

To say that he was appalled by that discovery would be an understatement. But he put on a calm expression, and simply accepted his loss. Besides, with the silver that Baisheng had put up for the bet, he should be able to pick up another blade from the Garrison. They had quite a number of spares, after all.

At least, that was what he told the tall man, when he and the rotund merchant made apologetic noises over the whole incident. And they persisted too, even until dinner was served. Which seemed to make them give it up, and concentrate on their meal.

Wuying discovered that the youth and Xiao Tao had also been more generous than he had expected, when it came to adding their travel rations to the soup that was supposed to be their main course. The addition of the dried meat to the same certainly proved more than welcome, resulting in the whole group devouring their meal wholeheartedly.

Which was probably why Wuying had taken over the washing up, at the nearby stream, so that his guests could have a proper rest. And Xiao Tao could continue to listen to the young man's stories, which she clearly felt so fascinating. From the looks of things, it didn't look as if he was enamored of the young girl, so she would be safe enough, he decided.

But another surprise was waiting for him, by the time that he returned:

The tall man gestured at the long, cloth-wrapped bundle that he had placed on the old rickety table between them. His expression was serious, so Wuying wondered what the man was up to. He did not, however, have to wait very long.

"I have, through my actions, caused your sword to break. Now, it was not intentional, of course, but it does cause a serious impediment to your training. And that poses a bit of a quandary when you go for your test. And that will have an implication, of a sort, to my good name. So, I will leave you with this."

He reached out then, and tapped the wrapped bundle as he finished. And from the heavy sound of the same, Wuying could tell that it was another sword. So he had a spare with him? That was something that the younger man had not expected!

"Ah! That is hardly necessary! I can train with a wooden one just as well. And it was merely an accident. There is no need to ..."

The mercenary - if mercenary he was, held up a hand to stop him there. "No. My honor demands it. Besides, using a stick in practice doesn't help as much as a proper sword. And I would like a rematch when we meet again. Your style is very different from anything that I have ever seen! It was a very, very interesting bout, and you can hardly blame me for wanting you at your best, hey? When we meet again?"

Then he laughed, and waved a hand over the bundle. "And if anyone gives you any trouble on the road, you can pull this on the idiot! And show them this!" he said, as he pulled out a small tag of black iron, which he laid down onto the cloth of the bundle, "Just tell them that you were given that sword by Baisheng of House Yue. And tell them how you beat me!"

He laughed again, and tapped his right shoulder-blade. The tear in his coat was still there, and Wuying felt his face growing red at once. But the tall man caught him before he could apologize again. "I'll remember that move, as I hope that you'll remember the ones that I have taught you. We both still have a way to go, I think. And we may need such skills in the future."

Wuying bowed back, his expression as grave as the tall man's. Who had shown him two other moves the night before, and Wuying's body still ached from the exchange. Yet, he had to admit that they seemed very practical, especially against more than one opponent. And in the heat of battle.

"I thank you, sir, for all of that. And I'll strive harder, to be worthy of your sword," he began then, nodding at the bundle on the table between them. But the older man merely waved that aside.

"Come! We are warriors, and our blades have already spoken! No need for any of that polite nonsense, brother!"

But he too turned a little more serious. "Now, there is one more thing. Well, in actuality, it is two things, but they can be tied to a single effort:

"My lame horse is the first. The ... young master is rather fond of that horse, and while we are more than willing to gift it to you, I'm sure that you would prefer the silver that Xiang ge had offered earlier, to care for it. No? Well, we are tied up all the way to the summer, and I think you would not mind making a short trip to Kongmin Town, just forty miles or so to the East ... That's where my ancestral home is, you see. I can have my people pay you there, and reclaim the horse. What do you say to that? Say, a hundred silver coins?"

"That ... that is very generous of you!"

"Not at all. Like I said, we shall be ... rather occupied in the near future and the young master likes that horse," he told Wuying as he reached into his coat, to pull out a small purse. That sounded a little heavy as he put it down on the table next to his sword.

"That's the coin that you'll probably need to tend to its injuries. And for its new shoe. Of course, we'd rather that you keep it in good shape. Head to the Yue Family Estate once you arrive in town - that's my family I think I have already mentioned that once before! Look for young Ling er, who should know what to do. I've leave instructions there."

