
Chapter 4: Upcoming privatisation

Lying awake in bed the same evening I arrived back home, I am restlessly refreshing my mailbox and check my cellphone all with the goal to not think about Sarah James, the woman from the duty-free bar at the airport.

Ever since leaving the airport behind me I am unable to get her smiling face out of my head. -Fuck that. She didn't even give me her number. She was just nice to a soldier she met at a bar.- I think cursing her for her succubus like charms enchanting me.

As I am turning restlessly around in bed, I am finally connecting to General Raven. In an email, he has sent me his Skypo account information so that I am able to video chat call him.

Locking into my own account, I easily am able to put Raven into my contact list. Minutes later I can see my superiors face appear on scream.

''Nice to see you, Sir.'' I greet the man that is like a second father to me.

Smiling Raven greets me. ''Yea nice of you to reconnect with your still serving superior. Soldier.''

''Sorry Sir for leaving after so many years.''

''No, I get it. The risk-reward ration in the army sucks. A man like you is bound to leave the army. I was just surprised how long you stuck around. Ten years it was?''

''It was eleven. Joined straight out of high school the moment I became a legal adult. But please let's not talk about that. Sir, could you please confirm or deny a rumor I heard in the office when being discharged?''

''Oh, please you know how my stand is on rumors. But I can let you know if it has anything to it. What is the rumor?''

''The armed forces will undergo a massive privatization this year. Is it true?'' The moment I say the curse word, I know it to be true, just from Ravens look alone.


''Now listen to son. Many weels are turning at the moment and elections are in a few months. Lets just that if the big guy gets his second term, most operations will not be fully state-owned.''

''Can you tell me which branches would be mainly hit?''

''Oh, now you are dangerously close to classified. Let's just say both the shooter and the gun will be impacted.''

-Fuck yea! Ammunition and Mercs! I can already smell the millions.-

''Thanks Sir and please take care,'' I tell Raven seeing that the conversation is getting dangerously close to the five-minute mark established by the CI for surveillance of chats.

''Take car!'' I hear Raven before the I close the chat. Thinking about how I could mask my not always so legal conversations in the future.

<User Request: Save Communications>

<+Secure Communications created>

<Linking existing Accounts to system...>

<Found accounts:

-Mobile:**** *********

-Skypo: ******

-Friendbook: ***** ****>

<Primary Goal of Quest [1] reached.>

<Want to abandon Secondary Goal to receive Primary Reward?>

-Fuck no!- I instantly tell the system, remembering Sarahs smiling face.

<Quest [1] continues>

-Good. Now show me the shop-

<Selected: Shop>


+Technology [locked]

+Facilities [locked]

+Peronel [locked]

+Vehicles [locked]

+User Abilities [locked]

+Weapons [unlocked]

+Ammunition [unlocked]>

-Show me the available bullet types-



- .22LR [~ 7 cents]

- .25 ACP [~20 cents]

- .380 ACP [~30 cents]

- 9mm [~25 cents]

- .40 S&W [~30 cents]

- .45 ACP [~40 cents]

- .38 Special [~50 cents]

- 7.62x39mm [~20 cents]

- .223 / 5.56x45mm [~30 cents]

- .308 / 7.62x51mm [~75 cents]

- 12 gauge (birdshot/buckshot/slugs) [~25 cents to $1]

- .50 BMG [~$3.00]

-10mm [~60 cents]

- 5.7x28mm [~50 cents]

- .357 Magnum [~80 cents]

-.30 Carbine [~40 cents]

- .300 Blackout [~70 cents]

- 7.62x54mmR [~60 cents]

-.30-06 Springfield [~$1.50]>

-Holy shit! Is this for real? All the common use bullet types at the tip of my finger?-

<Notification: As User level rises new technology gets unlocked, which in turn make new facility, personnel, vehicle, ability, weapon and ammunition types available.>

<Notification: Hole sales lowers the price per bullet drastically.>

-Great. How do I level up?- I ask the system but suddenly another notification pops up.

<Notification: Incoming call [Sarah James]>


-Yes, yes do it.- I tell the system happy to finally reconnect with Sarah.-

''Ahm, hello?! Is this you Henry King?'' I hear Sarah's voice in my mind ask.

