
will never have

Hearing those words again that she killed an innocent person, Ning Mei abruptly looks at Yue Ling. She covers her ears with her hands and shakes her head.

"I didn't kill anyone! The only person I wanted dead more than anything is you!!"

Her screaming voice echoes inside the room and she kicks her feet like an angry child who didn't get what she wanted. The sound of the chain around her ankle clanks with her, but she didn't care.

She points at Yue Ling with her trembling hand and her screams continues.

"It's always about you! Even when you are no longer in the modeling industry, everything is still about you! Everywhere I go, it's always Han Yue Ling, Han Yue Ling, Han Yue Ling! What about me?! What about all the hard work I put in as a model?!"

She screams every word at the top of her lungs as it caused her breathing to turn heavy. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying, but she made sure her anger was written on her face for Yue Ling to see.

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