
Chapter 129 Unpleasant Surprise

Baron squinted at the fleet of Ironclads that were fast approaching his fleet. His men were tired, their spirits crushed by repeated battles, ships were fairly damaged, and worst of all, this was the limit of his use of the land defenses. On the other hand, his enemies had no leaders to guide them, their ships were also not looking too great, and they had been outplayed in nearly every entanglement that they had had with Baron's fleet.

This meant that they should know by now that Baron, Guan Yu, and Yue Fei would not be easy opponents no matter how crummy their ships were. This mattered very little now as the curtain draws upon the final decisive battle for these two sides. Behind the ironclad fleet, it started to fog up a bit making it difficult to see all of the ships that were headed towards them.

Guan Yu was now rested up and raring to go, as was Yue Fei. However, instead of having them fight on the front lines, the three of them discussed if it was possible to go with another plan. In the end, they unanimously agreed that Guan Yu and Yue Fei would split up and each take a detachment of 25 ships with them to hide and wait to ambush while Baron would lead the rest into continuing to back up and allowing his opponents to continue getting bombarded.

Baron did his best to evade these ironclads as best as he could, but they were now onto his tricks and were able to begin to counter him a lot more effectively than the past. He expected this, after all, it was only one simple trick, he wouldn't be able to use it forever. Even a monkey would be able to pick up on it after a while. The only thing Baron could do was to change up the strategy to go on a riskier path for his fleet. This involved him to go not only sideways and backward, but to sometimes cut straight into the sea of enemies waiting for him. Gambling like this was only used if a strategist was well and truly cornered, just as Baron was currently.

The battle continued to rage on until long into the night and Baron was now on his last legs, Guan Yu and Yue Fei had successfully ambushed them hours ago but it slowly became evident that not even they were able to pull off a miracle with such a big difference in numbers. Those two fought as hard as they could, lost nearly all of their ships and barely made it out alive after fighting on the front lines for such a long period of time.

They had managed to cut down the enemy to half their numbers, but it was all for naught. These Ironclads were just too much for them to handle, then Baron got one of the worst pieces of news that he would not have thought was possible. On the captured ironclads' messages, Wu San Gui gave the order for all remaining ships to converge upon Baron's position. Out of the cover of the fog, over 100 ironclads all in prime condition appeared at once, and even more were coming.

What Baron failed to realize was that Wu San Gui never left, and in fact, reserved some of his ships for the last part of the battle. When Baron was trapped and had nowhere else left to go. The first thing that Wu San Gui did was to have his men capture Baron, Guan Yu, and Yue Fei. With the three of them exhausted as they were, their enemies had little to no trouble accomplishing such an effortless task. All in all, it seemed to Baron that Wu San Gui had set aside 500 ships, give or take a hundred or so. There was no way that Baron nor his fleet had the power left to resist them. The three of them were brought to Wu San Gui immediately.

(WSG) "Hehe, looks like I finally got you three. It's such a shame, you three fought valiantly but I still win in the end. Isn't that too bad for you, hahaha." Wu San Gui cackled.

(BM) "I'm impressed that you didn't even care enough about your fleet to even appoint another commanding general," Baron commented.

(WSG) "What would be the point? You're here now in my grasp now aren't you? Let me pay you back for your treatment of me at the Great Auction and at the Aerial tournament. I will surely enjoy watching you scream in pain. And you two as well, you goodie two shoe elders. You disgust me most, helping people? What would be the point of doing something as useless as that? If you did that there would be no end to it. You should just do what we do and exploit everyone that we come across, it sure is profitable. Hahaha."

(GY) "Helping people is in our human nature just like being a garbage person is in yours. Plus, who's to say that helping everyone we meet isn't profitable? I'd say it is worth much more than some silly coins that you snakes at Vesper seem to enjoy so much." Guan Yu said as he furrowed his brow.

(WSG) "What did you just say? You do realize that I'm not the one in chains right now right?"

(YF) "Chains or not, it doesn't matter. I don't expect someone of such low ethical standards like yourself to understand something as complex as compassion and sympathy." Yue Fei said.

(WSG) "Stay on your high horse if you'd like, you are still about to die. But first, let's have some fun shall we?"

The next few hours were filled with Wu San Gui torturing Baron, Guan Yu, and Yue Fei. He was surprised to learn that none of them screamed in pain after being burned, cut, beaten up, and waterboarded.

(WSG) "Why aren't you three screaming in absolute agony? It's almost unenjoyable without that sweet sound."

(BM) "When will you learn? We won't give you the satisfaction of hearing us in such a pitiful state."

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