
Strangers and their 'Newfound' Technologies

As the R37 fly, Chiho closed her eyes and lowers her head and Ayumi sat back and held the sides of the sidecar to embrace for impact. The R37 is pointed at the ground when it hits the ground, resulting it to violently roll and bounce loudly away. Luckily enough, They were thrown from their seats when the R37 first hits the ground and avoided being involve to the violent crash though They still had bruises from falling to ground. The R37 stopped a few miles as the two tries to stand. Chiho made to stand first and quickly looked at Ayumi, who had a bruise on her right knee and can hardly stand. "A-Ayumi!" Chiho called for her name as She went on her side to support. "Are you alright?!" Chiho asked Ayumi but quickly realized the obvious. "My knee hurts but i think i can walk.." Ayumi lightly pushed Chiho and slowly stood on her own and looked at Chiho. "We're still near our village, It's dangerous if we stay here, Onee-chan. That tank will surely get us" Ayumi suggested to keep moving. "O-One thing though, What is tank?" Chiho asked Ayumi as She stood. "D-Didn't you heard the soldier? He called that monster a tank" Ayumi responded as they run for the flipped R37, Front wheels still steering from the crash. The two flipped back the R37, making a large thud and sounds of the MG's ammo. They quickly ride the R37. Chiho tried to accelerate but the gear was on the highest and it's barely moving. "What happened? Is it broken?" Ayumi asked. "I-I don't know.." Chiho responded while trying to roll the throttle forward but nothing was happening. "What should we do?!"

Chiho started to panic as She looks at her front trying to find the problem. Ayumi looked at Chiho was holding. Then Her eyes was set to the engine under Chiho's seat. Ayumi quickly looked for something. "Onee-chan! How about you push that thing with your foot?" Ayumi pointed at the footpeg. "W-Where?" Chiho looked at Ayumi then looked at where she was pointing. Then She placed her foot on the footpeg and pushed it. "It's hard!" Chiho kept pushing it. "Hurry!" Ayumi shouted, making Chiho panic. Having enough, Chiho kicked the footpeg, surprising Ayumi as it shakes the R37 a bit. "Damn it!" Chiho cursed as She looked at the other side. There She found another footpeg but the shift pedal caught her eyes. Chiho placed her right foot at the shift pedal and pushed. As it was pushed down, it made a click sound and downshifted the R37. Chiho gasp. "W-What is it?" Ayumi saw her face and asked. Chiho didn't bother answering and keeps pushing the pedal until it's no longer making a sound. Hearing the sound stopped from pushing the pedal, Chiho looked at the right handgrip and rolled it down. The R37 started off faster than how it was before. "Yes!" Chiho cheered as She learned how the R37 works, Ayumi was also glad. As the R37 reached the max speed of it's gear, Chiho already knew what to do and rolled the throttle forward to upshift. She was kind of proud of herself for it.

As they are making their way out, Ayumi asked. "Onee-chan? Where are we going?". This made Chiho look at her worryingly and look forward again. "I don't know... Maybe to the Saiju? or to the Kosun.. I don't even know where're we right now.." Chiho suddenly became more worried. "Well.. We were heading for the Kakuden last time right? And it is located to the West of our village.. So that means we made our way out of the Western wall, We're currently heading for the sea, i guess.." Ayumi thinks back. "Y-Yeah, You're right.. So if we turn this way, we will be able to go to the Saiju" Chiho looked to the right and Ayumi nods. "Alright, Let's head for there!" Chiho turned the R37 to the right and headed towards the direction of the Saiju. Once they are near the border, They saw a few Saijun soldier on their horses waiting just outside of the Tsuchiyan borders. Ayumi's gasps and points at the soldiers. "Onee-chan! It's the Saijuns!" Ayumi spoke as Chiho sigh of relief. "Yeah.." Chiho softly responded as She observe the soldiers and slows their R37 as they get closer to them.

Chiho stopped the R37 in front of the waiting soldiers and waited for them to speak, leading to a soldier doing so. "Hasegawa Chiho-san.. Is it? We're from Saiju, My name is Nishitani Hiro and we're told to get you out of the village" The soldier looked like a higher-up due to his different presence and armor, He asked Chiho and She nodded in response. "Yes, It is me.. How did you know?" Chiho asked. "For now, Let's get out of here. It's no longer safe to be around your village" Hiro stared at the falling Tsuchiya Village, then looked back at Chiho. "You'll have to stay on our village for now. Let's go" Hiro turned his horse back and made it walk forth, The other soldiers followed shortly except the one on the last. He looked at the two and to the R37. "What a nice ride you got there! 'Wonder if it can beat my horse?" The soldier laughingly asked the two as He started following the group. Chiho then accelerates the R37,But They got ahead of the group so Chiho stopped the R37. Once the group catch up, Hiro called for Chiho and held his left hand up like holding the grips, He slightly turned his hand and said: "You can make it run slow and match our speed by turning it slightly and holding it to that level to stay at that speed. You don't have to turn it all the way". This surprised Chiho and looked at back at her left hand. She did what She was told and the R37 accelerates slow. "Y-You're right!" Chiho gasp and looked at Hiro "How did you know about this?" Chiho asked as the group started walking again. "Before We heard anything from your village, Three of the same ride went to our borders without permission and headed to our gates. But They said They are no harm and there to share their 'newfound' technologies and stuff, They even held their hands up so we let them in. They politely asked for a guide to go to where our Inventors are but They were accompanied by few soldiers heading for Itsumi-sama, Our leader's Assistant. The strangers explained their intentions and went for the leader's place. Knowing the-" Hiro's explanation were cut off by the loud explosion from the village that surprised them and stopped from moving and looked back. Then They started to move again. "Well... Long story short, Gentarou-sama called the whole army to see how the visitors' rides work"

