
I am angry

Stepping out of De L'amour, Lu Tian and Zi Yifan arrived at an attached balcony. Stopping at the end, both men did not care about the many stares they were receiving.

Woman who were shopping and had stepped out for a little breather were mesmerize by the two men. How can god take such leisure time in sculpting these two people?

Oblivious to the women, Lu Tian takes out a cigarette and lit it. He inhales a puff and exhale it out. Looking at the view, he spoke without looking at Zi Yifan.

"What is it?"

Standing beside the man, Zi Yifan couldn't help but stare with envy. He isn't that bad looking, but why is it that Lu Tian is able to scoop his dream woman? He furrow his brows in thought, however, when he heard Lu Tian's words.

His entire body slump and he sighed.

This is the reason. Lu Tian's voice is deep and a bit husky. It was no wonder the man won his dream girl's heart....

Well, either way, Yue Ling is just his dream girl. Her being his sister-in-law is better!

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