
[The Plot Begins Part: 5]

The time Ookurikara had spent inside his basement was basically the entire day, and he came out after the shop had already closed.

Seeing that Jeanne had fallen asleep on the counter, Ookurikara shook his head and picked her up out of the chair, and then carried her into her room. After gently placing Jeanne on the bed, Ookurikara stood there for a little bit in thought, and kissed her head while lifting the covers up.

He carefully left the side of her bed and wrote something on a piece of paper, and placed the note on the door before leaving the room.

'I guess I'm a little late, but I'm sure I still have enough time to arrive before I lose all options.'

Ookurikara indeed have his meeting with the principle of Beacon today, but he had forgotten in his moment of excitement and work.

Outside his shop, Ookurikara checked everywhere around him with caution, before he turned into streaks of light using magic, aura, and teleportation to increase is overall speed.


Inside the principles office, three teachers, and one principle were awaiting someone's arrival.

One of the teacher's that appears to be a middle-aged woman that has very light-blonde hair tied back in a bun with a curl hanging down the right side of her face. Her eyes were bright green and she wore thin ovular glasses with dangling teal earrings that match the hanging pendant on her collar. "They are eighteen - minutes late! I can't believe this! " She spoke angrily with annoyance, lanced within was stress from all the work that she had to finish for the preparation of the students

One of the other teacher had gray hair and a gray mustache, and a physique that was slightly overweight. He was a man in his early old age, and wore a double-breasted burgundy suit with gold piping and buttons. His pants he wears tucked into olive boots, similar in appearance and construction to cavalry boots. "There's no need to be angry for his tardiness, I remember back in m- " But he immediately stopped his speech under the piercing eyes of the only female teacher.

"They are not a child, if they wanted to become a teacher, then they should be prepared to become one! " She berated him, and he didn't refute.

Moving on, the last teacher was a man with messy green hair with brown eyes, but if one looks carefully, they can see the sapphire blue underneath. His attire is disheveled: his white shirt partially tucked into his dark-green pants and its collar raised, showing a slack yellow tie, along with mismatched brown and black shoes, and he wore round glasses that appear to be opaque.

The man was understanding and intelligent, well...enough to know not to interfere with the blonde teacher during her foul moods, and enough to ask the principle for help.

Now, the was a middle-aged man with tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes. He has a light complexion with sharp facial features, and has black eyebrows, suggesting that he may have had black hair when he was younger.

He wore shaded glass spectacles and a small, purple, cross-shaped pin on the cowl around his neck. His outfit mainly consists of an unzipped black suit over a dark green, buttoned vest and green shirt. He also wears black trouser shoes and long, dark-green pants. In addition to his outfit, he had a cane and mug of what seems to be coffee.

While he watched the scene with silence, he had seen the eyes of the teacher and understood the silent message, looking back at the blonde teacher berating the early old man, he had decided to interfere.

"Glynda I t- " But before he could even finish his sentence, the elevator's door opened up revealing a hooded figure with a black mettalic mask similar to a human's skull underlined with gold and red silk cloth.

The person had a long dark cloak reaching down to their legs, with feathers similar to a raven's around the collar of the cloak, and a unique presence that seem to twist the light around them. Underneath the cloak was grey robed with a red interior, maintaining an open collared torso and a grey shirt beneath. The shoulders continued to each display a cross with triquetras and upper body now featured two shoulder belts, with the larger belt continuing its function of holstering Shay's Air rifle as well as featuring a Templar insignia at the front.

The lower part of the robes continued to feature a long layered lower section and the waist featured a yellow sash, which was red along the edges and displayed a cross. The sash was fastened by a belt which featured a tree and held two sheaths.

The air turned silent by they're appearance, and everyone felt tense and ready for confilt. The person spoke out in a clearly male and pleasant voice, yet with a tint of mettalic echo. "I'm the one who registered for the position as a teacher, this is everyone? " They questioned, which led to a little less atmosphere tension.

The blonde adjusted her glasses from the sudden moment and lost the momentum she had gotten, "Not many people register as teachers, the job is extremly hard and taxing. So this is indeed everyone, now why were you late? " She spoke in a professional and stern tone while talking to them, but one can tell the annoyance and sharpness within her tone.

The man didn't seem to bothered by it and replied, "You must know me as the owner of Merchant's Paradise, I was dealing with work that had to be done, you must understand how it's like..correct? " They spoke in a polite tone, which made her lose even more momentum.

She thought about it for a bit, and answered with less of a sharp tone. "I understand the pressure and load, but please be more prepared and ready for important things like this. " Just like that with astonishment from everyone else in the room, she had been settled down.

The principle was the first to recover, and introduced himself. "My name is Ozpin, and principle of Beacon Academy. " Then the rest followed, and introduced themselves.

"My name is Glynda Goodwitch, and I will be this year's combat instructor. " She shook his hand firmly even though gloves covered them, and the port man was next.

"My name is Peter Port! Professor in Grimm studies, I'll be delighted to know you!" The man spoke with vigour and chivalry, and they shook hand in mutural agreement.

The last teacher seemed exponentially fast, and introduced himself. "My name is Bartholomew Oobleck, and I'll be teaching history this year. Pleasure to meet you. " And they shook hands.

Seeing as this was his time to introduce himself, he did. "My name is Ookurikara Deus, and owner of the ever growing shop: Merchant's Paradise. I greet you all ".

Underneath the mask, amber luminous eyes glittered with delight and something...else.

Sorry for the late release, had too many things to handle and I couldn't finish the chapter until today.

Shouxiancreators' thoughts
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