The man waited for Wuying to nod and acknowledge his instructions before he went on. This time, he looked a little more uncomfortable. "On to the second matter then. How would you like it if we healed your sister's bad leg?"


Five moons later ...

It was shortly after the height of spring, and the White Tiger Gate Troop was marching East to the City, to induct new members, retire old ones, and to participate in the Summer Games. The last was an annual festival of sorts, that allowed for the soldiers to let their hair down and drink more than they should. Of course, White Tiger Gate was the poorest of the Three Gates, and they were a great deal more restrained than the other two. Still, it was a happy occasion for the troop.

Travelling with them, on a horse that was far too good for anyone in the outlying provinces, was Yue Wuying and his little sister Yue Tao, also called little Peach. There were rumors about how a young nobleman had fallen hopelessly in love with the young maid, and how he had left his horse to let her travel in comfort to his hometown, so that he could marry her there. Or take her as his mistress. Or lover. That part of the story was a little unclear, since some of it was spread by the neighboring farmers and usually when they were in their cups. Besides, it didn't sound very plausible to the village gossips, who dismissed as another far-fetched tale.

But it was also obvious to any who watched the troopers depart the village that they held the pair in high regard. Why young Lieutenant Lan, who was due for his next posting somewhere else, was almost deferrent to the young farmer! And he sat astride a lovely mare from the Weiyan Stables himself! And that was said to have cost him almost three hundred pieces of silver! Which, of course, made people wonder where he managed to get the money. No one had a good answer for that!

Yet the Lieutenant evidently treated the siblings far better than one would expect of good neighbors and friends, for he invited the pair to dine with the troops every night, and was obviously reluctant to part with them, when they finally reached Kongmin Town.

The Town Guards that served at the Gates of the same were perhaps a little surprised when the poorly dressed pair left the band and came towards them. Kongmin was well-known for being the last of the walled towns in the West, and the Garrison there were cautious and alert, as befits that reputation. So they were more than passing aware of the warm waves and farewells exchanged by the troopers and the pair as they approached the latter. And the two guards that stepped forward to check on the apparent peasant duo were cautiously polite...


Wuying enjoyed his time with the soldiers, to tell the truth. In fact, he had enjoyed most of the journey from Black Tortoise and Xiao Tao's farm to Kongmin Town. And he was actually reluctant to leave the troop as well, considering how he had been treated by all of the soldiers. But he did have to return the horse.

It also appeared that Lieutenant Lan had been more than pleased with his suggestion to resell his horse to the rotund merchant. And with the coin that the fat man had paid to the soldier - buying over his contract, as it were. It had been more than sufficient for the Lieutenant to purchase the mare that he had really wanted. And he had enough left over from the deal to make a decent present for his family as well. That was probably why Wuying had been invited the join the soldiers most of the nights while they traveled East.

But now he was finally at Kongmin Town, and that meant the chance to fulfill the wishes of his dead friend was at hand. If he could get Xiao Tao properly healed and walking smoothly again ...

"Wuying da ge, the guards are approaching."

He looked up then, and saw that Xiao Tao's observation was correct. He had been ready for that. He reached into his purse, and pulled out the metal tag that he had been given, close to two moons ago, back at the farm. He could only hope that it would work.

"Here. Who are you? Why have you stopped here?"

Wuying looked up and saw that it was a pair in the uniform of the local Town Guard. Both of them looked a little distracted by Xiao Tao, who was still astride the huge horse. A horse that was far too good for the likes of simple farm folk.

"Ah! Good day to you both, good sirs. I have come to deliver this horse to the Yue Family. See? I have the mark of Yue Baisheng," he said as he held up the metal tag, "May I know how I can find the place?"

The older of the guards' eyes went wide as soon as he saw what was in Wuying's hand, and he caught the younger one's hand before the latter could reach for the same. "That's Royal Guard Yue Baisheng's tag alright. I see! So this is the horse that he had left behind, hey?" the former said then, his tone a little softer.

"Yes, it is. Ah! I had my sister ride it, since her leg is injured. I'll get her to dismount at once." Wuying suddenly realized that it was a little disrespectful to have the pair look up at Xiao Tao when they were supposed to be on duty at the Gate.

