
V3 ch11 (First Challenge Friday)

Friday practice means scrimmaging. Coach had divided us up into new teams and had us play for five innings. It was fun. Less intense than during the summer because we knew we would play again next week. 

After both set of games finished, quite a few players hung back at the JV field to watch the pitchers challenge me. Coach didn't want us on the varsity field to keep the grass in good shape. Whatever that means. 

The pitchers were off to the side, warming up with one another. Only a select few got a catcher to pair up with. There just weren't enough catchers.

First up was the few who had chosen Mitchell. Or maybe it's the few that Mitchell chose to go with? Because the first few were pitchers. I can't see Mitchell pairing up with those who don't actually pitch on the regular. 

"The first few will be the hardest." Noah reminded me. "Put the ball in play and you win."

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