Hiro looks at the R37. "If i recall correctly, That is called an R37 Sidecar, or just R37" Hiro told the two its name. "R37..huh" Chiho observed the R37 as She tries to remember the name. "What a weird name, It has numbers on it" Ayumi complains at the R37's name. "We also think the same, We asked why is that but They also don't know and said 'It's just that'." Hiro explained to Ayumi. "Then how about the 'Sidecar'?" Ayumi asked. "It is where you are sitting right now" "oh?" Ayumi looked down as She heard it was the sidecar. "Supposedly, It is a two-wheeled vehicle and is twice faster. They attached that Sidecar to increase the seat passenger, and attach a gun to make it a military vehicle, Just like yours now" Hiro explained. "Also, How do you change the gears?" Hiro asked. "Huh? Gears?" Chiho curiously repeated the name. "Gears. You change gears to make it run faster" Hiro explained. "It is called Gears, huh.." Chiho looked at the right handgrip as She remembers everything. "Well.. You just roll this handles, like this" Chiho rolled the Throttle, making the R37 rev up. "I see" Hiro responded as Chiho shift back to the previous gear. "That R37 you got there is a modified one. There is two R37 they showed us, One is the 'original' and the other one is their 'modified' R37. The original one have something they called 'clutch' which you have to press or something to change gears, otherwise the engine will fail and die" Hiro explained about the R37 as the two were quietly fascinated, Then Ayumi spoke. "The engine will be destroyed? so we'll never get it to run anymore? It's like, one use only? How inconvenient!". Chiho were also curious, Hiro laughs at her and explained. "No, not like that. By them, The engine will die means the engine will shut down, So that means you can start it again".

"Sh-Shut down? Then what are you going to do when the engine shuts down?" Chiho asked. Hiro nods and pointed out. "There's an ignition in the middle, since it's a modified one, There'll be a bit of metal sticking out of there that is currently flipped horizontally". Chiho looked down and saw the ignition. "You're right!" Chiho were surprised as Ayumi stood a little to look at where Chiho was looking. "Though, it looks a little big than what you have said" Chiho pointed at ignition key. "W-Well..." Hiro puts his hand on the back of his head. "How about you try and turn it left?" Hiro suggested to Chiho, In which She did with her left hand. Its engine sound cuts off and they began to slow down. "W-Wait!" Chiho was repeatedly rolling the throttle. Hiro and his group continues to move as She shouts. "Just turn it back to how it was!" Chiho quickly turns the ignition key to the right and the engine started with a loud noise, Then Chiho quickly caught up with the group.

Chiho matches their speed with the group's, Then Hiro speaks. "Their vehicles are the finest, isn't it?".

The two girls looked at him as He speak. "It's purely made out of technology. They don't have to come through taming a horse or any animals. And unlike horses, Your ride will be still rolling on even when there's a conflict". Hiro lays his amazement on their enemies' technology. "I know right, Just now, A Tank were shooting the only hole that we can escape from the village, It was very loud and i hear weird ringing noise in my ears, I thought i'm going to be deaf!" Ayumi tells them what happened. "If we were using horses, they would just run away by their own and leaves us there!" Ayumi pouts. "Yes, That's what i'm talking about.. And how did you know their 'tanks'?" Hiro asked Ayumi. "Eh? Ah, I heard it from our soldiers. They call it tanks" Ayumi answered. "So that's what you call that loud thing" Chiho acknowledged. "I told you before, right?" Ayumi were a bit annoyed. "Huh? When?" Chiho curiously asked. "Whatever.." But Ayumi let go of her question. "Indeed they are called tanks. But they told us they use the name 'Panzer' very often, Though it's a word not from their language". "Panza.." The two girls repeats the name. "Panzer" The two girls looked at Hiro as He repeated the name for them to say it again. "Pan...zaaa..." Chiho paused at the middle of the name and went low on the last part. The other soldiers snicker, Which made her look at them. "It can't be helped right! It's a name i never heard!" Chiho shouted at them. Then Hiro laughs. "Worry not, We've been in this kind of situation, we saw the strangers hold their smiles and laugh as we repeat the words"