But the older guard merely laughed and waved that aside. "No need. In fact, keep her on the horse. It makes it easier. Come on, then. I'll lead you to the manor myself. It's not too hard to find, but Major Yue had left word that the horse is important to him. We wouldn't want it to cause a ruckus in the street, eh?" the man chuckled as he signaled for the younger guard to return to the post.

Then he gestured for Wuying to follow after him, into the town proper, so the man did so, leading the horse behind him. With Xiao Tao still on the beast, and gawking at everything in sight!

She gasped in surprise when she saw the market and the items that were displayed in the same, making the old town guard laugh again. "Brother! The buildings! They are larger and taller than anything back home!" she exclaimed.

Wuying's eyes were just as wide, but he contained his own excitement and merely nodded back at her. "Yes, they are. But come! There is no need to make such a fuss! We are drawing a good bit attention, Xiao Tao!"

But the guardsman merely laughed along with the girl. "Oh, just let her enjoy herself, young man! We have all sorts coming and going here. And someone as young as the lady should be given a chance to look at the sights in the town! You'll see even more surprising things deeper inside," he warned the pair proudly, "Oh! And I'll also need your name for the town register. Before I forget!"

"Ah! Yes, yes. This one is Yue Wuying, and this is my adopted sister, Yue Tao."

"Oh? Little Peach then? Of course, it suits her. But ... adopted?"

Wuying sighed. "My surname is Yue, for the moon, while hers mean valley. I am a friend of her father's. Well, her late father. He was training me up to join the Guard when he passed on suddenly. So I became her guardian," he explained.

"That makes good sense. Well, I think I understand now."

The older guardsman did not say anything further, which made Wuying wonder if he really understood. But he was leading them deeper into the town, and Wuying was too busy trying to pick out the landmarks to worry anyway.

Then, all at once, the town guardsmen came to a stop. He smiled at the pair then, and gestured at the huge gate in front of them. "Here we are! This is Yue Manor. You should be able to get in by showing that tag - the pass chit, to the door warden," he explained to Wuying, pointing to the metal tag still in his hand, "Although I should think that they will also recognize the Major's horse here. Good luck to you both then."

Xiao Tao smiled and waved back at the bearded guard then, while Wuying thanked him profusely as he bowed. Then the pair was alone, and facing a very tall and wide gate.

"Are you sure this is where we are supposed to go, brother? That we are supposed to return the horse here?" the girl asked him then, a little nervously. No doubt she was awed by the size of the gate itself.

To tell the truth, Wuying was just as confused and uncertain as she was, not that he was going to show that in front of her. So he merely smiled and moved towards the huge wooden door. "Come on! There's only one way to find out, isn't there?" he said with a nervous smile, as he pounded on the same crimson door, "Let's just ask whoever answers the door, hmm?"


The ones who came to answer his knocking took one look at the horse and quickly brought Wuying and his sister into the compound. But it took a good while before they moved from that into the outer courtyard. The servants evidently had their orders, and the pair was quietly led to a shaded spot where they could wait in relative comfort.

The man who came to greet them formally, shortly after they arrived there, was clearly not a servant. He was dressed very differently from the rest of the household and his manners reminded him of the one who had tasked them with their unusual journey. But he smiled openly at the pair, and he seemed a little indulgent when it came to Xiao Tao's unpolished greeting. That was enough to make Wuying warm to him at least.

"You must be the young master's guests from White Tiger Gate. Or is it Tortoise Mountain? I see that you have finally arrived. We have been expecting you for a while now. Truthfully, ever since the young master told us about the incident. At your farm, wasn't it?" the old man said then, as he stepped closer to the pair. His manner was almost like that of family, and there was no denying the warmth in his greeting. The behavior of the servants behind him, as well as the pair of grooms that had arrived to take the horse off his hands, made Wuying wonder just who he was. This one was clearly someone rather high in the hierarchy within the household.

Which made it all the more surprising when he caught Wuying by the arm and dragged him towards the main house, moving slowly so that Xiao Tao could keep up. "It must have been a long and tiring journey for you! But do not be too worried, the young master - Ah! You probably know him as the Major! Well, he has left very clear instructions regarding the two of you! Oh, and you had better bring the sword along. I see that you still have it wrapped up. That's good. You should bring it to the main house later. We have waited for a long time to see that again!"

"A long time ... This sword?"

Xiao Tao seemed to be a little surprised to hear that. But the old man only smiled at her interruption, and seemed amused by her blush. "It is true. We have all been wondering about you since Midwinter. It has been a very exciting time for all of us?" he declared with a laugh.

