
Andrew's Arrival

I saw she was still unconscious and I remembered that phone which I got from the kidnapper. I unlocked it and ringed the very first contact present in the call log, after calling I only received "the never don not exist". I sensed that something is off the person behind this is quite smart and belongs from a good background because no one can pull such a crime so easily. So, I thought of giving a call to the police and asked him if the kidnapper said anything about the main culprit or not. Thankfully they caught the culprit and prisoned all of them. Suddenly I saw her hands moving and she slowly opened her eyes.


I opened my eyes and the first thing I could feel was a pain in my head so I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around. It was a nice VIP hospital room with all kinds of necessities available. I looked down and found my hand was syringed and then I meet a pair of cold eyes. I looked at him and asked "why are you here? He replied, "didn't you call me". I slowly regained my memory and shouted: "yes I was kidnapped and they were about to kill me". I panicked and I could feel fear from before. He came closer and took my hand in his and said " don't worry they have been arrested, just tell me why did they caught you, did you offend them in any way?

I shooked my head depicting no and said " after I got a call from you I hailed a cab but after reaching some distance suddenly they arrived out of nowhere and hit my head hard, after that I remembered I asked them why they kidnapped me and to reply they mentioned someone other was behind all this, luckily I had my phone and so I could reach you", and also during all these I found that behind all these was a lady". He interrupted saying " yes I remember he was talking to some kind madam I guess, but they didn't take her name instead of her someone else was caught and prisoned.

After giving some thought I asked him "did you ask them why did they kidnap me?

He said, " yes because of money". I spoke unbelievingly " strange but I didn't carry that much cash that could catch their interest".

I felt strange but didn't want to catch unnecessary attention so I told her "don't think more and rest your body so that we can leave after 2 days". I got confused and asked him "why take 2 days to leave, can't we leave sooner? He looked somehow unpleasant and told, " doctor has prescribed you 2 days rest". I made an "oh" shape from my mouth and went back to sleep.

When she was sound asleep I went outside and ordered my spy Richard to investigate this matter. After I was done I got a call from Andrew, I received and before I could greet him he spoke " where are you, your hotel room is empty? I was a little confused " why are you asking about my whereabouts? He spoke " because I am in the city and at your hotel. I furrowed my eyebrows and then explained to him the situation before I could finish my words he shouted " in which hospital she is admitted? I told him the address and he ended the call. I thought what happened to him but I didn't put much thought to it and went to the room where she was.

After half an hour he came running and was heavily panting. I asked him " why were you running?

Our voices made her woke up and she opened her eyes the next thing I remember Andrew sat beside her and asked what happened. I was utterly shocked "when did these two become so close? She told him everything and he became furious. I told him " Andrew no need to be so angry, I already got the culprits imprisoned". He didn't reply but asked her " have you eaten, are you hungry? To which she nodded and he went to bring food. I was like why didn't this came to my mind.

After the sort, while he returned with packets of food and sat beside her and uncovered the food that he brought. He asked me to join but I refused and was standing by the door. They started eating and was happily chatting which made me a little uncomfortable. I looked the other way and was thinking of leaving but I saw him removing food from her face and my hands turned into fists. I was angry but couldn't understand why then the doctor arrived. The doctor spoke, " oh you are not his husband but he is". She literally choked on her food and coughing vigorously, Andrew handed her water she gulped down the whole glass and spoked hurriedly " no doctor you have got it wrong that man standing is my boss and the sitting beside me is his friend, I don't have any such relationships with them". The doctor said " sorry I never get wrong but I seriously thought him to be your husband, anyways let's check your body". She examined me and said, " you guys can take her if you want and can travel the day after tomorrow". I smiled at her and said, " ok thank you, doctor". She replied " no worries and take care in the future". With this she left, I turned to the demon and he said "I will get the discharge procedure done" and left. I looked at Andrew questingly and asked " why are you here? He replied "I followed you", and smiled gently. I was like " dude are you seriously hitting on me so straightforwardly", but I didn't pay much attention and turned my head. He got a call and left. I needed to pee urgently so I was trying to stand on my foot but my whole body was hurting, so I was trying hard but to my fear, I slipped my leg and I closed my eyes to face the ground but I was caught mid-air. I slightly opened my eyes and saw the demon holding me, my first thought was to push him but his hold was firm so I just gave in. He asked " are you heading to the washroom? I nodded and he said, "I will take you". I was shocked and I looked at him " why are you doing this". Then he stopped at the entrance of the washroom after that I held onto the door and went inside. I came outside and found he was standing there waiting for me. I was like "boy are you high on drugs, why are caring for me, I mean you hate me and I hate you so why?

He made me sit on the bed and soon with the support of both men I got in the car and we reached a tall house and not the hotel. I was a little confused but didn't say anything.

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