
West blue

With a dull thud the ship landed in the tumultuous and breezy sea, the clouds that had gathered above head shuffled along angrily, thunder booming in the background. Evident crack lines ran through the side of the ship and a faint wheezing rang from the sails.

The crew were pitched over in exhaustion, breathing deeply, Sorren sat clutching tightly to the side of the ship kneeling as he breathed deeply, layers of steam rose from his sweating plump face and a noticeable thin-ness to his usual broad frame.

A swift wail seemed to come from Fawkes' spasming muscles, even though the first fight that the crew had had, had taken place quite a while back his body had not fully recovered from the serum, that along with the amount of things that he had done during this particularly dumb endeavor had left him pretty much running on fumes.

Terrick was not known for his ability to heavy lift, thus it was not surprising that he had done almost nothing to contribute he was still quite tired. Angella had in fact done more during this particular quest and still somewhat retained her standing form, and was now sitting calmly on the deck with a chair that she had prepared for herself, her only signs of exhaustion were her slowly shivering legs that she had tucked under her.

I on the other hand did not physically contribute but still felt like I had physically lugged the piece of wood that we were sailing on, and I would wager that my mental strain trumped all the members of the crew, though I still had it in me to turn around and triumphantly smile towards the retreating gorge while the water still splashed around me as a result of our fall from that height.

Barrels of steam rose behind me as the sun gradually set in the horizon casting pink shadows into the sky, a small smile rose on my lips before shunting into a full blown body shaking laughter.

"Hahahahahaha!" I roared into the sky as my crew's shaky laughter slowly joined into the chorus. "Man, that was some crazy shit! but really life wouldn't be fun without those stupid decisions would it? What say you first mate, would you raise a cup to the stupidity of the world?" I asked as I slowly swiveled around flashing a country toppling grin at the ones that had held my back during my otherwise lethal bout of stupidity.

Fawkes chuckled lightly as he slowly hobbled over to the kitchen before bringing back four bottles of sake and chucking it at the four on this ship that were somewhat used to the fizzy concoction.

"To you captain, the maddest man under the sun!" Fawkes said before raising his bottle and chugging its contents. "Why raise a glass when we can raise the whole bottle?" Terrick questioned rhetorically before doing the same. "Why not, drink to the mad king?" Angella said bringing up the rear to the trio that had toasted me.

I raised my glasses as well, "Weather we one day rule the seas or not, we shall surely drown it in a flood of madness" I agreed before chugging as well, bringing a hype to the festive atmosphere that had been created, accentured by the snores of the youngest member of our crew's sleeping body we continued to rejoice our surprising survival of the recent and mind numbingly stupid campaign.


"Kakakaakkakaak-" Ragner roared before he began choking on his spittle, "What the fuck did you teach your son brat? even I wouldn't pull this shit while I was flat out drunk, let alone with even a hint of some sobriety! He fucking jumped over reverse mountain!" He said with his gruff voice as he chortled at the unbelievable reveal.

With a dull thud Jack grimaced lightly as he felt his back clench from the heavy hit while he looked bemused at the antics that his son had decided to embroil himself in, he slowly clenched the letter in his hand before giving the bird in front of him a smile.

The coo regarded him carefully before nodding its leg sack for the expected change it would receive for the report it had provided. With a ching and a cursory glance at the money it had been given it flew into the sky before disappearing into the endless gray clouds that surrounded the unnamed island.

"Hah, you didn't react this way when you found out that the brat had beaten the boy from the Donquixote family, yet now you laugh?" Jack queered a slight questioning in his otherwise carefree tone.

"Kakak! Back then it was a question of ol' Tankan's training, the maniac is part of my crew, I know the kind of torture that he conducts in the umbrella term of training, even after all of that if lil' Lore couldn't escape from that pink-ass flamingo, then it would have been better to follow in your brothers footsteps and choose the path of a scholar instead of going out into the wide sea! This on the other hand is a question of sheer maddening stupidity!! So of course I am proud of the little lad, after all that level of stupidity can only have been inherited from the family!" He roared energetically before sipping on his premium ale.

Slowly however the smile on his face underwent a drastic change, at the end even transforming into a form of vile and twisted expression that terrified the sitting Jack. "Old Tankan, get the ship and sail into the outer layers of the island!! Go now!" He roared with a rarely appearing serious face that bellied a rage that seemed to singe the air around him, faint vapors of steam rose from around him as a swift light jumped out of the shade behind him, got on a tiny jetty and rode hurriedly into the chilly night, leaving only a bare and robotic 'Yes captain' that swayed unhurriedly in the wind.

"What is it old man?" Jack asked as he tried to hobble to his feet, his observation Haki already reaching out to the ends of the island before reluctantly stopping at the end of its range.

"It's your brother Raigar, he's injured." Was the curt and sardonic response that he received as the wind devolved into a slight gale that moaned eerily in the night...

number two!

Raiohosorecreators' thoughts
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