Then he waved at the building that they were coming close to. "But that is something that we can talk about after you've had a bath, and put on some clean clothes. The journey was hard, and I'm sure that you'll feel a lot more comfortable after a hot bath, hey?"

Wuying looked up and saw that there was a sizable army of servants standing before them, all with their heads bowed as though they were waiting for orders. And the old man seemed to laugh when he saw the pair freeze in mid-step. "Not to worry, they are only here to show you to your rooms. And your baths! We have been expecting you for a long time, like I said earlier. So it is only expected that we have made all the preparations already. Now, why don't you go along with them, and get yourselves cleaned up first. We can talk again after you have done that, hmmm?"

It didn't take more than a bath and an offer of clean clothes - a beautiful pink dress, actually! That was enough to coax Xiao Tao to let go of his hand and go with the servants to her own room. And that meant that Wuying was alone when another pair of servant girls led him to another room, where there was a bathtub filled with steaming water, set in the middle of the floor! And there was a set of pale green clothes that sat on the bed a short distance behind it. When the girls started to step forward, and to strip of his travel-stained garb, he quickly demurred, and chased them out so that he could take care of matters on his own.

It was much more confusing than he had expected, to tell the truth. But it certainly seemed as if the tall man - the Major? The group had seemed to be more than surprised when he managed to land a hit on him back at the farm, almost two moons back. And it seemed that the people at the manor were similarly impressed. But what had that to do with the way that he, and Xiao Tao, were being treated? He certainly didn't have a clue!

Still, he wasn't about to wait around. He finished cleaning up quickly. Although the warm water was more than tempting; it seemed to wash the travel weariness from his limbs as he soaked in it. But he picked up the wrapped sword as soon as he was done dressing, and hurried out of the room once he was done.

There was another servant girl waiting for him outside the door. And she led him to a small Hall the moment that he stepped out. It seemed that someone had already left instructions about him, without his having to ask!

There was a good number of men - older men, in the Hall when Wuying arrived. They were all older than any that he had seen, save for a handful, back in the village. Most of them had grey hair and long beards, while others had the latter trimmed closer to their chins. Those seemed to be clad in something that approximated the uniforms that was worn at White Tiger Gate, which made him wonder if they were retired from the military. It certainly made him feel more than a little self-conscious he was ushered into the Hall, and warmly greeted by the same old man who had met him and his adopted sister earlier at the Gate.

"Ah! You are done with your bath already! That was quick! It seems you will fit right in with those of us who have been in the Guard! They aren't likely to linger when washing up either, although that was mostly in the field!" the old man laughed as he dragged Wuying by the arm once again, leading him deeper into the small gathering Hall, "Now, I am Ling Dongyen, and you can consider me your guide while you are at the Manor."

Then he waved to another of the old men, and he grinned as he introduced the stranger to Wuying. "This is Fu Ying, who has retired from the Army, but still keeps in contact with the same. He has actually served at White Tiger Gate himself, so he makes the best person to guide you, to prepare you for your time in the field. I believe that you still intend to go through with your enlistment into the Guard there? Well, he would have lots to share with you then!"

The other man, who was slightly shorter than the first, stepped forward then, and looked over Wuying, perhaps a little critically. "Not too bad, but you'll need to put on a bit more weight and muscle, I think. We usually do that during your basic training, but no harm getting that out of the way," he laughed as he said that, before he waved a hand at the rest of the old men in the room, "These seventeen old fellows are here to help you with the various skills that you will need. Well, we'll put you through a tough regime while you are here! By the time you get to the recruitment office, they'll be begging you to join up!"

Then his manner turned a little more serious. "But first, we all have to aching to hear the tale - you managed to clip the Major one, didn't you? Here on his shoulder?" The man stopped to point at his back then, and suddenly Wuying realized that they were talking about the mock duel that he had with the tall man, back at his farm.

But he didn't have a chance to say anything then, because another of the old men had pushed himself forward, and there was an almost fanatical gleam in his eyes as he asked: "So, how did you do it? Can you do it again? I think I know the move that the Major mentioned. Can you demonstrate how you did it?"

And the rest of the session soon devolved into an interrogation, where Wuying was battered by the ceaseless questions about his so-called duel!

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