
Stupid Pig, Qingyu

She could kill the head guard from a highly regarded general's manor, who had a grade level of 5. She could also take down personal guards of the same general, men who all had a least the grade level of 7. She hadn't had any issues while doing so, only using one move to kill them all. Besides, she had not been using any elemental power from what he had seen.

So just what was she?

"I-," He wasn't even able to produce another sound before she slammed down on his chest with her right leg. Her heel dug into his skin, kicking out all his air. Perhaps he took too long thinking because, by the time he answered, Hongyue reached her limit.

The child fell back hard against the bed from her kick; his head knocked heavily against the bedpost. He hadn't even managed to recover from the sudden attack before Hongyue launched another one at his head. He quickly blocked her attack with his hand. Both of the two forces collided and rebound.

Hongyue stumbled back, clutching her injured hand.

Her eyes gleamed murderously.

Using both palms, she drew an arc around her, starting from her waist to above her head. Closing her eyes, she summoned the power of the wind to come to her aid from her pearl. Her blue eye glowed almost to an icy white as she drew the arc. Immediately, the door and windows of the chamber rattled violently as the wind surged into the room.

As the wind rose around her, droplets of water carried in by the air formed sharp needles, all of which aimed at the figure sitting in shock on her bed. She stomped her foot, and her aura spread out rapidly, covering a wide radius of the ground. A light blue mist started to surround the entire space. Quickly, wisps of the fog crept up and slipped into the child's body, forcing the blood inside the child to lock him in place.


As rune designs quickly formed within the space of the arc she drew, a magic circle promptly developed. The enchantment glowed a dull blue alike to her pearl, each rune line outlined in the aura before it roared out with power. An explosion of energy surrounded by electric sparks raced toward the child.

His eyes widened as the explosion hit him. His body flew back; the entire bed collapsed under the attack.

Hongyue huffed, a bead of sweat dripped down her jawline.

She didn't get off easy herself, either.

Her lack of control over her body and power exhausted her soul. Hongyue glanced up, only to see the child getting back up bloodied and in agony. She didn't seem surprised. Just like she predicted, they were evenly matched. Both sides suffered greatly.

"You're still alive." She stared blankly.

The child gashed his teeth angrily; he did not think she had so much power in that body of hers. Not to mention, he had no way to defend from her unusual powers at all. Even with his own power enveloping him during the attack, he had still felt the thundering energy coursing within his body and damaging his organs. His body was already injured, now he was suffering even more. He stared tensely at her. It looks like she held back considerably that night, so much that he actually underestimated her.

"You better watch yourself! You should pray I don't recover." He growled.

Hongyue sneered. She wanted to say the exact same words to him. Once she recovered, he'll be the first to die, not her.

Seeing her sneer, the boy grew enraged. If only he had his original form, he'd see if she'll still be able to laugh at him. However, Hongyue already knew this child-like form of his wasn't his true appearance, which was why she wanted to get rid of him while he was still weak.

"You heartless woman! You didn't even give me a chance to speak! Did you forget I helped you kill your father's concubine?" He fumed.

Hongyue tilted her head. Who told you to help?

"So? I never asked you to help me, nor did we make an agreement to work together. But since it was done to my benefit, I'll thank you." She responded loftily.

"This is your thank you?!!" He hissed.

"No, I already gave you my thanks when I took the poison out of your body," Hongyue explained calmly.

His eyes bunged in rage, "YOU were the one who put the poison in my body."

"Well, who told you to have your mouth opened?" She retorted back.

He trembled in anger at her response. He was sure if he spoke with her another minute, he was sure to cough out blood. Since they were well-matched with their powers, there would be no point fighting mainly since he was at a disadvantage. They were only tied because her body was weak, but he received her attack full on and hadn't been able to counterattack at all. In that sense, she was better off than he was because she wasn't all that injured. It'll be better for him if they don't fight.

"Why don't we call it a truce? My name is Qingyu." He proposed, holding out his hand.

Hongyue eyed his hand, blankly, "If we have a truce, I won't be able to kill you in the future."

Qingyu felt himself getting dizzy.

This heartless woman still wanted to kill him in the future?!!

Hongyue tapped her chin, musing. Qing (give all) Yu(world) meant give beyond the world. It was an excellent name, however, unsuiting for a brat like him.

"This won't do, I can't remember names all that well. Why don't I give you one?"

He opened his mouth to agree when her voice rang out.

"Stupid Pig."

I had so much fun writing this one.

in_awecreators' thoughts
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