"Language... Yeah, Their language! Did they told you their language?!" Chiho looked directly at Hiro's eyes. "Yes, They use two language" Hiro answered and Chiho quickly spoke. "One of them is 'Japanese' right?!". Hiro nods and explained. "We were surprised when they called it with a different name when we actually understand them". "Then.. What's the other one? I hear them speak with those, and it sounds weird" Chiho thinks deeply. "Oh? Can you recall one?" Hiro asked to repeat a word She have heard. "Um.. Like.. S-S-Sudikatto!" All of them looked at Chiho in surprise as She shouted a word. She blushed and averted her eyes. "S-Something like that..". And Hiro responded. "I-I see.. Did you have to scream?" Hiro asked calmly. "W-Well.. They were screaming at that time when i heard it.. I wonder what it means" Chiho were very curious on the word. "Hm... When did they shouted that?" Hiro asked, as an attempt to guess the word. "W-Well..." Before Chiho could answer, They heard a plane up high coming from Tsuchiya's direction. It was a Yak-9. "Everyone! Halt!" Hiro shouted his command and the soldiers forcibly stopped their horses from moving. Chiho quickly looks at Hiro and then to the soldiers and then finally hits the brakes quickly. But the enemy plane wasn't convinced and started to point the nose towards them.

"It's... It's coming towards us!" Ayumi's face were flushed with fear as the engine of the enemy plane roars louder as it closes its distance. "Damn it! Disperse!" Hiro shouted as He look back at his soldiers. The horses started running and separate each other. "Chiho-san! Use your speed to evade the enemy! We are dispersing!" He shouted as his horse neighs and ran away. "You damn Prohorovkans!" Chiho curses their enemy's name as She accelerates the R37 to the fullest. Since they have separated each other, The enemy plane had a hard time to choose a target. But it chose to go for the soldiers, It pointed it's nose to their direction. "It's pointed at them!" Ayumi looks back at the plane. Chiho looked back to see the plane firing its guns from the nose along with a loud noise. Ayumi then lowers her head and covered her ears. "Please, Survive!" Chiho then concentrates to their way and accelerates the R37 even more.

Once the enemy plane almost reached the ground, It pointed its nose to the sky as to regain altitude. "It's in front of us!" Chiho shouted, making Ayumi raise her head and gasp. Chiho were worried that it would finally go after them, and as her assume was right, after it gained altitude and was in front of them, It finally pointed its nose to dive at them. Though, Instead of fearing it, Ayumi had an idea. "Onee-chan, Just go straight!" Ayumi shouted as She holds the MG34 by it's gunstock, "Eh?!" Chiho was surprised at the sudden command from Ayumi, She made a quick look at Ayumi then focuses on the enemy plane. Ayumi then looked under the gun and saw the trigger, in which She held with both hands to point it at the enemy plane. Chiho noticed the MG moved and asked. "A-Ayumi?! Are you going to use that?!". Ayumi quickly responded with a Yes. Then Ayumi closed her eyes and pulled the trigger, The few shots from the MG already made the two grit their teeths from the loud noise. Ayumi noticed how much the MG shakes when it shoots so She used her left hands to hold the MG by its stock and pointed it again at the enemy plane. Not too long before Ayumi started shooting again and this time, She lowered her head while still holding the MG. Chiho looked at the enemy plane while also lowering her head and saw that most of the shots are hitting the plane and were being disrupted from its steady dive. Then finally Ayumi managed to shot both the propeller and its engine, causing a very loud noise and intense smoke from the engine, which made Chiho gasp.

Even if it's still not close to the R37, The enemy plane desperately dropped its bomb in the hope for hitting them, once it dropped its bomb, the plane averted its nose from the ground and tried to glide to an open area, The bomb hits the ground few meters away from them, Which made Ayumi raised her head and quickly looked at the enemy plane. "You!" Ayumi shouted and quickly points at the enemy plane while still holding the trigger. She managed to shoot below from the nose to the tails of the plane before it flies past above them. Ayumi let go of the trigger and looked back at the plane losing its control. Chiho also looked back. "You hit them many times!" Chiho smiles as They both watch the plane crash to the ground and explodes, Then the two sigh in relief. Ayumi dropped her arms from the MG and lays her back. Then Ayumi started to breathe heavy as to catch her breath. "I....I actually destroyed one.... Can't... Believed it..." Ayumi speaks while panting. "Yeah! You did it, Ayumi-chan! I couldn't believe you actually managed to use that! If you can use that, Then maybe i can too!" Chiho excitedly speaks and can't wait to try out the MG. Then Ayumi made a final exhale and speaks. "It was actually hard to use! It's so heavy and it shakes too much!". Chiho looks at Ayumi while She slow down the R37. "It's hard to press this too!" Ayumi held the MG again like how She held it before and taps the trigger. "It took all my energy just to press this one single thing!" Ayumi were likely shouting at the MG instead to Chiho. This made Chiho giggle. "Still, You, being that small, but still be able to use that scary thing amazed me, You saved both of our lives, You did a great job!" Chiho raised her left hand to make a thumbs up. Ayumi looked at Chiho for a second then quickly looked away. "T-Thank you..." Ayumi shyly appreciates her gratitude. And then They proceed forth.

I thought the author's Dead?! But guess what?! He's alive!!




And guess what again?! No one cares!!




I don't even know if someone actually like the story >.> But nah, can't be helped.

Keetrixcreators' thoughts
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