
Clean Sweep!

After buying his clothes for as cheaply as possible James was left with 7 Leones which was enough to feed a family of 4 for a month so it could be seen as a sizable sum. What James needed most right now was enough to get himself a place to sleep, so he decided to use one of his only skills from his past life, and that was his gambling ability. After reading every book he could find on gambling it was safe to say he was a pro at playing the odds in casinos and knew almost every method there was to know.

James approached the casino worried he would be stopped at the door to check if he had any money, but he finally realised that the clothes were a wasted effort; although he wasn't going to complain as he felt much more comfortable wearing a full set of clothes even if they didn't fit properly. This casino was directly targeted at poor people, so all his clothes had helped him do is stand out. Although the casino workers obviously didn't care as all it meant is he had more capital for them to take.

He approached one of the tables in the casino and realised he had no clue what game they were playing. He spent the next couple of hours floating between tables watching people play and realised that the game shared a lot of roots with blackjack it was just a more primitive version with fewer rules which to James' benefit made it a hell of a lot easier to cheat.

For the next hour, he stayed on that table only making minimal gains as he had a lot of experience of not being caught, so he just made small gains of 10 Leones and 3 Birr. He had still managed to over double his money which was phenomenal in his current time, but thanks to his efforts he wasn't noticed too much and was able to leave without a problem.

[Host is being followed by 1 man approximately 20 metres behind you. The system is unable to locate the man fully]

James had a feeling someone would have been watching him and would want to take his new found wealth especially as he apparently couldn't defend himself. Then in a spark of ingenuity James grabbed the 3 Birr he had won and threw them down in the narrow and crowded street he had just walked into. Upon hearing the distinct clink of dropped coins hitting the floor, everyone in that alley turned towards where that money was on the floor and ran towards it effectively forming a human wall.

James then began to run in the direction of the next casino he was heading to and heard a timely notification from the System.

[Man in pursuit lost]

James then spent the rest of the day in the next two casinos amassing a small amount of money filling the pouch he had been given by the man in the pawn shop. He had managed to accumulate 36 Leones and 6 Birr with each Birr being 1 tenth the value of a Leone. James then decided to head towards what seemed to be a street with all the inns located on it.

After going through the inns and finding the most cost-effective place to stay the night and get a meal he settled down for his first night in his new world.

Through the night James had slept in a bed for the first time in a long while after he had been living in the streets in his past life, this was also the body he had occupied's first time sleeping in a real bed as well according to the system, so it was an all round enjoyable experience.

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