''How does this work? Do you hear me, Sarah?'' I originally thought to the system, but tell to Sarah.

''It's definitely you sailor!'' I hear her joke in my mind.

''Ah. If it isn't the hoody girl from the airport! Sarah James. I thought you didn't have my number... wait... How did you get my number?'' I ask her realizing that I never even mentioned to her that I have a cellphone.

''Can I say, that I have my sources?''

''No, you can't. This is something concerning my privacy.''

''Please let's not fight. I am tired and you are tired. I guess both of us had a long day...'' Sarah tells me wanting to change the topic.

''I guess so. My sister Betsy, I call her Bets, picked me up from the airport. Felt good to see her after all this time. Do you have siblings?'' I tell her, indefinitely changing the topic away from her source.

''That's nice and yes, I do. Two half-brothers to be specific. Christopher and William.''

''Your mother remarried?''

''Yes, only three months after my dad died. How about your father?''

''My dad, Edgar? No. He loved my mother and would never remarry, but I know that he had girlfriends over the years. I guess after her death he just jumped into work. You have to know my mother was the hearth of our family. With her gone...''

''I can understand that. Ever since my father's death, my mother and I are not your typical family anymore. I don't even understand why she had to have my brothers.''

''Your mother sounds like the trophy wives my father hates so much. Do you want children in the future?''

''Me? Do you know how old I am? 28! If I want to have some, I would have to start right now to not risk a rising birth defects rate.''

''Doesn't answer my question!''

''Yes, I want three a boy and two girls.''

''Similar to me, but I only want a boy and a girl. The boy to teach my skills and the girl to make my princess.'' I tell her, the last bit half joking.

''Haha. You are still funny.''

''Funny enough that you care to tell me about your day?'' I ask her trying to stealthily achieve the secondary goal of Quest [2].

''Oh, well not very thrilling. Had to go into work for a couple of hours, had a little fight with my mother about my sexuality and well now I am sitting in the pool house to avoid her.'' She tells me in earnest.

-Wait for what? Her sexuality? Please don't tell me she has friend zoned me!-

''The reason for your fight was what again?'' I ask her hoping I had misunderstood her.

''Ahm. That is a bit personal.'' I hear her trying to avoid the topic.

''Come on I already let you slight past the hole how you got my number thing,'' I assure her into answering my question.

Hearing her sigh, she answers: ''Fine. I had an argument about me being a lesbian since puberty and my mother still tries to pressure me into dating my male co-st... co-workers.''

''You are a lesbian?'' I ask stunned by Sarah's revelation and confession.

''Yes, at least I thought so for the last 15 years,'' Sarah tells me sounding a bit unsure.

''Thought? Past tense?''

''Look. I don't know anymore. I love pussies and up until recently I never even considered a guy to be a potential partner.''

''You sound like a virgin,'' I comment thoughtlessly attempting a joke.

''To cocks, I am one, contrary to public opinion... '' She confesses, again taking me completely of the guard before telling me. ''... It gets late. I can only tell you good night and call me if you find the time.''

''Good night, Sarah,'' I tell her and the call comes to an end.

-28 years old, until recently a secret lesbian and still a cock virgin. Lord what do I have been thinking?- I question myself when suddenly a notification pops up.

<Notification: Quest [1] compleated>

<Rewards are handed out:

- Business contact: General Raven

- Friendship: Sarah James>

<Notification: Level 1->2>

<Basic military technology unlocked:

-Buy for $500.000?>

-I should have more than a million, so do it.-

<Basic military technology available>


- Facilities [available]

-Vehicles [available]

-User abilities [available]>

-Sow me the abilities. Can't wait to know what kind of powers I could get.-

<Selected: Shop/Abilities>


- Soldier [sold]

-Merchant [$1.500.000]

-Politician [90 WP]>

-Show me the ones I already have.-

<Selected: Abilities>

<+Abilities (Soldier):

-Leadership (passive) [Max]

-Weaponmastery (passive) [Max]

-Deadeye (active)[Lv. 3/10]

-Invisibly (active) [Max]>

<+ Abilities (Merchant): [locked]>

<+ Abilities (Politician): [locked]>

Reading these abilities it dawns on me how otherworldly this system really is. -Hahaha. With all this help, I am able to make a profit from this upcoming privatisation.-

Próximo capítulo