
Prologue: Rebirth:

It's lonely...

It's dark...

It's quiet…

That was the only way I could describe where I was. After I died, there was no light at the end of the tunnel, no meeting with God or anything of sorts really, the only thing that greeted me was darkness...

I stretched my hand in front of me trying to reach out to something, unsurprisingly, I couldn't feel it, and it was not just my hand, my legs, my head, I couldn't feel anything. It was a weird sensation akin to that of floating, I was not sure what I was looking at either, It was just pure darkness. I did not know where I was, the only familiar feeling was that of me aimlessly floating, It was quite hard to put into words as I myself did not know what was going on.

I stayed like that for some time, how long exactly? I did not know, I was thinking back about my life.

I was an orphan, didn't know my parents but that never really bothered me, all I knew was that I was abandoned when I was still a baby, so I grew up to be an introverted person as I didn't really like to interact with people, now that I think about it, even if I died it wasn't like I had anyone to care really.

I mentally sighed at that depressing thought, 'Well I didn't get to accomplish anything in my life and it was a pretty boring one as well', I spoke to myself, hoping to find solace in the fact that it was all over.

The only thing I was ever interested in was Light Novels, Anime, manga, and video games those were my only source of entertainment, my safe haven from the world if you might.

As I was thinking about my past life, a screen suddenly appeared in front of me, lighting up my dark surroundings, it only had a single phrase, written on it were two options.

<Do you wish to become a GOD>


"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I shouted surprised beyond words, It was safe to say that I was more than confused.

"Wait a minute what is this all about? A GOD? Me? Wait…wait, who is this? Hello?? Anyone HERE!?"

I tried calling out for someone, anyone, whoever had just sent me this message, but to no avail, no answer ever came, the same old quiet darkness greeted me, the only thing that was different now was the light blue screen quietly floating in front of me.

It was at this point, that I noticed that my nonexistent heart was beating way too fast... After calming myself down, I casted my gaze towards the screen floating in front of me once again.

"Of course it's a yes do you even have to ask?!" I tried to click on YES, but I had no hands, regardless after staring at the screen, something changed, as if sensing my choice it distorted.

<Choice confirmed, Congratulations on becoming a GOD!

Please proceed in choosing your name and creating your body>

A bright light engulfed me and with it came all sort of strange information, It was an extremely painful process, like getting your brain cut into little pieces only to have them gathered together again as the cycle continued to repeat itself.

After the pain subdued, I felt something new inside me, a strange power was born within me, I felt knowledge flow into my brain, new knowledge about how to create my body, how to create a planet, Hell! I even knew how to create the damn Sun!

"Huh...it was as simple as that? I mean sure the pain was something however, that's nothing but a small price to pay for divinity, not that I'm complaining."

Looking around, I noted that besides the new foreign information in my brain, nothing really changed.

"Well first things first, let's create my body, hmm, wait before that what name should I choose ?"

Last Updated, August 30/2020

Immortal_Simocreators' thoughts
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