
Naveen is filthyly rich

Brahmini : "He is one of the best designers in India and he is the one who designed wedding dresses for almost all the famous celebrities who got married recently and that includes Babitha Singh."

Sony : "I saw that dress too. It was wow. So it means he is a very big shot. He must be charging a fortune then. May be that's the reason why Kunal especially asked me to send the bill to him."

Brahmini : Bail me out of this once guys. I have a very important thing to do on that day. I just remembered.

Brahmini knew that her both friends have rich boyfriends and they can spend money like water whereas her boyfriend is just an ordinary body guard of a celebrity.

She knew he will also be there that day with them and if she didn't buy anything he will be looked down and if she does buy something then he might have to pay a few months salary on a single dress. She can't afford that, so she tried to avoid it.

She never regretted being Naveen's girlfriend nor envied Shriya or Sony but she always felt and remembered the gap between their status. She don't want him to feel any guilt.

Shriya knew why her friend was saying so and she didn't want to hurt their feelings and pride by saying that she will buy the clothes for them after all she herself is dependent on Abhi for money.

When she was breaking her head about what to say, Naveen texted them.

Naveen : Chill, I will bring her and we will enjoy the shopping😎.

After chatting for a while everyone are tired and said good bye to each other.

Shriya turned off her mobile and it was then she realised that Abhi was awake and looking at her.

She said with guilt "I am sorry, I must have woken you up".

Abhi said "Its okay. But I see that you are worried about something. What's it ?"

Shriya explained him everything and her concerns for Naveen. She always treated the latter like her own brother and she was worried about them.

Abhi heard everything and said in a calm tone "You are underestimating your brother very much".

She didn't get what he was saying and asked "What ?"

Abhi explained patiently "Naveen is a rich guy. His father owns a company in Dehradun and he earns a decent amount. Naveen is the only child of his family and he has a great fortune back at home."

Shriya was surprised with this piece of news. She never thought that Naveen owns a company. She never asked him about his family or wealth and she didn't think or know anything about it but she definitely didn't expect this from him.

Abhi explained "Moreover he is the highest paid employee in our company other than Uday."

Shriya ignored and asked what was bugging her brain "If he really is rich, then why is he working here as a bodyguard?"

Abhi looked at her and he decided to tell her everything afterall it's not anything secret.

"Naveen cleared his civil services exam and opted for IPS. After the training he was appointed as the ACP for D city and he stated working there."

"He worked very hard and he almost eradicated the crime in the city and won many medals for his excellent performance in the duty but later he was injured and almost lost his life. He had to stay in a hospital for six months."

"It was then his mother persuaded him not to work for the department anymore. She was truly frightened with the incident and she took a promise from him."

Shriya never thought that there was such a story behind Naveen. So she asked "Then why did he join here ?"

Abhi explained "Naveen never liked those routine 10 to 5 jobs. Moreover he couldn't get over that incident over there. It was then he decided to work as a body guard. He needed a change of atmosphere and his parents were also happy to see him do a harmless job".

Shriya said with a pleasantly surprised tone "Oh, that must be the reason why he is so dedicated to work".

Abhi nodded and said "Now don't worry anymore and sleep".

They slept in each other's embrace. Abhi fell asleep but not Shriya. She remembered a few important things about her brother Varun. He was also a dedicated young man who was so patriotic and worked for the country.

That night for some reason she couldn't fall asleep at all not matter how hard she tried.

The next few days flew by easily and it was already the weekend. They were supposed to go shopping. Preeti was so happy as she got a chance to escape classes for one day.

Shriya heard from Rahul that Chris was really demoted to industry where she has to manage all the labourers and her work was too much laborious for a woman. She has to work her ass off all week long without any breaks.

Shriya would have felt pity for that woman but the latter was the one who asked for it by provoking her and insulting Gouthami.

Ever since that day, Gouthami didn't show much hostility towards Shriya. Even though they never fought after that, they also didn't become bffs.

They maintained a very different relationship. Gouthami was a bit better towards Preeti and treated the little girl with sister's love and she even helped her study sometimes.

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