
the tailor at your company

Like Cupid had shot an arrow right at her heart, Yue Ling's entire being melted like molten lava. She felt relief that Lu Tian wasn't mad at her. If he had been, she wouldn't have blamed him.

However, he trusted her so much to not question her reasons, and that was what touched her to the core.

A small smile curls on her lip, and she gently squeezes his hand that was holding hers. She inhales a dry sniffle and pats her chest with her free hand.

Despite Lu Tian already looking back at the road, she didn't look away from him.

How is she so fortunate to meet such a wonderful man like Lu Tian?

Thinking about this, she decides to tell him everything. Even though he said it was fine, she still wanted him to know.

"About that night, my subordinates and I encounter Tao Meng and his men…"

As the white BMW x5m drives through the streets of Imperial, Yue Ling's words continue to sound as Lu Tian listened.

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