
Chapter 7: Only Fools Get Caught!

Authors note: If it wasn't clear before, Melody's song modeled her body after Cerina(The "foolish" knight lady in the first 2 chapters).

I inched closer to Frey again. He stepped back. I got closer again. He stepped back.

"What are you doing" Frey said, avoiding eye contact.

"Noooooooothing" I pounced forward.

I ending up with my waist over his stomach. His back was now pressed to the ground. His face was beat red. I tilted my face inwards, trying to get any kinda reaction outta him.

"What are you doing?" Frey said; he hid his face behind his hands.

"Hey stop blocking your face! Lemme See!" I gripped both of his hand.

"Come on open up!" I tried to pull his arms apart.

He sat up and shoved me off! Awwwwww!

I plopped on the ground a couple feet away "Hahahahe"

"That was fun! Let me see more of that!" I got up but instantly got shoved in the guest room.

"Get some sleep! We can visit the prisoners tomorrow! Don't you want to see your friend?"

Sleep eh? It's a process underdeveloped species do. A waste of time. *Yawn*. Well maybe it won't be all bad. This underdeveloped body yearns for it. I slipped under the covers of the bed that laid near a window. This is how it works right? Wow this world only has one moon. It… Looks… nice.

--Next Day---

*Stretch* Ahh. Sleep. That felt goooooooooood.

"Mel nee!" Ponta came bursting through the small wooden door.

"Breakfast is ready! Come on!" He raced out of the room.

I stumbled a little walking out of bed. Whoa these weak legs aren't working properly. Angered I stomped on the floor panels. Aw that seemed to get them to work.

O my cloths I was wearing before seemed to be washed.

*sniff* *sniff* they smell… pleasant.

"Good Morning Melody, I've cooked some plain pancakes with sausage and a few bacon strips" Miranda tied a bandana to her head as she placed slim meats on the table.

*sniff* Awgg this taste thing you humans have. It's really something.

After I demolished two portions. Gorfon pushed in his chair.

"I've arranged a meeting for you with the prisoners that were taken in today. Normally this wouldn't be aloud. But thank Frey for making it happen."

"Father I didn't do any-t"

"Frey, be a dear and escort Melody to the Marnor estate" Miranda started clearing the table.

"Alright" Frey looked down.

---- In the Marnor estate ----

"So you are Himbleed's offspring, you've grown." A young man sat down in his chair sipping his tea.

The estate looked just as lavish on the inside as it did peeking in from the outside. Me and Frey say around a small circular table. Across from us was the young master of the estate.

"Yes I am Freyor Himbleed. I've come in the request to see your prisoners" Frey fiddled with his thumbs, and looked around frantically.

"Yes, yes. As the previous bloodline of Cervana I can grant you that much, but who is this gorgeous woman you've brought along."

"This is-"

"I am Melody, I would like to see a female, that looks like me." I pointed to my face. Since I molded this body after hers, it would only be natural I would look similar.

The young man flourished his golden hair. "What a beauty, allow me to introduce myself first, I am Sajade Marnor, my father is the master of this household as well as the rightful king of Cervana." Frey twitched a little.

Sajade open his mouthed again "I haven't looked at any of the prisoners yet, but I was just about to look, your welcome to join me."

I eagerly nodded. Sajade led me and Frey down to the basement where lines of cells were located.

I saw around 30 people in a muddy brown attire. The gloom was thick, and the faces were emotionless. These were people whose souls broke a long time ago.

"These are our current prisoners who are being staged for slavery. The prisoners we got yesterday are in the pit, further in. Do you see any you like; I don't mind giving a beauty such as yourself a discount."

I scanned for my foolish knight, but she was nowhere to be seen. I looked around again to make sure.

"I do not see her." I stated.

"let us look a little deeper, shall we."

"Mr.Himbleed's son can wait outside, this doesn't concern you right?"

"Melody shouldn't go" Frey chocked out with a piercing eyes. His stance was as stiff as a statue.


"why not" I stomped in while Sajade closed the huge metal door behind us.

Dark. A small flicker occurred. "Watch your step." In front of us was another cell, But the prisoners looked rough. They looked ready to kill. As I scanned the room I locked eyes with another. Her eyes went wide.

"Oh you really do share a resemblance." Sajade stared at those fierce eyes.

"Ce-ri-na?" I uttered, trying to recall her name. Her eyes darted back to me, and displayed a sign of concern. She didn't speak. Silence. Her eyes traced back to Sajade. And that deadly glare returned.

"I quite like her. Rafeal take her to Nikkiala for maid training. I want her. Melody. You would like to spend more time with her right?"

"Of course! It was no fun right now. I know the foolish person is in there!"

"Great!" Sajade clapped his hands. "Why don't you become my maid as well, you'll be able to spend a ton of time with your sister." Sajade smiled.

"Maid? That sounds like responsibilities… I don't wanna. She isn't that worth it." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Even for you sister? You're quite heartless Melody. But I'm afraid you have no right to refuse. Any Merian here has rights equal to dirt."

"My Sister?" I tilted my head to the side and stroked my head. Sajade gave a sharp glance over my shoulder. Is that a signal? Suddenly a jolt shook my body, and I felt pain? The pain erupted on the back of my head. What! Not again. Losing consciousness. AWW ! You underdeveloped underdeveloped…. SPEICES.

"Who thinks I would be able to obtain beautiful twin slaves." Sajade chuckled to himself leaving the room.

----General Third person. Melody is unconcious now-----

"I can't believe you would be so foolish leading a Merian to her own doom Freyor."

Freyor stood frozen, unable to move.

"Oh, Sorry about that. Nikkiala you can stop now."

A hooded figured emerged from the shadows. A purple glow faded from her.

"Sajay!!!! Call me Nikki please!!!" the figure pulled down her hood. Hearts were brimming in her eyes.

"Merian what are you talking about?"

"Melody. It's quite obvious she descends from there. Why would she want to meet a prisoner, especially a Merian prisoner? Also her twin is here, that's all the evidence I need to know that she descends from there. They are carbon copies of each other. No can deny that they are related." Sajade stuck his finger at Freyor.

"For someone claiming to be so smart, you certainly were carless in figuring this out."

"How will you ever prove the reason behind your Uncles death like this? Unless you have finally come to realize it was your father that killed him! " Sajade crossed his arms with a smug look.

"Isn't that the reason you wanted to become a great mage? Mr.Forensics Mage?" Sajade grinned.

I hope you all are enjoying the story so far.

"Don't Worry Frey isn't a dummy!" -Melody

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