
CIF Finals: West Valley Prep (5)

With Zeke's sharp words, everyone started to move. Garret and Julian left the dugout with their bats and helmets, while the rest of us remained standing at the fence. 

I got my own helmet in anticipation that we could make something happen. Plus, if the walk Zeke again, I will automatically go up to bat. I stood beside Zeke, who was in the hole spot. He was watching Garret's at-bat with intensity like it should be him instead. 

Garret let the first pitch pass for a ball. Then fouled the second down the right field line. Ball. Ball. On the fourth pitch, he drove it right up the middle, forcing the pitcher to duck. Both middle infielders missed, and we cheered as the ball bounced before the center fielder could get to it. A single. A solid single. Our team's first hit. 


"Good hit!"

"Let's get something going!"

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