

I was walking down the empty streets not far from where I live. Rain poured down making my once dry hair to cling to my cheeks. Thunder roared around me causing children who were playing in puddles to scream and run inside. Still walking I finally reached the entrance to my home.

Grabbing my keys from my pocket before I inserted my key the door slid open. making it all apparent that the door was not locked and it shouldn't be. Slowly pushing open the door I called out, "Hello?" Hearing sounds of Items being moved. stepping inside I slowly opened a drawer that was near the door entrance. Reaching inside I grabbed my Glock 19. carefully I walked into my kitchen holding my gun tightly. That was when I saw a shadow of a man standing near where I was. Holding up my gun I yelled out, "Drop what you are doing and put your hands behind your head!" Thinking about what I do for a living my hands shook because I have never had a need to shoot anyone. Even though I am a police officer I only do desk work. Taking a deep breath I yelled, "Now step out where I can see you!"

Slowly stepping out to where I could actually see him I breathed out a sigh, "Damn it James don't do that!" laughing and holding up his hands James my ex-started to laugh. putting down my gun I glared at James. Putting down his hands James stopped laughing and looked at me with a serious expression. Reaching down I saw him grab a small black box. Knowing what was in there I smiled sadly and said, "Sorry I didn't know where you set him you were the one who wanted to keep him safe." Smiling sadly James said, "My brother didn't want to be buried but I still felt an obligation of storing him away." Smiling sadly I looked at the man that I held near and dear to myself. Nodding my head I knew that when his brother died he didn't want to be near me. All because I was there when his brother died.

Looking at James brothers remains I knew that one day or some time I would be able to say his name. Setting my hand on James' shoulder I said, "Can I help you take him home?" Looking at me he said, "If you don't mind how about you just send us off beside you should go get yourself cleaned up." Looking down I knew that I didn't get cleaned up soon I might have difficulty warming up later. Shrugging my shoulders I looked at James and said, "I'll send you off then." After a while, I decided to go to James' home. He didn't like the idea, but when he saw me becoming desperate to be close with him he caved. Arriving at his place I felt awkward so all I could bring myself to do as the rain temporarily stopped I hugged James and got into the taxi. Passing a bar I felt the need to drink. Knowing that the bar was only a few blocks from my apartment I decided to go for a drink and walk home. I told the taxi driver that I would get out there and paid the driver the amount I owed. Waking I entered the bar that was filled with drunk men a few women and some teens trying to convince the bartender to serve them alcohol.

Walking to the bar I waved my hand at the bartender. Sitting down a teen saw my motioned hand then became angry when the bartender handed me a beer. Pointing at me and looked at the bartender almost yelling asked, "And she gets a beer while we don't?" Looking at the teens I responded before the bartender and said, "I am a usual customer and I am older than you kid." raising his brow the teen responded rudely, "I doubt that." Looking at the snarky teen and reached into my purse and grabbed my ID. Showing him the date of my birth he went quiet and stormed out of the bar. Snoring I tried to pop the tab of my beer and ultimately gave up. Handing my beer to the bartender I smiled and asked, "Will you help me I seem to be having issues opening it?" Nodding his head he opened the beer for me and walked away to clean an empty table. Taking a swing of the beverage I felt that the awful taste of the beer calmed me down. Time flew by and when I was finally ready to head home it was almost 11:30 knowing the time I stood up. Stumbling out of the stool that I was seated in I walked out of the bar saying goodbye to those who remained in the bar. Knowing that I was probably going to have a vile hangover I was happy that I got the day off tomorrow.

Waking down the sidewalk I felt tired, but in the end, I kept walking. Halfway home I heard something in the alley next to me causing my head to turn. Feeling as if someone pushed me I stumbled into the street. The next thing I knew I was flying through the air and landed on the cold concrete. That was when the rain started to fall once more. Confused I tried to get up that was when I felt weak and tired. Lifting up my hand I saw that blood was streaming down my arm. 'What is going on?' I couldn't feel any pain but I knew that something was wrong. Feeling someone's hands grasp my own Knew that they were shouting something at me but their words were muffled. Finally, it hit me the one thing that someone doesn't want to realize especially when they have so much to live for. Feeling convulsions in my chest I started to cough. 'I'm dying.'

Trying to keep my eyes open my vision blurred and I was unable to force myself anymore. Slowly my eyes closed and all I could think was 'Damn it.' I knew my death was an accident accidental murder. being shoved and then hit by a car is not that accidental. Though if I ever live again would things end differently?

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