
Chapter 20: Gifts (2)

I kissed her and told her I would be back in an hour. I ran out of the inn determined to get her a suitable dress to wear to the castle. Not that she wasn't beautiful enough on her own, but I knew how my parents were. I ran to the tailors and asked for the best dress they had, and made sure to say money was no issue. They had three dresses that would suit her. One was blue and white, one was blue and purple and the other was black and red. I knew immediately which one I wanted to get her. The best part was I didn't have to embarrass myself about buying a corset, she wouldn't need it. So I paid for the dress and left to go get her shoes for it. However the place was closed. So I returned to the inn. When I entered the room, it smelled like lavender and Alexia was braiding her hair so I assumed she'd just bathed. I walked up to her, inhaling the lavender scent in the room and told her I had something for her that I chanced upon. I didn't want her to think I deliberately went and bought her a dress, because I didn't want her thinking what she already had wasn't good enough. I presented the dress to her. I watched her eyes light up. I was glad she liked it.

"Kryscht, it's beautiful! Now shoo so I can change into it!" she said excitedly.

Just like that, I got kicked out of the room. As I waited, I thought back to the house she lived in and the possessions of hers I had found. I realized she had never had anything like this before. At that moment, I vowed to spoil her, as she had never been spoiled before.

Now folks I do my own editing so if something is off let me know cause all i have right now is a spell check

Lot of love <3


blaze0625creators' thoughts
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