
The pregnant Donna - II

His words definitely left a chilling sensation inside her. Fear has started to grip her completely as she realized that there was nothing in the house that she knew anything about.

Not only the fact that Evelyn did not even remember at this point where the kitchen was she had absolutely no idea where Salvatore had his office or even if he had one inside this house. 

What if this house was just kept to keep her here and out of the public eye? 

There was no way that she could actually lead him somewhere meaningful or any room in the house that could actually bring him some kind of benefit. 

But there was also a small thought inside her mind that this man had no idea that if Salvatore had been planning something like this or if the don had any idea, even remotely so, that this could happen inside his house Salvatore would have actually placed every thing a valuable out of the house and into tight knit security. 

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