why do I feel happy and excited?" she looks at her trembling hands.

She suddenly felt like something's going to happen that just makes her feel so good that it scares her.

"Goodness, I should finish this now," she said with an uncontrollable smile on her face as she takes opens her laptops.

After a few hours, the same guard knocked on her door again, but the thing that greeted her the moment she opened the door is a life-sized bear.

She internally screams with the cuteness but she composes herself, "What is this, Sir?" she asks.

"Someone wants to give this to you, Ma'am," the guars replied.

"Oh," she bites her lips from excitement since the guard can't see her she silently screamed with her mouth open as she takes the bear.

"I don't know what's happening, but thank you, Sir, for bring this."

Now, the guard's the one who can't see Sheen's face, "No problem, Ma'am," he smiled with Sheen's politeness.

It's rare to find people with high statuses who calls simple worker as him 'Sir'.

He closed the door as Sheen puts the bear on the couch.

The moment the guard left she jumps with joy, it's always her dream to have a stuffed toy.

She never had any bear when she was a kid and she always wanted to have one.

But since she's already an adult and is busy with her own problems and life, she forgot about it.

"Oh my goodness, you are so cute and fluffy!" She said and hugged the bear.

With a big wide smile, she can't help but feel the warmth from the bear.

"This is the best day!" she whispered as she slowly slips from hugging bear off the couch.

She takes a deep breath with a smile and went back to work.

After a long day, she decided to leave the bear in her office and bring it home some other time.

She left her office with a smile with the chocolates in her arms.

She even hums while locking the door.

"Sheen," a voice called which jolted her.

"Whaa!" she shrieked.

She felt embarrassed that someone hears her humming with a weird smile on her face.

She turns around and saw Clark.

She suddenly felt the same excitement and happiness as she clenches the chocolate box in her arms tighter while staring at the beautiful creature in front of her.

"Let's go home," he said and turns around with a stiff face.

He's been holding back his clingy attitude, he wasn't able to see her for the whole day and now that she's in front, his smile is hard to suppress especially that she's holding the chocolates that he gave her.

"Oh, okay..." Sheen follows him with a smile.

She doesn't know why, but seeing him after a long day makes her happy.

All the way to the parking lot, Sheen has a wide smile on her face while Clark tries to hide his stiff expression and flustered face.

He didn't even know what he is feeling.

This is the first time he felt this emotion.

Happiness, excitement, comfort, safety all at once whenever Sheen's with him.

The moment they are on the parking lot, Clark suddenly hurriedly opened the door of the car, making Sheen think that he's in a hurry to go home and that Cj might be alone.

"Oh, are you in a hurry?" she asks but she noticed that Mr. Rogers is nowhere to be found, "Where's Mr. Rogers?"

She suddenly felt worried.

Clark didn't answer her, he just nervously takes the bouquet from the car with his hands trembling as his heart grew more excited.

His stomach suddenly felt a weird feeling that made him nervous.

Then a thousand thoughts came rushing in his mind.

What if he gets rejected?

What if after this she backs away?

What if everything will change?

What if...

He takes a deep breath since she might be wondering now why he's reaching out for something in the car.

'Okay, you can send people in the prison, this shouldn't be hard, Clark,' he thought and grinds his teeth.

But for some reason, he felt paralyzed.

He can't take out the bouquet and ask Sheen.

"Clark? Are you okay?" Sheen asks.

He's been in the same position for the past 5 minutes and Mr. Rogers is still not arriving.

"Yeah, uh..." Clark clears his throat.

'You can do this,' Clark once again tries to cheer himself.

"Are you sure? I'll call someone from the company, I think something's wrong. You're not moving, you know?" Sheen worriedly said as she turns around.

But she was stopped by a pair of hands wrapped around her waist that carries a beautiful bouquet.

She froze on her tracks.

"This is the last gift, and please don't look at me. Just read what's in the letter and answer," Clark whispers on her ear making her fluster and stop her breath.

Dan and Bea are watching from the building with binoculars on their hands.

"He's so lame!" Dan yelled while watching them.

"Yeah, he is. Look at my cousin, she's so red," Bea laughs.

"I thought he's a big man but he can't handle such simple confession."

"Oh, yeah about that. I have a confession too."

"Yeah? What about? You ate my pudding?"

"No, you're a dad now."

"I know."

"I was planning on asking Boss on how to surpri--- What? How?" Bea looks at Dan.

"I saw the ultrasound image, how can you be so careless?" Dan said with teary eyes, "It's hard to pretend that I don't know. I want to do things for you like wake up in the middle of the night to buy you foods that you crave for."

Bea covers her mouth with tears in her eyes, "You're doing that tonight then."

Dan reached out his hand and hugs Bea with smiles on their face for the new life that they will welcome.

Sheen looks at the bouquet, she doesn't know what to do.

She wants to stay in his arms for longer and if ever she reads what's in the letter, he might let go.

She knows it's him who send the gifts.

But she doesn't know why.

And it's in that letter.

His breath tickles her so bad that she hurriedly took the letter since if this continues, she doesn't know what else she'll feel.

Slowly, she opened the letter and reads the words on the scented paper.

Her eyes grew wide as her eyebrows frown.

She suddenly felt as if she's being deafened by her heartbeat.

With the words written, it's as if her breath is taken away.

She found a ring inside the envelope.

And Clark lets her go.

With the long silence, he assumed what her answer already is.

He snorted and turned around.

"I'm sorry."

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